Simple Vinaigrette Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • A 3-to-1 ratio of oil to vinegar makes for a perfectly smooth, thick emulsion.
  • Dijon mustard helps emulsify the oil and vinegar/water while shallots add mild sweetness.

I've had guests over a few times in the past week to taste test a cassoulet recipe I'm working on. It's an ultra-heavy French peasant dish made with beans and a ton of meat cooked down in the oven until incredibly rich. It's the kind of dish that pretty muchdemandsa salad on the side.

What was odd to me was that twice in the past week, folks have commented on how tasty the salad was. Odd, because they were the simplest salads imaginable: bibb lettuce with the world's simplest vinaigrette dressing the greens. It occurred to me that the reason these salads seemed so tasty was thatmany people don't know what a simple salad should taste like.They've been so hammered by thick, gloppy bottled dressings or overdressed, soggy greens that they've forgotten what a pleasure a nice, light, side salad really is.

Good thing it's pretty easy once you know the basic steps.

There's only two keys to a perfect simple salad: knowing how to make a properly emulsified vinaigrette, and applying just the right amount. Actually, there are three keys to a perfect salad: knowing how to make a properly emulsified vinaigrette, applying just the right amount, and washing and drying your greens thoroughly. Three keys... Let me start over.

Among the set of techniques that take you down the path towards a perfect simple salad are such diverse elements as an emulsified vinaigrette, dressing-to-green ratio, clean and dry leaves, and an almost fanatical devotion to proper tossing technique. Let's look at each of them.

Forming a Good Emulsion

Like mayonnaise, heavy cream, and most marriages, vinaigrettes are a just-barely-stable mixture of two things that really shouldn't get along under normal circ*mstances. In the case of a vinaigrette, those elements are oil and water. Yeah yeah yeah, that water comes in the form of an acid of some sort—whether it's citrus juice or vinegar—but for all intents and purposes, it behaves just like pure water around oil—i.e. it wants nothing to do with it.

You can combine water and oil and whisk 'em, shake 'em, or otherwise mechanically beat 'em as much as you'd like, but set them down on the table and let them sit a few minutes and inevitably the oil droplets will start to coalesce and float on top of the water forming two distinct layers.

To form a stable, emulsified vinaigrette that stays hom*ogenous even after sitting around, you need to employ the aid of some chemical assistance. In the case of this simple vinaigrette, that assistance comes from Dijon mustard. See, mustard contains special molecules called emulsifiers. You can think of them as little Chinese finger traps with one side that only traps water molecules and another side that only traps oil.

Simple Vinaigrette Recipe (1)

The key to forming a strong emulsion is to start with your acid and mustard in a relatively large bowl—you want something big enough to really get it moving.

Simple Vinaigrette Recipe (2)

It helps to add your basic aromatic elements at this point—minced shallots and a tiny bit of garlic are what I'm using for this simplest of vinaigrettes—not only do they add flavor, but they also add turbulence, helping the whisk to do its job more efficiently.

Simple Vinaigrette Recipe (3)

I stabilize my bowl by placing it on a folded up kitchen towel (you can make it even more stable by draping that towel over a pot and placing the bowl inside).

Simple Vinaigrette Recipe (4)

Whisking rapidly and over the entire bottom of the bowl, slowly drizzle in olive oil in a thin, steady stream. The reason you want to go slow is twofold. The first is so that you are able to very rapidly break down large droplets of oil into smaller ones. The second reason is that large droplets of oil tend to attract smaller ones, helping them to escape from those finger traps. Add your oil too fast and the large pool of oil that ends up siting on top will prevent any more oil from being emulsified into the liquid underneath.

Equally important to proper technique is proper ratio. As you add your oil, you'll notice that your vinaigrette starts out very thin. As you add more and more, it'll thicken up significantly until it reaches the point of maximum oil saturation. With the aid of a super-powerful blender, you can successfully emulsify oil into water at a ratio of over four-to-one. But it won't taste particularly good.*

*especially if you use extra virgin olive oil. Do NOT put extra-virgin olive oil in the blender—the rapid beating will cause it to rapidly oxidize, turning terribly bitter.

A much better ratio flavor and texture-wise is three-to-one oil to water-based liquid. For a particularly mild vinaigrette with a nice texture, I sometimes cut my vinegar or citrus juice in half and bulk it up with regular water.

As your vinaigrette starts to come together, you can add the oil a bit more rapidly.

Once you've added the last drops of oil, you can taste your vinaigrette and season it with salt and pepper before giving it a final hard whisk. It should be thick and glossy, with just the slightest oily sheen to it. (P.S. if you want to skip on the whole whisking and measuring thing while making dispensing easier, justmake it in a squeeze bottle.)

Simple Vinaigrette Recipe (6)

So why emulsify anyway?

Well you can readthe long version of the story here, but here's the quick and dirty.

It's like this: lettuces grow outdoors in places where it rains. In order to protect themselves, lettuce leaves have a thin, waxy, water-resistant coating on their surface. What this means for us in a culinary sense is that water-based liquids like vinegar or lemon juice run right off leaves, while oils tend to cling to them and cause them to soften and wilt.

Simple Vinaigrette Recipe (7)

I'm sure you've all experienced this at those Italian restaurants with the oil and vinegar caddy at the table: a salad dressed in oil and vinegar very soon ends up as a pile of wiled greens in a pool of vinegary liquid at the bottom of the plate.

A properly emulsified vinaigrette, on the other hand, will allow that bright, vinegary flavor to cling to the leaves where it belongs.

How to Dress a Salad

As cute as Meg Ryan is in her dressing-on-the-side scene in When Harry Met Sally, Billy should have set her straight on something: dressing on the side isnota good option. Drizzling dressing on top of a plate of naked greens or, worse, dipping those greens into the tub of ranch on the side of the bowl leads to uneven dressing that masks the flavor of the greens instead of enhancing them.

A perfect simple salad should come pre-dressed with exactly the right amount of dressing gently napping every surface of every leaf. Just enough to brighten up its flavor while still letting the natural flavor of the lettuce—whether it's bitter, sweet, or peppery—to come through.

The world would be a much better place if we all just said no to dressing on the side.

For this to even begin to be possible, your leaves must be clean of any debris or dirt, and completely dry—any water on the surface of a leaf will prevent the dressing from adhering properly. Start by washing your greens in cold water then spinning them dry in a salad spinner.

Simple Vinaigrette Recipe (8)

Next, place the greens in a bowl that you think is way too big for them. Seriously. I mean, WAY too big. The goal here is to give you space to toss those greens without fear that they're going to fall out all over the counter or floor.

Simple Vinaigrette Recipe (9)

Simple Vinaigrette Recipe (10)

Once they're in the bowl, season them with a little pinch of salt and a few grinds of pepper—yes, even salads need to be seasoned properly (which may explain a lot of the bland salads I've had in the past).

Drizzle them with a bit dressing, then start tossing. Forget the tongs or those salad spoons and forks—none of them are gentle enough (and none of them will tell you whether your salad feels like it needs more dressing). Go ahead and get your (clean) hands in there, lifting the leaves from the bottom and letting them cascade gently through your fingers as you spread the dressing around.

Simple Vinaigrette Recipe (11)

Simple Vinaigrette Recipe (12)

Once the greens are thoroughly coated, give them a taste and see if they might need a touch more salt and pepper, or perhaps a few more drops of vinaigrette.

Simple Vinaigrette Recipe (13)

A simple salad is not the same as a boring salad. Properly dressed greens take just as much skill to prepare as, say, a good pan-seared steak (and come to think of it, this salad would be the perfect side dish for a good steak).

Simple Vinaigrette Recipe (14)

Is it properly dressed now? Are you happy with it? Good—your guests will be too. Except for your cousin. Make sure you give her that side of ranch she wants or she'll be cranky all night.

October 2014

Recipe Details

Simple Vinaigrette

Prep5 mins

Active5 mins

Total5 mins

Serves8 servings

Makes1 cup


  • 1 small shallot, minced (about 2 tablespoons)

  • 1 small clove garlic, minced (about 1/2 teaspoon)

  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard

  • 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar

  • 1 tablespoon water

  • 3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper


  1. Combine shallot, garlic, mustard, vinegar, and water in a large bowl and whisk to combine. Whisking constantly, slowly drizzle in olive oil. Alternatively, place all ingredients in a tightly sealing jar, seal, and shake vigorously until emulsified. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Vinaigrette will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

    Simple Vinaigrette Recipe (15)

Special Equipment

Whisk (optional)

Read More

  • Zesty Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe
  • Champagne Vinaigrette Recipe
  • Tangerine and Fennel Vinaigrette Recipe
  • How to Make a Mixed-Green Salad Like You Actually Care
  • How to Fix a Broken Sauce or Vinaigrette
  • Rethinking Vinaigrettes: The Case for Dropping the Acid
Simple Vinaigrette Recipe (2024)


What is basic vinaigrette made of? ›

Basic Vinaigrette Ratio & Ingredients

Here's what you'll need to make vinaigrette: Olive oil for your base. Vinegar of choice. Dijon mustard for some flavor complexity and creaminess.

What is the basic formula for salad dressing? ›

Here's my master salad dressing that I use as a base for every salad! You just need 1 tbsp vinegar, 3 tbsp oil and 1/2 tsp mustard.

What is the simplest form of dressing? ›

Lets start with a vinaigrette. These are the lightest of all dressings. On the simplest level they're merely any kind of acid (think lemon, lime, vinegar etc.) whisked together with oil salt and pepper.

What is house vinaigrette made of? ›

As I referenced in the formula above, aside from oil and vinegar, the only other thing you really need for a superb and super-simple vinaigrette is a bit of salt (I like kosher salt or sea salt) and pepper (I prefer freshly ground black pepper). Sugar or honey helps mellow the vinegar's acidity.

What oil is best for vinaigrette? ›

The Oils. Generally speaking, any oils labeled "vegetable oil" or "salad oil" are fine for making a basic vinaigrette. You could also use any light, neutral-flavored oil like safflower, canola, or soybean oil. One of the most common variations is to substitute olive oil for salad oil.

What can I use if I don't have salad dressing? ›

  • The Top 9 Healthy Salad Dressing Alternatives. Oil and Vinegar. Green Goddess Dressing. Caesar Salad Dressing. Sesame Ginger Dressing. Creamy Avocado Dressing. Tahini Dressing. Stilton Vinaigrette Salad Dressing. Maple-Mustard Vinaigrette. Ranch Dressing.
  • The Bottom Line.
Dec 31, 2022

What is the best vinegar for salads? ›

White wine vinegar

This vinegar has a much mellower flavor than red wine vinegar and lacks the sharp tang of its sister vinegar. White wine vinegar is best used with more delicate salads and any situation where you want to add a hint of vinegar, but do not want that flavor to overwhelm the dish.

What are the two main ingredients of most standard salad dressings? ›

However, classic vinaigrette dressings are based on a ratio of three parts oil to one part white wine vinegar, with added flavorings to complement the salads or dishes in which they are being used.

What is the golden rule of dressing? ›

You've heard the Golden Rule (2/3 to 1/3 ratio or that third's work better than halves or quarters) is aesthetically pleasing but did you know that you can apply this to styling your clothes, too?

What is the healthiest dressing to put on a salad? ›

6 healthy salad dressings you can make in less than 3 minutes
  1. Classic lemon and olive oil. This is a very easy dressing that is good with strong-flavoured leaf salads, such as rocket or kale. ...
  2. Lime and chilli dressing. ...
  3. Simple balsamic vinaigrette. ...
  4. Raspberry vinaigrette. ...
  5. Creamy cucumber dressing. ...
  6. Creamy mint dressing.

What is chipotle vinaigrette made of? ›

To make this recipe, you'll want to haul out your blender, plus four ingredients, including red-wine vinegar, honey, canned chipotles in adobo, and dried oregano (not counting basics like salt, pepper, oil and water). In Chipotle locations, they use their chipotle marinade in place of the canned chipotles.

What is classic vinaigrette made of? ›

Put the mustard, vinegar and olive oil in a jar and season. Shake vigorously to mix. Store in a cool place (not the fridge) until ready to use. Use for all your salads or try one of our recipes, right.

What is the most basic formula in making a salad vinaigrette? ›

Traditional vinaigrette recipes call for a ratio of three parts oil to one part vinegar.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when making vinaigrette? ›

12 Mistakes Everyone Makes When Making Homemade Vinaigrette
  • Estimating measurements for all ingredients. inspiredbyart/Shutterstock. ...
  • Using the wrong oil. ...
  • Using the wrong vinegar. ...
  • Leaving out the emulsifier. ...
  • Skipping the mustard. ...
  • Forgetting to check expiration dates. ...
  • Not using fresh herbs. ...
  • Using vinaigrette only on salad.
Aug 18, 2022

What are the two fundamental ingredients used to make a vinaigrette? ›

2 Ingredients: The basics

To make a bare-bones vinaigrette, all you need is vinegar (sherry, Champagne, balsamic, cider, red, white, or rice wine vinegar all work) and oil (go with a neutral vegetable oil like grapeseed for a mild base, or your best extra-virgin olive oil for grassier undertones).

What's the difference between balsamic vinaigrette and regular vinaigrette? ›

A balsamic vinaigrette typically involves adding oil, sugar, and/or mustard to balsamic vinegar, along with seasonings like garlic, salt, and pepper. While it can be made in a way that makes it healthier than several other salad dressing options, it can't compare to simply using the vinegar and oil.

What are the three basic types of salad dressings? ›

In Western culture, there are three basic types of salad dressing: Vinaigrette; Creamy dressings, usually based on mayonnaise or fermented milk products, such as yogurt, sour cream (crème fraîche, smetana), buttermilk; Cooked dressings, which resemble creamy dressings, but are usually thickened by adding egg yolks and ...

What is a good substitute for vinaigrette? ›

  • The Top 9 Healthy Salad Dressing Alternatives. Oil and Vinegar. Green Goddess Dressing. Caesar Salad Dressing. Sesame Ginger Dressing. Creamy Avocado Dressing. Tahini Dressing. Stilton Vinaigrette Salad Dressing. Maple-Mustard Vinaigrette. Ranch Dressing.
  • The Bottom Line.
Dec 31, 2022

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.