Study of spin and decay-plane correlations of W bosons in the e(+) e(-)- W+W- process at LEP (2024)


Data collected at LEP at centre-of-mass energies root s = 189-209 GeVare used to study correlations of the spin of W bosons using e(+)e(-) -> W+W- -> lvq (q) over bar events. Spin correlations are favoured by data, and found to agree with the Standard Model predictions. In addition, correlations between the W-boson decay planes are studied in e(+)e(-) -> W+W- -> lvq (q) over bar and e(+)e(-) -> W+W- -> q (q) over barq (q) over bar events. Decay-plane correlations are measured to be consistent with the Standard Model predictions.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalDefault journal
StatePublished - Jan 1 2005


  • (un)stable w+w-production;; monte-carlo program;; pair production;; l3 experiment;; future colliders;; couplings;; energies;; detector;; exponentiation;; polarization

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Achard, P., Adriani, O., Aguilar-Benitez, M., Alcaraz, J., Alemanni, G., Allaby, J., Aloisio, A., Alviggi, M. G., Anderhub, H., Andreev, V. P., Anselmo, F., Arefiev, A., Azemoon, T., Aziz, T., Bagnaia, P., Bajo, A., Baksay, G., Baksay, L., Baldew, S. V., ... Liu, A. Z. (2005). Study of spin and decay-plane correlations of W bosons in the e(+) e(-)- W+W- process at LEP. Default journal.

Study of spin and decay-plane correlations of W bosons in the e(+) e(-)- W+W- process at LEP. / Achard, P.; Adriani, O.; Aguilar-Benitez, M. et al.
In: Default journal, 01.01.2005.

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Achard, P, Adriani, O, Aguilar-Benitez, M, Alcaraz, J, Alemanni, G, Allaby, J, Aloisio, A, Alviggi, MG, Anderhub, H, Andreev, VP, Anselmo, F, Arefiev, A, Azemoon, T, Aziz, T, Bagnaia, P, Bajo, A, Baksay, G, Baksay, L, Baldew, SV, Banerjee, S, Banerjee, S, Barczyk, A, Barillere, R, Bartalini, P, Basile, M, Batalova, N, Battiston, R, Bay, A, Becattini, F, Becker, U, Behner, F, Bellucci, L, Berbeco, R, Berdugo, J, Berges, P, Bertucci, B, Betev, BL, Biasini, M, Biglietti, M, Biland, A, Blaising, JJ, Blyth, SC, Bobbink, GJ, Bohm, A, Boldizsar, L, Borgia, B, Bottai, S, Bourilkov, D, Bourquin, M, Braccini, S, Branson, JG, Brochu, F, Burger, JD, Burger, WJ, Cai, XD, Capell, M, Romeo, GC, Carlino, G, Cartacci, A, Casaus, J, Cavallari, F, Cavallo, N, Cecchi, C, Cerrada, M, Chamizo, M, Chang, YH, Chemarin, M, Chen, A, Chen, G, Chen, GM, Chen, HF, Chen, HS, Chiefari, G, Cifarelli, L, Cindolo, F, Clare, I, Clare, R, Coignet, G, Colino, N, Costantini, S, de la Cruz, B, Cucciarelli, S, van Dalen, JA, de Asmundis, R, Deglon, P, Debreczeni, J, Degre, A, Dehmelt, K, Deiters, K, della Volpe, D, Delmeire, E, Denes, P, DeNotaristefani, F, De Salvo, A, Diemoz, M, Dierckxsens, M, Dionisi, C, Dittmar, M, Doria, A, Dova, MT, duch*esneau, D, Duda, M, Echenard, B, Eline, A, El Hage, A, El Mamouni, H, Engler, A, Eppling, FJ, Extermann, P, Falagan, MA, Falciano, S, Favara, A, Fay, J, Fedin, O, Felcini, M, Ferguson, T, Fesefeldt, H, Fiandrini, E, Field, JH, Filthaut, F, Fisher, PH, Fisher, W, Fisk, I, Forconi, G, Freudenreich, K, Furetta, C, Galaktionov, Y, Ganguli, SN, Garcia-Abia, P, Gataullin, M, Gentile, S, Giagu, S, Gong, ZF, Grenier, G, Grimm, O, Gruenewald, MW, Guida, M, van Gulik, R, Gupta, VK, Gurtu, A, Gutay, LJ, Haas, D, Hatzifotiadou, D, Hebbeker, T, Hervee, A, Hirschfelder, J, Hofer, H, Hohlmann, M, Holzner, G, Hou, SR, Hu, Y, Jin, BN, Jones, LW, de Jong, P, Josa-Mutuberria, I, Kaur, M, Kienzle-Focacci, MN, Kim, JK, Kirkby, J, Kittel, W, Klimentov, A, Konig, AC, Kopal, M, Koutsenko, V, Kraber, M, Kraemer, RW, Kruger, A, Kunin, A, de Guevara, PL, Laktineh, I, Landi, G, Lebeau, M, Lebedev, A, Lebrun, P, Lecomte, P, Lecoq, P, Le Coultre, P, Le Goff, JM, Leiste, R, Levtchenko, M, Levtchenko, P, Li, C, Likhoded, S, Lin, CH, Lin, WT, Linde, FL, Lista, L, Liu, ZA, Lohmann, W, Longo, E, Lu, YS, Luci, C, Luminari, L, Lustermann, W, Ma, WG, Malgeri, L, Malinin, A, Mana, C, Mans, J, Martin, JP, Marzano, F, Mazumdar, K, McNeil, RR, Mele, S, Merola, L, Meschini, M, Metzger, WJ, Mihul, A, Milcent, H, Mirabelli, G, Mnich, J, Mohanty, GB, Muanza, GS, Muijs, AJM, Musicar, B, Musy, M, Nagy, S, Natale, S, Napolitano, M, Nessi-Tedaldi, F, Newman, H, Nisati, A, Novak, T, Nowak, H, Ofierzynski, R, Organtini, G, Pal, I, Palomares, C, Paolucci, P, Paramatti, R, Passaleva, G, Patricelli, S, Paul, T, Pauluzzi, M, Paus, C, Pauss, F, Pedace, M, Pensotti, S, Perret-Gallix, D, Petersen, B, Piccolo, D, Pierella, F, Pioppi, M, Piroue, PA, Pistolesi, E, Plyaskin, V, Pohl, M, Pojidaev, V, Pothier, J, Prokofiev, D, Quartieri, J, Rahal-Callot, G, Rahaman, MA, Raics, P, Raja, N, Ramelli, R, Rancoita, PG, Ranieri, R, Raspereza, A, Razis, P, Ren, D, Rescigno, M, Reucroft, S, Riemann, S, Riles, K, Roe, BP, Romero, L, Rosca, A, Rosemann, C, Rosenbleck, C, Rosier-Lees, S, Roth, S, Rubio, JA, Ruggiero, G, Rykaczewski, H, Sakharov, A, Saremi, S, Sarkar, S, Salicio, J, Sanchez, E, Schafer, C, Schegelsky, V, Schopper, H, Schotanus, DJ, Sciacca, C, Servoli, L, Shevchenko, S, Shivarov, N, Shoutko, V, Shumilov, E, Shvorob, A, Son, D, Souga, C, Spillantini, P, Steuer, M, Stickland, DP, Stoyanov, B, Straessner, A, Sudhakar, K, Sultanov, G, Sun, LZ, Sushkov, S, Suter, H, Swain, JD, Szillasi, Z, Tang, XW, Tarjan, P, Tauscher, L, Taylor, L, Tellili, B, Teyssier, D, Timmermans, C, Ting, SCC, Ting, SM, Tonwar, SC, Toth, J, Tully, C, Tung, KL, Ulbricht, J, Valente, E, Van de Walle, RT, Vasquez, R, Veszpremi, V, Vesztergombi, G, Vetlitsky, I, Vicinanza, D, Viertel, G, Villa, S, Vivargent, M, Vlachos, S, Vodopianov, I, Vogel, H, Vogt, H, Vorobiev, I, Vorobyov, AA, Wadhwa, M, Wang, Q, Wang, XL, Wang, ZM, Weber, M, Wilkens, H, Wynhoff, S, Xia, L, Xu, ZZ, Yamamoto, J, Yang, BZ, Yang, CG, Yang, HJ, Yang, M, Yeh, SC, Zalite, A, Zalite, Y, Zhang, ZP, Zhao, J, Zhu, GY, Zhu, RY, Zhuang, HL, Zichichi, A, Zimmermann, B, Zooller, M 2005, 'Study of spin and decay-plane correlations of W bosons in the e(+) e(-)- W+W- process at LEP', Default journal.

Achard P, Adriani O, Aguilar-Benitez M, Alcaraz J, Alemanni G, Allaby J et al. Study of spin and decay-plane correlations of W bosons in the e(+) e(-)- W+W- process at LEP. Default journal. 2005 Jan 1.

Achard, P. ; Adriani, O. ; Aguilar-Benitez, M. et al. / Study of spin and decay-plane correlations of W bosons in the e(+) e(-)- W+W- process at LEP. In: Default journal. 2005.


title = "Study of spin and decay-plane correlations of W bosons in the e(+) e(-)- W+W- process at LEP",

abstract = " Data collected at LEP at centre-of-mass energies root s = 189-209 GeVare used to study correlations of the spin of W bosons using e(+)e(-) -> W+W- -> lvq (q) over bar events. Spin correlations are favoured by data, and found to agree with the Standard Model predictions. In addition, correlations between the W-boson decay planes are studied in e(+)e(-) -> W+W- -> lvq (q) over bar and e(+)e(-) -> W+W- -> q (q) over barq (q) over bar events. Decay-plane correlations are measured to be consistent with the Standard Model predictions.",

keywords = "(un)stable w+w-production;; monte-carlo program;; pair production;; l3 experiment;; future colliders;; couplings;; energies;; detector;; exponentiation;; polarization",

author = "P. Achard and O. Adriani and M. Aguilar-Benitez and J. Alcaraz and G. Alemanni and J. Allaby and A. Aloisio and Alviggi, {M. G.} and H. Anderhub and Andreev, {V. P.} and F. Anselmo and A. Arefiev and T. Azemoon and T. Aziz and P. Bagnaia and A. Bajo and G. Baksay and L. Baksay and Baldew, {S. V.} and S. Banerjee and S. Banerjee and A. Barczyk and R. Barillere and P. Bartalini and M. Basile and N. Batalova and R. Battiston and A. Bay and F. Becattini and U. Becker and F. Behner and L. Bellucci and R. Berbeco and J. Berdugo and P. Berges and B. Bertucci and Betev, {B. L.} and M. Biasini and M. Biglietti and A. Biland and Blaising, {J. J.} and Blyth, {S. C.} and Bobbink, {G. J.} and A. Bohm and L. Boldizsar and B. Borgia and S. Bottai and D. Bourilkov and M. Bourquin and S. Braccini and Branson, {J. G.} and F. Brochu and Burger, {J. D.} and Burger, {W. J.} and Cai, {X. D.} and M. Capell and Romeo, {G. C.} and G. Carlino and A. Cartacci and J. Casaus and F. Cavallari and N. Cavallo and C. Cecchi and M. Cerrada and M. Chamizo and Chang, {Y. H.} and M. Chemarin and A. Chen and G. Chen and Chen, {G. M.} and Chen, {H. F.} and Chen, {H. S.} and G. Chiefari and L. Cifarelli and F. Cindolo and I. Clare and R. Clare and G. Coignet and N. Colino and S. Costantini and {de la Cruz}, B. and S. Cucciarelli and {van Dalen}, {J. A.} and {de Asmundis}, R. and P. Deglon and J. Debreczeni and A. Degre and K. Dehmelt and K. Deiters and {della Volpe}, D. and E. Delmeire and P. Denes and F. DeNotaristefani and {De Salvo}, A. and M. Diemoz and M. Dierckxsens and C. Dionisi and M. Dittmar and A. Doria and Dova, {M. T.} and D. duch*esneau and M. Duda and B. Echenard and A. Eline and {El Hage}, A. and {El Mamouni}, H. and A. Engler and Eppling, {F. J.} and P. Extermann and Falagan, {M. A.} and S. Falciano and A. Favara and J. Fay and O. Fedin and M. Felcini and T. Ferguson and H. Fesefeldt and E. Fiandrini and Field, {J. H.} and F. Filthaut and Fisher, {P. H.} and W. Fisher and I. Fisk and G. Forconi and K. Freudenreich and C. Furetta and Y. Galaktionov and Ganguli, {S. N.} and P. Garcia-Abia and M. Gataullin and S. Gentile and S. Giagu and Gong, {Z. F.} and G. Grenier and O. Grimm and Gruenewald, {M. W.} and M. Guida and {van Gulik}, R. and Gupta, {V. K.} and A. Gurtu and Gutay, {L. J.} and D. Haas and D. Hatzifotiadou and T. Hebbeker and A. Hervee and J. Hirschfelder and H. Hofer and M. Hohlmann and G. Holzner and Hou, {S. R.} and Y. Hu and Jin, {B. N.} and Jones, {L. W.} and {de Jong}, P. and I. Josa-Mutuberria and M. Kaur and Kienzle-Focacci, {M. N.} and Kim, {J. K.} and J. Kirkby and W. Kittel and A. Klimentov and Konig, {A. C.} and M. Kopal and V. Koutsenko and M. Kraber and Kraemer, {R. W.} and A. Kruger and A. Kunin and {de Guevara}, {P. L.} and I. Laktineh and G. Landi and M. Lebeau and A. Lebedev and P. Lebrun and P. Lecomte and P. Lecoq and {Le Coultre}, P. and {Le Goff}, {J. M.} and R. Leiste and M. Levtchenko and P. Levtchenko and C. Li and S. Likhoded and Lin, {C. H.} and Lin, {W. T.} and Linde, {F. L.} and L. Lista and Liu, {Z. A.} and W. Lohmann and E. Longo and Lu, {Y. S.} and C. Luci and L. Luminari and W. Lustermann and Ma, {W. G.} and L. Malgeri and A. Malinin and C. Mana and J. Mans and Martin, {J. P.} and F. Marzano and K. Mazumdar and McNeil, {R. R.} and S. Mele and L. Merola and M. Meschini and Metzger, {W. J.} and A. Mihul and H. Milcent and G. Mirabelli and J. Mnich and Mohanty, {G. B.} and Muanza, {G. S.} and Muijs, {A. J. M.} and B. Musicar and M. Musy and S. Nagy and S. Natale and M. Napolitano and F. Nessi-Tedaldi and H. Newman and A. Nisati and T. Novak and H. Nowak and R. Ofierzynski and G. Organtini and I. Pal and C. Palomares and P. Paolucci and R. Paramatti and G. Passaleva and S. Patricelli and T. Paul and M. Pauluzzi and C. Paus and F. Pauss and M. Pedace and S. Pensotti and D. Perret-Gallix and B. Petersen and D. Piccolo and F. Pierella and M. Pioppi and Piroue, {P. A.} and E. Pistolesi and V. Plyaskin and M. Pohl and V. Pojidaev and J. Pothier and D. Prokofiev and J. Quartieri and G. Rahal-Callot and Rahaman, {M. A.} and P. Raics and N. Raja and R. Ramelli and Rancoita, {P. G.} and R. Ranieri and A. Raspereza and P. Razis and D. Ren and M. Rescigno and S. Reucroft and S. Riemann and K. Riles and Roe, {B. P.} and L. Romero and A. Rosca and C. Rosemann and C. Rosenbleck and S. Rosier-Lees and S. Roth and Rubio, {J. A.} and G. Ruggiero and H. Rykaczewski and A. Sakharov and S. Saremi and S. Sarkar and J. Salicio and E. Sanchez and C. Schafer and V. Schegelsky and H. Schopper and Schotanus, {D. J.} and C. Sciacca and L. Servoli and S. Shevchenko and N. Shivarov and V. Shoutko and E. Shumilov and A. Shvorob and D. Son and C. Souga and P. Spillantini and M. Steuer and Stickland, {D. P.} and B. Stoyanov and A. Straessner and K. Sudhakar and G. Sultanov and Sun, {L. Z.} and S. Sushkov and H. Suter and Swain, {J. D.} and Z. Szillasi and Tang, {X. W.} and P. Tarjan and L. Tauscher and L. Taylor and B. Tellili and D. Teyssier and C. Timmermans and Ting, {S. C. C.} and Ting, {S. M.} and Tonwar, {S. C.} and J. Toth and C. Tully and Tung, {K. L.} and J. Ulbricht and E. Valente and {Van de Walle}, {R. T.} and R. Vasquez and V. Veszpremi and G. Vesztergombi and I. Vetlitsky and D. Vicinanza and G. Viertel and S. Villa and M. Vivargent and S. Vlachos and I. Vodopianov and H. Vogel and H. Vogt and I. Vorobiev and Vorobyov, {A. A.} and M. Wadhwa and Q. Wang and Wang, {X. L.} and Wang, {Z. M.} and M. Weber and H. Wilkens and S. Wynhoff and L. Xia and Xu, {Z. Z.} and J. Yamamoto and Yang, {B. Z.} and Yang, {C. G.} and Yang, {H. J.} and M. Yang and Yeh, {S. C.} and A. Zalite and Y. Zalite and Zhang, {Z. P.} and J. Zhao and Zhu, {G. Y.} and Zhu, {R. Y.} and Zhuang, {H. L.} and A. Zichichi and B. Zimmermann and M. Zooller and Liu, {Alan Z}",

year = "2005",

month = jan,

day = "1",

language = "American English",

journal = "Default journal",



T1 - Study of spin and decay-plane correlations of W bosons in the e(+) e(-)- W+W- process at LEP

AU - Achard, P.

AU - Adriani, O.

AU - Aguilar-Benitez, M.

AU - Alcaraz, J.

AU - Alemanni, G.

AU - Allaby, J.

AU - Aloisio, A.

AU - Alviggi, M. G.

AU - Anderhub, H.

AU - Andreev, V. P.

AU - Anselmo, F.

AU - Arefiev, A.

AU - Azemoon, T.

AU - Aziz, T.

AU - Bagnaia, P.

AU - Bajo, A.

AU - Baksay, G.

AU - Baksay, L.

AU - Baldew, S. V.

AU - Banerjee, S.

AU - Banerjee, S.

AU - Barczyk, A.

AU - Barillere, R.

AU - Bartalini, P.

AU - Basile, M.

AU - Batalova, N.

AU - Battiston, R.

AU - Bay, A.

AU - Becattini, F.

AU - Becker, U.

AU - Behner, F.

AU - Bellucci, L.

AU - Berbeco, R.

AU - Berdugo, J.

AU - Berges, P.

AU - Bertucci, B.

AU - Betev, B. L.

AU - Biasini, M.

AU - Biglietti, M.

AU - Biland, A.

AU - Blaising, J. J.

AU - Blyth, S. C.

AU - Bobbink, G. J.

AU - Bohm, A.

AU - Boldizsar, L.

AU - Borgia, B.

AU - Bottai, S.

AU - Bourilkov, D.

AU - Bourquin, M.

AU - Braccini, S.

AU - Branson, J. G.

AU - Brochu, F.

AU - Burger, J. D.

AU - Burger, W. J.

AU - Cai, X. D.

AU - Capell, M.

AU - Romeo, G. C.

AU - Carlino, G.

AU - Cartacci, A.

AU - Casaus, J.

AU - Cavallari, F.

AU - Cavallo, N.

AU - Cecchi, C.

AU - Cerrada, M.

AU - Chamizo, M.

AU - Chang, Y. H.

AU - Chemarin, M.

AU - Chen, A.

AU - Chen, G.

AU - Chen, G. M.

AU - Chen, H. F.

AU - Chen, H. S.

AU - Chiefari, G.

AU - Cifarelli, L.

AU - Cindolo, F.

AU - Clare, I.

AU - Clare, R.

AU - Coignet, G.

AU - Colino, N.

AU - Costantini, S.

AU - de la Cruz, B.

AU - Cucciarelli, S.

AU - van Dalen, J. A.

AU - de Asmundis, R.

AU - Deglon, P.

AU - Debreczeni, J.

AU - Degre, A.

AU - Dehmelt, K.

AU - Deiters, K.

AU - della Volpe, D.

AU - Delmeire, E.

AU - Denes, P.

AU - DeNotaristefani, F.

AU - De Salvo, A.

AU - Diemoz, M.

AU - Dierckxsens, M.

AU - Dionisi, C.

AU - Dittmar, M.

AU - Doria, A.

AU - Dova, M. T.

AU - duch*esneau, D.

AU - Duda, M.

AU - Echenard, B.

AU - Eline, A.

AU - El Hage, A.

AU - El Mamouni, H.

AU - Engler, A.

AU - Eppling, F. J.

AU - Extermann, P.

AU - Falagan, M. A.

AU - Falciano, S.

AU - Favara, A.

AU - Fay, J.

AU - Fedin, O.

AU - Felcini, M.

AU - Ferguson, T.

AU - Fesefeldt, H.

AU - Fiandrini, E.

AU - Field, J. H.

AU - Filthaut, F.

AU - Fisher, P. H.

AU - Fisher, W.

AU - Fisk, I.

AU - Forconi, G.

AU - Freudenreich, K.

AU - Furetta, C.

AU - Galaktionov, Y.

AU - Ganguli, S. N.

AU - Garcia-Abia, P.

AU - Gataullin, M.

AU - Gentile, S.

AU - Giagu, S.

AU - Gong, Z. F.

AU - Grenier, G.

AU - Grimm, O.

AU - Gruenewald, M. W.

AU - Guida, M.

AU - van Gulik, R.

AU - Gupta, V. K.

AU - Gurtu, A.

AU - Gutay, L. J.

AU - Haas, D.

AU - Hatzifotiadou, D.

AU - Hebbeker, T.

AU - Hervee, A.

AU - Hirschfelder, J.

AU - Hofer, H.

AU - Hohlmann, M.

AU - Holzner, G.

AU - Hou, S. R.

AU - Hu, Y.

AU - Jin, B. N.

AU - Jones, L. W.

AU - de Jong, P.

AU - Josa-Mutuberria, I.

AU - Kaur, M.

AU - Kienzle-Focacci, M. N.

AU - Kim, J. K.

AU - Kirkby, J.

AU - Kittel, W.

AU - Klimentov, A.

AU - Konig, A. C.

AU - Kopal, M.

AU - Koutsenko, V.

AU - Kraber, M.

AU - Kraemer, R. W.

AU - Kruger, A.

AU - Kunin, A.

AU - de Guevara, P. L.

AU - Laktineh, I.

AU - Landi, G.

AU - Lebeau, M.

AU - Lebedev, A.

AU - Lebrun, P.

AU - Lecomte, P.

AU - Lecoq, P.

AU - Le Coultre, P.

AU - Le Goff, J. M.

AU - Leiste, R.

AU - Levtchenko, M.

AU - Levtchenko, P.

AU - Li, C.

AU - Likhoded, S.

AU - Lin, C. H.

AU - Lin, W. T.

AU - Linde, F. L.

AU - Lista, L.

AU - Liu, Z. A.

AU - Lohmann, W.

AU - Longo, E.

AU - Lu, Y. S.

AU - Luci, C.

AU - Luminari, L.

AU - Lustermann, W.

AU - Ma, W. G.

AU - Malgeri, L.

AU - Malinin, A.

AU - Mana, C.

AU - Mans, J.

AU - Martin, J. P.

AU - Marzano, F.

AU - Mazumdar, K.

AU - McNeil, R. R.

AU - Mele, S.

AU - Merola, L.

AU - Meschini, M.

AU - Metzger, W. J.

AU - Mihul, A.

AU - Milcent, H.

AU - Mirabelli, G.

AU - Mnich, J.

AU - Mohanty, G. B.

AU - Muanza, G. S.

AU - Muijs, A. J. M.

AU - Musicar, B.

AU - Musy, M.

AU - Nagy, S.

AU - Natale, S.

AU - Napolitano, M.

AU - Nessi-Tedaldi, F.

AU - Newman, H.

AU - Nisati, A.

AU - Novak, T.

AU - Nowak, H.

AU - Ofierzynski, R.

AU - Organtini, G.

AU - Pal, I.

AU - Palomares, C.

AU - Paolucci, P.

AU - Paramatti, R.

AU - Passaleva, G.

AU - Patricelli, S.

AU - Paul, T.

AU - Pauluzzi, M.

AU - Paus, C.

AU - Pauss, F.

AU - Pedace, M.

AU - Pensotti, S.

AU - Perret-Gallix, D.

AU - Petersen, B.

AU - Piccolo, D.

AU - Pierella, F.

AU - Pioppi, M.

AU - Piroue, P. A.

AU - Pistolesi, E.

AU - Plyaskin, V.

AU - Pohl, M.

AU - Pojidaev, V.

AU - Pothier, J.

AU - Prokofiev, D.

AU - Quartieri, J.

AU - Rahal-Callot, G.

AU - Rahaman, M. A.

AU - Raics, P.

AU - Raja, N.

AU - Ramelli, R.

AU - Rancoita, P. G.

AU - Ranieri, R.

AU - Raspereza, A.

AU - Razis, P.

AU - Ren, D.

AU - Rescigno, M.

AU - Reucroft, S.

AU - Riemann, S.

AU - Riles, K.

AU - Roe, B. P.

AU - Romero, L.

AU - Rosca, A.

AU - Rosemann, C.

AU - Rosenbleck, C.

AU - Rosier-Lees, S.

AU - Roth, S.

AU - Rubio, J. A.

AU - Ruggiero, G.

AU - Rykaczewski, H.

AU - Sakharov, A.

AU - Saremi, S.

AU - Sarkar, S.

AU - Salicio, J.

AU - Sanchez, E.

AU - Schafer, C.

AU - Schegelsky, V.

AU - Schopper, H.

AU - Schotanus, D. J.

AU - Sciacca, C.

AU - Servoli, L.

AU - Shevchenko, S.

AU - Shivarov, N.

AU - Shoutko, V.

AU - Shumilov, E.

AU - Shvorob, A.

AU - Son, D.

AU - Souga, C.

AU - Spillantini, P.

AU - Steuer, M.

AU - Stickland, D. P.

AU - Stoyanov, B.

AU - Straessner, A.

AU - Sudhakar, K.

AU - Sultanov, G.

AU - Sun, L. Z.

AU - Sushkov, S.

AU - Suter, H.

AU - Swain, J. D.

AU - Szillasi, Z.

AU - Tang, X. W.

AU - Tarjan, P.

AU - Tauscher, L.

AU - Taylor, L.

AU - Tellili, B.

AU - Teyssier, D.

AU - Timmermans, C.

AU - Ting, S. C. C.

AU - Ting, S. M.

AU - Tonwar, S. C.

AU - Toth, J.

AU - Tully, C.

AU - Tung, K. L.

AU - Ulbricht, J.

AU - Valente, E.

AU - Van de Walle, R. T.

AU - Vasquez, R.

AU - Veszpremi, V.

AU - Vesztergombi, G.

AU - Vetlitsky, I.

AU - Vicinanza, D.

AU - Viertel, G.

AU - Villa, S.

AU - Vivargent, M.

AU - Vlachos, S.

AU - Vodopianov, I.

AU - Vogel, H.

AU - Vogt, H.

AU - Vorobiev, I.

AU - Vorobyov, A. A.

AU - Wadhwa, M.

AU - Wang, Q.

AU - Wang, X. L.

AU - Wang, Z. M.

AU - Weber, M.

AU - Wilkens, H.

AU - Wynhoff, S.

AU - Xia, L.

AU - Xu, Z. Z.

AU - Yamamoto, J.

AU - Yang, B. Z.

AU - Yang, C. G.

AU - Yang, H. J.

AU - Yang, M.

AU - Yeh, S. C.

AU - Zalite, A.

AU - Zalite, Y.

AU - Zhang, Z. P.

AU - Zhao, J.

AU - Zhu, G. Y.

AU - Zhu, R. Y.

AU - Zhuang, H. L.

AU - Zichichi, A.

AU - Zimmermann, B.

AU - Zooller, M.

AU - Liu, Alan Z

PY - 2005/1/1

Y1 - 2005/1/1

N2 - Data collected at LEP at centre-of-mass energies root s = 189-209 GeVare used to study correlations of the spin of W bosons using e(+)e(-) -> W+W- -> lvq (q) over bar events. Spin correlations are favoured by data, and found to agree with the Standard Model predictions. In addition, correlations between the W-boson decay planes are studied in e(+)e(-) -> W+W- -> lvq (q) over bar and e(+)e(-) -> W+W- -> q (q) over barq (q) over bar events. Decay-plane correlations are measured to be consistent with the Standard Model predictions.

AB - Data collected at LEP at centre-of-mass energies root s = 189-209 GeVare used to study correlations of the spin of W bosons using e(+)e(-) -> W+W- -> lvq (q) over bar events. Spin correlations are favoured by data, and found to agree with the Standard Model predictions. In addition, correlations between the W-boson decay planes are studied in e(+)e(-) -> W+W- -> lvq (q) over bar and e(+)e(-) -> W+W- -> q (q) over barq (q) over bar events. Decay-plane correlations are measured to be consistent with the Standard Model predictions.

KW - (un)stable w+w-production;; monte-carlo program;; pair production;; l3 experiment;; future colliders;; couplings;; energies;; detector;; exponentiation;; polarization

UR -

M3 - Article

JO - Default journal

JF - Default journal

ER -

Study of spin and decay-plane correlations of W bosons in the e(+) e(-)- W+W- process at LEP (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.