After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (2024)

»Rudaw publishes the text of the third strategic plan of the Central Bank of Iraq
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (1)Today at 8:05 am bywciappetta

After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (2)Today at 7:03 am byRocky

After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (3)Today at 7:02 am byRocky

»Parliamentary Electricity criticizes the ministry’s performance: It was not up to what was promised
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (4)Today at 6:59 am byRocky

»Parliament addresses the government to send an amendment to the unified retirement law
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (5)Today at 6:57 am byRocky

»Central Iraqi sales exceed one billion dollars in a week
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (6)Today at 6:56 am byRocky

»The head of the Riyada team reveals two new loan granting initiatives
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (7)Today at 6:52 am byRocky

»A parliamentary committee praises the government: it has completed 60% of its program
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (8)Today at 6:51 am byRocky

»The Minister of Oil talks about the unity of the group: Profits are estimated at 350 million dollars
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (9)Today at 6:50 am byRocky

After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (10)Today at 4:51 am byRocky

»An economic expert for Nina: Reducing the external debt to 9 billion dollars and reducing the budget
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (11)Today at 4:47 am byRocky

»Tomorrow: a tripartite meeting between the Ministries of Federal Oil and Natural Resources in the re
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (12)Today at 4:45 am byRocky

»The Judicial Development Institute organizes a workshop on the concept of organized crime
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (13)Today at 4:44 am byRocky

»Al-Sudani: The gas processing project comes as part of efforts to increase the utilization of oil an
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (14)Today at 4:42 am byRocky

»Interior Ministry: The number of citizens who obtained the national card exceeded 38 and a half mill
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (15)Today at 4:39 am byRocky

»Adviser to Sudanese: Implementing the budget schedule instructions will not take long, and amendment
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (16)Today at 4:38 am byRocky

»A "strategic partnership" between the Kurdistan Government and the International Development Bank
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (17)Today at 4:36 am byRocky

»The Housing Fund sets the maximum limit for its loans and the repayment period
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (18)Today at 4:35 am byRocky

»Soon...a forum in Erbil brings together Iraqi and Turkish businessmen
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (19)Today at 4:34 am byRocky

»Government advisor: Financing governorate projects is consistent with the ability to implement on th
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (20)Today at 4:33 am byRocky

»$28 billion price for the Basra pipeline - an obstacle... the secrets of the exorbitant cost
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (21)Today at 4:31 am byRocky

»An American report reveals the relationship of American intelligence with the Barzani family
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (22)Today at 4:28 am byRocky

»A call to the government to oblige oil companies to employ national workers
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (23)Today at 4:27 am byRocky

»Sudanese inaugurates the associated gas processing project in the Halfaya field / expanded
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (24)Today at 4:27 am byRocky

»Details of a “strategic partnership” between the Kurdistan Region and “Development” for the “Hasabe”
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (25)Today at 4:25 am byRocky

»The dollar opens the week higher against the dinar in Baghdad and Erbil
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (26)Today at 4:24 am byRocky

»Talabani: We reached an agreement with Baghdad to pay the salaries of the Peshmerga and security for
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (27)Today at 4:23 am byRocky

»Baghdad praises its financial budget and confirms: We have important projects in 2024
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (28)Today at 4:21 am byRocky

»Iran counts the value of goods exported to Iraq within two months
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (29)Today at 4:20 am byRocky

»How much does Iraq lose due to the Internet being cut off during the exam period?
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (30)Today at 4:18 am byRocky

»Commenting on the Sudanese position... Washington expresses its concern about targeting its commerci
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (31)Today at 4:17 am byRocky

»Risks and expected solutions regarding the decision to adjust the estimated price for selling crude
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (32)Today at 4:16 am byRocky

»International support to remove Iraq from corruption indicators
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (33)Today at 4:15 am byRocky

»Government clarification.. What is the importance of the gas processing project in the Halfaya field
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (34)Today at 4:14 am byRocky

»Sudanese acknowledges the increase in gas production from 2,972 to 3,100 mqm per day
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (35)Today at 4:13 am byRocky

»A dangerous statement by an Iranian official about how to "deceive" goods into Iraq without fees
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (36)Today at 4:12 am byRocky

»Al-Abadi’s coalition compares the decision to end UNAMI’s mission with the Americans’ exit: The nego
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (37)Today at 4:10 am byRocky

»An economist raises questions about the Iraqi-Jordanian oil pipeline project
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (38)Today at 4:08 am byRocky

»Diwaniyah Governor: Completing the development path will contribute to developing the economic reali
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (39)Today at 4:05 am byRocky

»The Ministerial Council for Services issues a package of recommendations, most notably the formation
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (40)Today at 4:04 am byRocky

»Resources announce that the salinity in the marshes has been reduced by half and population migratio
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (41)Today at 4:03 am byRocky

»Sudanese receives an Iranian “recommendation” regarding his participation in the elections and his s
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (42)Today at 4:01 am byRocky

»A split hits the Al-Halbousi party bloc and the announcement of a new political bloc in Iraq
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (43)Today at 4:00 am byRocky

»The Minister of Electricity orders the operation of a modern underground network that has been idle
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (44)Today at 3:59 am byRocky

»Washington: We are concerned about the employees of companies and restaurants carrying American bran
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (45)Today at 3:57 am byRocky

»After depriving about 200 commercial companies of the dollar... Will some goods “disappear” from the
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (46)Today at 3:56 am byRocky

»Al-Arab London: Iran fears Sudanese withdrawal from the framework
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (47)Today at 3:52 am byRocky

»Al-Sudani: Iraq will abandon the burning of associated gas by 2028
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (48)Today at 3:50 am byRocky

After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (49)Yesterday at 4:50 am byRocky

»Agriculture: The lack of government projects for afforestation campaigns due to limited spaces
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (50)Yesterday at 4:46 am byRocky

»Deputy: The Sunni House’s options for the position of Speaker of Parliament have become limited
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (51)Yesterday at 4:42 am byRocky

»Parliamentary Transport sends reassuring messages about the impact of Mubarak Port
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (52)Yesterday at 4:41 am byRocky

»Good news for the "peasants"... Iraq buys 11,000 agricultural sprinklers
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (53)Yesterday at 4:37 am byRocky

»Planning reveals some population census mechanisms: We will impose a curfew
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (54)Yesterday at 4:36 am byRocky

»One billion dollars, the value of trade exchange between Iranian Azerbaijan and Kurdistan
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (55)Yesterday at 4:35 am byRocky

»Parliamentary Finance: The grant for school and university students may not be sufficient
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (56)Yesterday at 4:34 am byRocky

»Targeting restaurants threatens the investment environment.. A “negative” circle surrounds Iraq and
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (57)Yesterday at 4:33 am byRocky

»Researcher: The defection of MPs has put an end to the myth of “possession of the Sunni majority”
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (58)Yesterday at 4:30 am byRocky

»Al-Sudani: Tax accounting procedures have witnessed a leap and we are heading towards a qualitative
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (59)Yesterday at 4:28 am byRocky

»The Publishing Court confirms: We dealt with about 30 files related to substandard content
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (60)Yesterday at 4:27 am byRocky

»Removing overflowing homes threatens millions of citizens.. “New cities” are built for the poor and
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (61)Yesterday at 4:26 am byRocky

»An economist explains the necessity of tourism investment in historic Samarra
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (62)Yesterday at 4:25 am byRocky

»Source: The Sunni blocs agreed on a compromise candidate and it will pass
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (63)Yesterday at 4:23 am byRocky

»Parliamentary Finance: Failure to make a budget transfer will contribute to reducing the salaries of
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (64)Yesterday at 4:22 am byRocky

»Minister of Electricity: We will implement a broad campaign to remove violations soon
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (65)Yesterday at 4:21 am byRocky

»A deputy identifies two paths to resolve the “crisis” of the Speaker of Parliament
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (66)Yesterday at 4:20 am byRocky

»Canada makes a decision regarding its diplomatic presence in Iraq
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (67)Yesterday at 4:18 am byRocky

»Before distributing engulfs the Erbil Bank building
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (68)Yesterday at 4:13 am byRocky

»Judge Faiq Zaidan... How did he protect the political system from the abyss?
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (69)Yesterday at 4:11 am byRocky

»Canada intends to reduce its diplomatic influence in Iraq
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (70)Yesterday at 4:10 am byRocky

»US, 5 Eyes Partners Issue Fresh Warnings About China Recruiting Former Western Military Pilots
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (71)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 3:57 pm byBama Diva

»It includes 4 stages.. The Ministry of Interior determines the impact of digital transformation on c
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (72)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 2:24 pm byRocky

»The Minister of Industry participates in the work of the 28th session of the General Assembly of the
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (73)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 2:22 pm byRocky

»Next Saturday... the Sudanese will be on a southern tour to open oil projects
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (74)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 2:19 pm byRocky

»An Iraqi minister withdraws from an international conference because of Israel
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (75)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 2:14 pm byRocky

»The judiciary responds regarding the activation of the Doctors Protection Law
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (76)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 2:13 pm byRocky

After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (77)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 7:14 am byRocky

»Demanding the government to reveal the details of its meeting with Kuwait and Saudi Arabia
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (78)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 7:06 am byRocky

»An economist reveals the positive side of the budget
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (79)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 7:04 am byRocky

»The Housing Fund launches new loans after an agreement with the Central Bank
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (80)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 7:00 am byRocky

»The President of the Republic: The relationship between the federal government and the regional gove
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (81)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 6:54 am byRocky

»Parliamentary Finance: The new salary scale is still under study
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (82)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 6:52 am byRocky

»The central bank sells more than $275 million at auction today
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (83)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 6:50 am byRocky

»Kurdish MP: The region’s share in the budget is fair and we are happy to see it passed
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (84)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 6:47 am byRocky

»Abdel Wahid: The region’s budget allocations do not fit its reality, and the smuggled funds are no l
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (85)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 5:19 am byRocky

»Al-Sudani: Understandings with France amounting to one billion euros to build industrial projects...
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (86)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 5:16 am byRocky

»FinTech in Iraq: How is Iraq reshaping its financial future?
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (87)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 5:14 am byRocky

»A new rise in dollar prices in Baghdad and Erbil
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (88)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 5:12 am byRocky

»The US State Department calls on the Iraqi government to hold accountable those responsible for targ
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (89)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 5:11 am byRocky

»The authorities in Kurdistan warn against immigration abroad by closing camps for displaced people i
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (90)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 5:09 am byRocky

»Oil announces an increase in the rate of electronic trading
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (91)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 5:08 am byRocky

»The Minister of Education opens a job fair with the participation of 40 institutions specialized in
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (92)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 5:06 am byRocky

»What are the rates of completion on the “Development Road”?... Al-Kaabi: We will develop new highway
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (93)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 5:04 am byRocky

»The oil export file prompts a Kurdish delegation to visit Baghdad next week
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (94)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 5:03 am byRocky

»Baghdad intends to transform its entrance controls into electronic smart ones
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (95)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 5:01 am byRocky

»It confirmed its commitment to money laundering standards.. The Iraqi National Bank: We do not deal
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (96)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 5:00 am byRocky

»America: Attacks on our companies harm Iraqi workers and capital
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (97)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 4:59 am byRocky

»Iraq announces a decrease in salinity in the marshes
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (98)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 4:58 am byRocky

»Economic warning from the Basra-Aqaba pipeline.. How much is its value?
After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (99)Thu 06 Jun 2024, 4:57 am byRocky

After approving the 2024 budget schedules... good news for employees, retirees, and students (2024)


What to expect in the budget 2024? ›

Key tax cuts and reforms announced:

National Insurance Contributions: from April 6th Employee NIC will be cut by 2p from 10% to 8%, and for self-employed will be cut from 8% to 6%. Non-domicile tax status will be “abolished” and replaced by a “modern, simpler and fairer” system from April 2025.

Did the 2024 budget pass? ›

Washington, D.C. – Today, by a vote of 75-22, the U.S. Senate passed the six-bill Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) appropriations package.

What is the budget for Social Security in 2024? ›


The Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 provides $14.227 billion in administrative funding to operate our agency in fiscal year (FY) 2024, including $1.851 billion for dedicated program integrity funding available through March 31, 2025.

What is the HHS budget request for 2024? ›

The President's Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Budget advances the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) mission to promote Americans' health and well-being. HHS proposes $144.3 billion in discretionary and $1.7 trillion in mandatory proposed budget authority for FY 2024.

What is changing in April 2024? ›

New legislation has expanded rights for employees around flexible working, paid and unpaid leave, and protection from redundancy during parental leave. Several changes to employment law take effect from 6 April 2024.

What is the budget deficit for 2024? ›

Tracking the Federal Deficit: May 2024. $348 billion deficit, increasing year-over-year (YOY) by $108 billion. The government is running a cumulative deficit of $1.2 trillion so far in FY2024 ($46 billion less than the same period in the prior fiscal year when adjusted for timing shifts*).

What is the maximum Social Security benefit at age 70 in 2024? ›

So if you earn the "magic amount" for 35 years, will you be guaranteed to receive the maximum Social Security benefit when you retire? No. Hitting the earnings thresholds isn't enough by itself. The maximum $4,873 monthly benefit in 2024 is only paid to individuals who wait until age 70 to retire.

What is my full retirement age? ›

Full Retirement Age
Birth YearFull Retirement Age
195766 and six months
195866 and eight months
195966 and 10 months
1960 and later67 years old
3 more rows
Sep 6, 2023

Who is eligible for $134 day April 2024? ›

$134/Day 2024 For Low Income Citizens
Program$134/Day 2024 For Low Income Citizens
Applicable InUnited States
Provided ToSenior Citizens Of Aged Up To 65 Years, Disabled, Dependent
6 more rows
May 4, 2024

What is the budget request for DHS 2024? ›


The Homeland Security Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 provides $61.84 billion in base discretionary spending. The bill also includes $20.3 billion in Disaster Relief funding.

What is fy 2024? ›

Fiscal years are referenced by their end date or end year. For example, to reference a nonprofit organization's fiscal year, you may say, "FY 2024" or "fiscal year ending June 30, 2024." Similarly, if you referred to government spending that occurred on Nov. 15, 2024, you would label that as an expenditure for FY 2025.

What is the budget for the DOJ 2024? ›

As shown in Figure 1, the Governor's budget proposes $1.3 billion to support DOJ operations in 2024-25—a decrease of $47 million (or 4 percent) over the revised amount for 2023-24.

What is the budget for the IRS in 2024? ›

The FY 2024 base begins at the FY 2023 Enacted level of $12.3 billion. In addition to $537 million to maintain current staffing levels, the IRS requires another $281 million to reach current operating levels. The additional base adjustment entails supplementary labor costs within Taxpayer Services and Enforcement.

What is the tax cut in the UK in 2024? ›

Personal tax

The Chancellor announced today that: (i) the main rate of Class 1 employee NICs will be reduced from 10% to 8%; and (ii) the main rate of Class 4 self-employed NICs will be reduced by a further 2% above the 1% already announced – i.e. from 9% to 6%. These changes will take effect from 6 April 2024.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.