Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

THE DAILY LEADER THURSDAY JUNE 23, 189S A VETERAN 7 Expresses His Opinion Regarding Soldiers' Home, Vote. The matter of excluding the vote of the veterans at the Soldiers' home is. causing a great amount of comment at the present time. The following In regard to this question has been contributed by T. Bunnel, one of the veterans: "The right to vote in this country 1s beld sacred and inviolable by every good and loyal American citizen, and the man who will barter or trifle with that privilege is disloyal and untrue to his country, to our people and to those who surround his own hearthstone.

the discredit of our people and to our commonwealth we sometimes see men who become so absorbed In the 18 of some political ambition, la these to prevail- in that they appear', wholly disregard the rights of the case when we go to vote, that by doing to we coury out of the pockets of one lair the pocket of another. When that men's business interests go. tot mately related to the voice marcu at the ballot box we see the siG wace of having the lines of citivery distinctly and carefully arawo; and we see the justneas and proprlety of requiring every man to vote in the community where his financial and business interests are lodged, and at no other place. It a man should at any time become so situated that be had ho material interest in -the result of such election in such corporation, af an MAD and as a patriotic American citizen be should bave more self respect and regard for justice and for the rights of others; and for the dignity of our form of government than to attempt to impose a spurious vote upon the people of such commune Ity. 1 A "We are informed that a 80 many spurious votes have been cast in Center township of Grant county, Ind, that it has become necessary for the citizens thereof to Institute legal proceedings to protect the business interests of the community from.

the Imposition of voters in their local affairs. Such Injustice has been tolerated by the forbearance of the citizens on account of their deference to the "Old 'Soldier" for the part be took in behalf of our country, yet there is a time when forbearance ceases to be 8 virtue. It is certainly a rather sharp rebuke to the members of this Home for them to be so Impertinent as to drive the -citizens into -the conrta for self protection. That a the meatbers of this Home should have ever been so obtrusive as to attempt such a practice is surprising, or that they should bave been ever allowed to. thus vote was certainly an anomaly.

Even the plan adopted has showing of absurdity upon its face. It appears to be admitted that they have no right to vote on the Home grounds where they reside, but have been allowed to go outside of the dominion of their restdence and go under an entirely ditferent jurisdiction and vote where It is conceded by all that such voter bag no residence." Plead Not Guilty. Mad Turner of Fairmount WAS arraigned before 'Squire Holman this morning charged with assault and battery on a Mrs. Campbell of the same place. The trouble occurred In the court house during the slander suit of Alred vs.

Campbell. She plead not guilty and ber trial was set for Saturday afternoonat 2 o'clock. Buried Today. The funeral of Arthur, the four yearold son of Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Hume, was beld this afternoon from. the home, 1326 Spencer avenue. The services were largely attended, and were conducted by Rev. S. S.

New. Fractured His Arm. The 12-year-olC son of Eli Unthark fell from ladder noon, badly fracturing Dr. Bobbitt dre sed th Abuture abd today the sufferer is rest easy NO LICENSE. Shered Mulligan Cannot Sell Liquor.

The county commissioners failed to grant a liquor license to Shered Mulligan, who made an application to sell in Fairmount township. The board holds that Mulligan's notice of application was not sufficient. Oome Friday or Saturday and pick up a bargain; they are marked in plain Agures. Culbertson millinery store. Ice Oream Social, The Lady Maccabees will give an ice cream social Friday evening, June 24, on the lawn of Mrs.

Klefer, corner Sixth and Gallatin streets. The public is cordially Licensed to Wed, The following marriage licenses have been issued since our last report: Homer A. Johnson and Addle Carter. F. Perrin and Eliza Dobner.

Admitted to the Bar; Willam -H. Honey of-Hartford City was admitted to practice law at the superior court bar He will locate in this county. David T. Stanley bas also been admitted to the bar. 24 Cents.

13 more of. those 240 hats just receivedat the Culbertson, millinery, store. J. W. Spence of Jonesboro has passed the examination at Indianapolis for the signal corps, and was today mustered into the serrice.

Misses Donnie and Louise Flina and Maude. Wilson will leave in a few days for Lyon, where they. will be the guests of Mrs. Earl Ross. Drs.

Eliza Johnson and daughter Evangeline, lift today for Indianapolis where they will spend some time with friends: and relatives. From Indiana. polls they will go to Danville, their former home, and remain through the summer months, returning to Marion In the Deadly Revolver. revolver which Ares fifteen times with one loading is the next thing to bo added -to the already long list of death-dealing weapons. This, which 1s the invention of an American, em-1 bodies all the latest improvements In automatic: and -the rest.

The weapon is furnished with two barrels, one placed above the other, and the outer row of ten bullets In the cylinder la fred from the upper barrel, while the Inner row of five is -red from lower. barrel. by means: of a second trigger, which works independently of the other, Ladies' Fine Underwear. Have you seen-the line of elegant underwear we are selling? It comes in boxes, each suit in a box by itself. The material and work on the garments is 6f the very finest, and you could not possibly get more desirable thing if you bought.

the material yourself and had it made. The prices are $8.00 to $12. A Box. Very cheap considering goods. THE RACKET, "South Side Square.

Standard WAR GEOGRAPHY. A War Atlas at the Price of 25 Cents. 7 Appreciating the desire on the part of its subacribers for acourate know. ledge of the geography of the seat of war, the Leader has arranged with Rand, McNally Co, the great map publisbers, for a large number of copies of the Dew. war atlas, just issued.

The atlas contains sixteen pages of the most accurate maps in existence, including maps of the world, the North American continent, Europe, Spain and Portugal, the West Indies, Cuba and Havana Harbor, the I'billppine Islands and the United States; also the flags of all nations printed in colors. 7 The population and the area of countries, population of and -other Interesting information is given. The atlas is furnished at the ex. ceedingly low price of 25 cents a copy, and can be obtained at the Leader oflice. Christian, Temple, Wed.

eve. June 29. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than John Davis, who spare no pains to secure the best of everything in their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr.

King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is producing such a furor all over the country by its many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitia Hoarseness and. all affections' of the Throat, Chest and lungs. Call -at abovedrug store and get.a trial bottle free or a regular sine for-50 and refunded.

to -curo or -price Dinna Forget Or Light Out of Darkness By John Strand Winter BORNS THE The opening chapters of this charm1ng Scottish story of love and adventure will appear noon In these columns. This is one of those continued stories that keep the reader interested from start to Apish. Don't miss the drat chapters. Will appear 6000. A Do You Bolong to a society? It you do you will: be interested in the beautiful line of embossed address cards shown by the Leader, for the following secret societies and other organizations: Masons, Knights Templar, Mystic Shrine, Eastern Star, Knights of Pytbias, D.

O. Knights Khorassan, 10. 0. 1 Patriarchs Militant, Daughters of Rebekah, B. P.

O. Elks, Maccabees, Golden Eagles, Red Men, Modern Woodmen, Forrestere, Good Templare, Daughters of Pocahontas, C. D1. Sons of Veterane, G. A.

W. R. Y. P.S. C.

L. A. A. O. Hibernians, U.

V. Legion, National Association of Lotter Carriers, And many others. They are the firest designs tainablo" for- alt ani branches of such ranizations. MUNYON'S I will guarantee that my Rheumatism Cure will relieve lumbago, sciatica and all rheumatic pains' to two or three hours, and cure in A few days. MUNYON.

At all druggists, to 25c. Health a rial. Guide and medical advice free. 1505 Arch Phila. RHEUMATISM Health Notice.

Pursuance to an order of the city council and by authority vested in me as city health officer, I hereby notify all Jand owners and tenants and agents for property to clean their privy vaults to the bottom and to put the rest- -of. their premises in good, healthy and sanitary by removing all trash and Alth at once. Any parties falling to comply with this order will, after ten days from this date, be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. J. B.

LYTLE, 6-23d6t City Health Oficer. Just a All hats we had left- from our week's sale with 200 new ones; will be sold Friday and Saturday of this week Culbertson millinery store: John Ceristian Temple, Wed. eve. June 29. Olerk's Excursion.

All bids for -selling on" the clerks' excursion "Sunday, June 26th, must be filed with the clerks' committee on or before Thursday afternoon. Inquire at Blumenthals or the Boston Store. COMMITTEE. FREE! FREE! Dinner Sets. The with Celebrated Semi- Vitreous Porcelain.

Hand Painted. Decoration, Gold Trimmings, Given Away FREE to our Customers made. We have YOU saved CAN no GET expense A in getting up the most beautiful DINNER SET FREE! Given away with our cash patterns ever sista sales, piece by piece, and continued uatil yon get a complete set. Set condishes, of cups platters, and saucers, pie plates, breakfast plates, dinner plater, sauce goes to make up a Ane vegetable set. We dishes, use sugar bowls, etc.

Anything which for our business. The these dishes simply as an advertisem*nt your friends to trade with way to obtain them is easy. Trade with us and get them with these dishes Free us, and we will do the rest, by supplying you and of Oharge. GOLDTHAIT SONS, The Satisfactory Store. Established 1836.

JOHN KELLEY. John Kelley Has an excellent line of 1 Wonder Ice Cream Freezers -at John Kelleys? The only triple. motion freezer in the world. John Kelley sells Lawn Swings. Weather Suits.

in A A A We have them in All Linen Crash, .1 Made to fit, made to keep you cool on a 4 hot day, and the prices are right. A $2.50 to $5.00 Suit A Men's Serge Coat, Men's Light Cassimere Coat, Men's Coat to Keep You Cool on a Hot Day, 25c to $5.00. Men's Crash Hat, cool for your head, Men'n Straw Hats in great variety. Men's Shirts that are cool, no starch in, white neck band, regular 50c quality, look in our window 33 cents all this week and as long as they last. THE WHEN, Manufacturers Matter Summer Stoves at John Kelley's Furniture Store.

John Kelley Refrigerators and Ice Boxes. STORAGE Store your furniture with John Kelley. Block, 105-107 S. Washington street. THE SUCCESS OF MANY A SUMMER ENGAGEMENT WILL DEPEND UPON CLOTHES.

Cupid and our High Art Tailoring make an invincible combination Whether its blue serge suite, cool and dressy; or cooler, craabes, the battle's half won these winning garments. We're able to meet all requirements in clothes styles, from the quiet dressy business suit to the loudest fire alarm patterns. F. S. ALEXANDER.

112 West Fourth street. AT WHOLESALE 1 Will sell new jewelry at wholesale prices. B. W. Ruymond, G.

M. Wheeler, Elgin and Waltham 17 to 21 jewel, adjusted watches a specialty and MONEY to LOAN on furniture, teams, pianos, etc. without removal, on long time, easy payments and lowest rates. Business private, two private offices, hours 8 a. to 8 p.

m. J. H. BABER, Former Manager Marion Loan Room 3, and 4 Willson Block, over Willson Bank. B.

FRENCH, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, Office Rooms 26 7 and 28, Hand All Ladies at Times Need a reliable monthly regulating medicine If you want the best aud most reliable get DR. PENORS TANSEY PENNEROYAL PILIS Your will never be disappointed. Safe and' sure. The Wichita Medicine H. A.

Stoner, sole agent, Marion, 508 South Washington St. $1.00 per box. 6 boxes $5.00. Miss Dasie Lawson of Mier is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

Al Riggs of this city..

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.