RETROSPECTIVA lunii MAI. Cele mai importante știri din fluxul „IPN Chișinău”2 mai: În municipiul Chișinău sunt școlarizați peste 102 mii de elevi. Declarația aparține viceprimarului municipiului Chișinău, Angela Cutasevici. Potrivit viceprimarului, în ultimii ani, crește constant numărul cererilor privind înscrierea copiilor în instituțiile municipale, fapt ce determ

Last 2 hours


Veronica Mihailov-Moraru: Ion Munteanu has all capacities to act firmly # IPN

The new prosecutor general has all the capacities to act firmly, Minister of Justice Veronica Mihailov-Moraru stated after the official investiture of Ion Munteanu as head of the Prosecutor General’s Office. The official noted that the immediate actions of the new prosecutor general should aim at strengthening the body of judges, promoting the vetting and increasing the quality of

Last 6 hours


Official exchange rate for date 04.06.2024 # IPN

CurrencyCodeABRRateExchange RateAlbanian lek 008 ALL 10 1.9097 Armenian Dram 051 AMD 10 0.4562 Australian Dollar 036 AUD

Last 24 hours


Denis Urechi: Contest at which Ion Munteanu was elected prosecutor general was mimicked # IPN

The contest staged by the Superior Council of Prosecutors (SCP), which culminated in the election of Ion Munteanu as prosecutor general, cannot be considered an authentic contest. According to businessman Denis Urechi, two of the three candidates were admitted only formally, to create the illusion of a competition, although it was known from the beginning that Ion Munteanu will be design


Igor Boțan: Propaganda must be combated by imbedding critical thinking # IPN

The USRR arrogated to itself the merit of ending fascism and Nazism, although this wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the allied countries, expert Igor Boțan stated in a public debate titled “Festive practices and identity engineering in (post)totalitarian regimes”. According to him, festive practices characteristic of authoritarian and totalitaria


Meet shooting champions at Chisinau Sports Festival 2024 # IPN

Champions Dan Olaru (archery) and Anna Dulce (shooting), who qualified for the Paris Olympics, will be present at the Chisinau Sports Festival 2024, which will take place on June 8 in “La Izvor” Park in the capital city, IPN reports.“We invite you with great enthusiasm to participate in the Chisinau Sports Festival 2024, a unique event that brings together the passion


Nicolae Mihai: In totalitarian regimes, citizens no longer enjoy rights and freedoms # IPN

In totalitarian regimes, the church becomes an institution under attack, whereas military parades have threatening and warlike accents, Romanian historian Nicolae Mihai stated in a public debate hosted by IPN News Agency. According to him, the military parades of the Soviet period and those of the Putin regime are meant to demonstrate the military strength of the USSR and Russia, respec


Festive practices and identity engineering in (post)totalitarian regimes. IPN debate # IPN

Totalitarian and authoritarian regimes more often resort to and are more efficient in using political myths, including because they have at their disposal a more robust arsenal of political-ideological tools. Some of these instruments take the form of festive practices, including marches, parades and mass demonstrations, organized on various occasions and usually having a great politica


Official exchange rate for date 03.06.2024 # IPN

CurrencyCodeABRRateExchange RateAlbanian lek 008 ALL 10 1.9053 Armenian Dram 051 AMD 10 0.4563 Australian Dollar 036 AUD


Conduct of 2024 census. Op-Ed by Victor Pelin # IPN

“Therefore, we must accept that such developments are extremely complex and it is good to avoid getting into speculation. And Russkii Mir lovers must understand that those who provoke aggressive wars cannot avoid the harmful effects of their own actions, including demographical ones...”---Preliminary data Almost 2/3 of the period of time allocated for conducting the popu


Secondary school graduation exams underway # IPN

About 30,000 students will take the national secondary school graduation exams during June 3-13. Over 5,600 students are today sitting the exam in the Romanian language and literature, IPN reports, with reference to a press release of the Ministry of Education and Research.The math exam, which will be taken by 29,502 students, will take place on June 6. The exam in the language of stud


First stage of enrollment in first grade over # IPN

The first stage of enrollment in the first grade has ended. From April 1 to May 24, over 9,000 applications were submitted through the platform The results are communicated until June 3 inclusive, IPN reports.In the 387 classes of primary and secondary education institutions of the capital city, it is planned to enroll 10,400 children. The enrollment rate at this m


Virgiliu Bîrlădeanu: In Russia there is an authoritarian regime with totalitarian tendencies # IPN

The Russian Federation is turning into an authoritarian regime with totalitarian tendencies, which uses festive practices to strengthen the myth of the external enemy and the reunification of the Empire, historian Virgiliu Bîrlădeanu stated in IPN’s public debate “Festive practices and identity engineering in (post)totalitarian regimes”. According to him, in Russia we h


National checkers championship is over, but champion will become known in autumn # IPN

The checkers championship of the Republic of Moldova-2024 has ended, but the champion will be designated only in autumn, IPN reports.Two contenders, international grandmaster Ion Dosca from Chisinau, world champion of the USSR, U.S., 20 times champion of the Republic of Moldova, and international master Denis Dudco from Bender, multiple world medalist among juniors and youth, accumulat


Maia Sandu: Vote for an EP that supports Moldova’s accession to EU is important for country # IPN

The Moldovans’ vote for a European Parliament that supports the Republic of Moldova’s accession to the EU is important for the entire country, President Maia Sandu said in a video message published on Facebook, IPN reports.The head of state urged the Moldovans who hold an EU passport to vote. “In the Republic of Moldova, the elections will be held on June 9 in 52 pol


LOC supports PNL in June 9 European Parliament elections # IPN

The League of Towns and Communes of Moldova (LOC) supports the National Liberal Party of Romania in the European Parliament elections set for June 9, IPN reports. “On June 9, we vote for Europe! We vote for the PNL-PSD Alliance, position No. 2 on the ballot,” reads a Facebook post of the party.According to the LOC, in the person of PNL MEPs, the Republic of Moldova had the


Bi-2 guitarist Maxim Andryushchenko: Maia Sandu was the first to whom we turned for help # IPN

Bi-2 guitarist Maxim Andryushchenko said that when the political pursuit began, the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, was the first person to whom the band members turned for help. When having a Russian passport, the situation becomes extremely difficult, especially when crossing the border, the guitarist said in an interview for Moldova 1, quoted by IPN.Maxim Andriush



Conduct of 2024 census. Op-Ed by Victor Pelin # IPN

“Therefore, we must accept that such developments are extremely complex and it is good to avoid getting into speculation. And Russkii Mir lovers must understand that those who provoke aggressive wars cannot avoid the harmful effects of their own actions, including demographical ones...”---Preliminary data Almost 2/3 of the period of time allocated for conducting the popu


Official exchange rate for date 03.06.2024 # IPN

CurrencyCodeABRRateExchange RateAlbanian lek 008 ALL 10 1.9053 Armenian Dram 051 AMD 10 0.4563 Australian Dollar 036 AUD

2 June 2024


Official exchange rate for date 02.06.2024 # IPN

CurrencyCodeABRRateExchange RateAlbanian lek 008 ALL 10 1.8939 Armenian Dram 051 AMD 10 0.4567 Australian Dollar 036 AUD

More than 2 days ago


Youth march for accession to EU mounted in Chisinau # IPN

A youth march in support of Moldova’s European path was staged on Saturday in Chisinau. The participants marched on the central boulevard of the capital city, from UNIC store to the Parliament Building, chanting pro-EU slogans: “We started our path to the EU, our dream has come true!”, “With hurried steps we start, Europe – we come”, “Moldovan e



RETROSPECTIVA lunii MAI. Cele mai importante știri din fluxul „IPN Chișinău”2 mai: În municipiul Chișinău sunt școlarizați peste 102 mii de elevi. Declarația aparține viceprimarului municipiului Chișinău, Angela Cutasevici. Potrivit viceprimarului, în ultimii ani, crește constant numărul cererilor privind înscrierea copiilor în instituțiile municipale, fapt ce determină nec


Official exchange rate for date 01.06.2024 # IPN

CurrencyCodeABRRateExchange RateAlbanian lek 008 ALL 10 1.8939 Armenian Dram 051 AMD 10 0.4567 Australian Dollar 036 AUD


Social security agreement with Spain enters into force # IPN

The social security agreement signed with the Kingdom of Spain takes effect on June 1. Under the agreement, Moldovan citizens who work or worked in Spain will have the right to claim different types of pensions and allowances, such as old-age pensions, pensions for disability caused by a general illness, pensions and disability benefits caused by an accident at work or an occupational d


Mayoral runoffs to be held in Târnova and Bucovăț this Sunday # IPN

The second round of new local elections will take place this Sunday, June 2, in Târnova commune of Dondușeni district and in Bucovăț city of Strășeni district. The locals are expected to elect their mayor from the two candidates who polled most of the votes in the first round, IPN reports.The Central Election Commission said that 4,259 ballots were printed for the runoffs in the two l


Lorenzo Tomassoni: We want to travel on European train together # IPN

“The Italian Republic and the Italian people strongly support the aspiration of the Republic of Moldova to join the European Union. We hope that the Moldovan people will be able to quickly board the train of freedom, peace, rule of law and well-being. We want to travel on this train together, side by side, towards a better future for all. A future that, if Moldova continues along t


Children are celebrated on June 1 # IPN

The International Children’s Day is celebrated today, June 1, through a series of activities designed to bring joy to the children and emphasize the importance of protecting and supporting children’s rights. In Chisinau, the festivities started in the morning with music, dance, colorful accessories and sweets for the little visitors. In the messages sent on the occasion of t


Ion Munteanu is to be invested as prosecutor general today # IPN

Ion Munteanu will be invested as prosecutor general today, June 1. Contacted by IPN for details, the President’s chief of staff Adrian Băluțel said the decree is be signed before the appointment ceremony.The Prosecutor General’s Office on Friday evening announced that the solemn appointment ceremony will take place on Saturday, starting at 09:30 a.m., at the Prosecutor Gene



MAY DIGEST. Most important news articles of „IPN Chișinău” news flowMay 2: More than 102,000 students are enrolled in schools in Chisinau, said deputy mayor of Chisinau municipality Angela Kutasevich. According to her, the number of applications to enroll children in municipal educational institutions in recent years has steadily increased and the school infrastructure has



RETROSPECTIVA lunii MAI. Cele mai importante știri din fluxul „IPN Chișinău”2 mai: În municipiul Chișinău sunt școlarizați peste 102 mii de elevi. Declarația aparține viceprimarului municipiului Chișinău, Angela Cutasevici. Potrivit viceprimarului, în ultimii ani, crește constant numărul cererilor privind înscrierea copiilor în instituțiile municipale, fapt ce determ


Mayoral runoffs to be held in Târnova and Bucovăț this Sunday # IPN

The second round of new local elections will take place this Sunday, June 2, in Târnova commune of Dondușeni district and in Bucovăț city of Strășeni district. The locals are expected to elect their mayor from the two candidates who polled most of the votes in the first round, IPN reports.The Central Election Commission said that 4,259 ballots were printed for the runoffs in the two l


Social security agreement with Spain enters into force # IPN

The social security agreement signed with the Kingdom of Spain takes effect on June 1. Under the agreement, Moldovan citizens who work or worked in Spain will have the right to claim different types of pensions and allowances, such as old-age pensions, pensions for disability caused by a general illness, pensions and disability benefits caused by an accident at work or an occupational d


Official exchange rate for date 01.06.2024 # IPN

CurrencyCodeABRRateExchange RateAlbanian lek 008 ALL 10 1.8939 Armenian Dram 051 AMD 10 0.4567 Australian Dollar 036 AUD

31 May 2024


Multisport field inaugurated after rehabilitation at Alexandr Pushkin Lyceum # IPN

A multi-purpose sports field that was fully rehabilitated has been inaugurated at Alexandr Pushkin Lyceum in Chisinau. More than 1300 students of the institution will now have the opportunity to play football, volleyball and basketball in a modern and well-equipped environment.“If we want our children to have good results in sports, we must offer them the necessary infrastructure


Students of school of Galati municipality to take part in summer camp in Moldova # IPN

Students of the Romanian-British secondary school situated in the municipality of Galati in Romania will take part in educational activities at the summer camp in Cuhureștii de Sus village of the Republic of Moldova. During May 31 – June 1, students and teachers of the school will be involved in educational activities staged in the locality and will visit tourist attractions in th


Moldova’s kayak-canoe champions to attend Chisinau Sports Festival 2024 # IPN

Moldova’s kayak-canoe champions, Sergey Tarnovschi, Daniela Cociu and Maria Olărașu, will be present at the Chisinau Sports Festival 2024, which will take place on June 8 in “La Izvor” Park in the capital city, IPN reports.“Their exceptional performances earned them multiple medals and international recognition, and in 2024, these champions will proudly represen


Last bell ring celebrations held at schools across Moldova # IPN

School year end festivities were today staged in educational institutions all over the country. After the festive celebrations, the teachers discussed with the students the activities for the next school year and also the security rules during the holidays. The summer vacation, which is the longest vacation of the year, starts on June 1. The students who are finishing the ninth and twel


Use of heated tobacco products and e-cigarettes on the rise among young people # IPN

The use of heated tobacco products and e-cigarettes is expanding, especially among young people, amid aggressive promotion of these products, especially online. Minister of Health Ala Nemerenco said that electronic cigarettes are the tobacco product that is most commonly used by adolescents. Electronic cigarettes are aggressively promoted through their appealing design, diversity of fla


Anca Dragu: NBM implements effective security solutions in the face of cyber risks # IPN

The National Bank of Moldova (NBM) continuously monitors new threats and potential risks arising from cyberattacks and implements effective security solutions in line with international regulations, Governor Anca Dragu stated at the Meeting of the Governors of the French-speaking Central Banks entitled “French-speaking central banks facing new challenges: what are the responses&rd


Official exchange rate for date 31.05.2024 # IPN

CurrencyCodeABRRateExchange RateAlbanian lek 008 ALL 10 1.8939 Armenian Dram 051 AMD 10 0.4567 Australian Dollar 036 AUD


Insulting of teachers will be punishable with fines and even arrest # IPN

People who will insult teachers risk being punished with fines of up to 1,250 lei. This is provided in an amendment proposed by Liliana Nicolaescu-Onofrei, chairwoman of the parliamentary commission for culture, education, research, youth, sports and mass-media, to a draft law to amend the Criminal Code and the Contravention Code, which was given a second reading by Parliament, IPN re


Moldova is slow in implementing GRECO recommendations # IPN

The Republic of Moldova is among the 8 Council of Europe member countries that haven’t fully implemented the recommendations of the 4th evaluation round of the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), which refers to parliamentarians, judges and prosecutors, IPN reports, with reference to a CoE press release.Besides the Republic of Moldova, the rep


Inheritance procedures could be carried out by any notary in the country # IPN

Any notary in the country will be able to perform inheritance procedures. Parliament gave a final reading to a bill that eliminates the exclusive territorial competence of notaries in matters of succession opening, IPN reports.The bill providing for the elimination of the exclusive territorial jurisdiction of notaries in matters of succession procedure was drafted by a group of MPs


Stricter rules for obtaining citizenship # IPN

Applications to determine belonging to the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova and those to recognize persons as citizens of the Republic of Moldova will be coordinated with the Security and Intelligence Service. The period for examining applications for the recognition of Moldovan citizenship will be extended by at most six months if there are sound reasons for further examinatio


Parliament adopts declaration condemning Russia for genocide against Ukraine # IPN

The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova condemned the genocidal policy of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, carried out through the forced displacement and deportation of Ukrainian children to the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and to the Russian Federation. A declaration to this effect was adopted by the votes of 60 MPs, IPN reports.The document condemns the R


Snagov Pact in Moldova between intention and reality. Op-Ed by Anatol Țăranu # IPN

Op-Ed And the presidential election and the European referendum of this October will be the first serious test for the European cause. The results of these two ballots will demonstrate the true attachment of the majority of the Republic of Moldova’s citizens to the choice of European civilization, as well as the s


Moldova and Romania will host EHEA ministerial conference in 2027 # IPN

The Republic of Moldova and Romania will host the ministerial conference of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in Iasi and Chisinau in 2027. The decision was adopted in Tirana, Albania, by the votes of the EHEA member states, IPN reports.The conference will bring together the ministers of education of the member countries of the European Union and the EHEA, representatives o


Germany will provide Moldova with another 14 Piranha armored vehicles # IPN

Germany will offer Moldova another 14 Piranha armored vehicles, in addition to the 19 already delivered. The air defense capability will also be strengthened by providing additional equipment next year. The announcement was made by the Minister of Defense of the Federal Republic of Germany Boris Pistorius, who came to Chisinau to take part in the handover of medical equipment from the G


Resident of Ungheni says that she is illegally dispossessed of her house # IPN

Tamara Bachko from Ungheni town said that she became the victim of injustice and that state bodies are involved in actions by which she is illegally dispossessed of her house and the adjacent lot. “I experienced corruption and influence at a high level, with threats. I consider my family’s security is at risk. My rights to free movement, communication and to defend myself in

13:50 Online and conveyor belt untruths from Moscow “well-wishers” # IPN

Before the presidential election and the referendum on accession to the EU, which will take place this autumn, falsehoods that hit the current government with narratives served by Russia appeared online. Yesterday, May 30, just one day after Meta closed over 1,300 accounts affiliated with the Shor criminal group, two videos with untruths about the authorities appeared on websites


CineMaraton TV is coming to Moldova! # IPN

With seven years of broadcasting experience, CineMaraton TV of Romania, which is part of the Clever Media Network group, starts a new project - CineMaraton Moldova - a film channel dedicated to cinephiles from both banks of the Prut River, which will enter the list of television channels available in the Republic of Moldova, IPN reports.In a message, OWH Studio, the representative of

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.