Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection (2024)

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Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection

Full Listing > Search results for "William: Centennial Organ Recital:"
Click on the accession's accession number to see the full accession's information.
TopicAccession #Description Summary
Adelphian Society: Book, Wild Life in Oregon...MC2011/58

One book property of the Adelphian Society, a literary society at Manchester College.

"Wild Life In Oregon: Being a Stirring Recital of Actual Scens of Daring and Peril Among the Gigantic Forests and Terrific Rapids of the Columbia River (The Mississippi of the Pacific Slope) ....... "

Administration Building: HistoryMC General File: Administration Building

Historyof the Administration Building.

Admissions: Publicity MC2011/12 wave sound

Audio section of a filmstrip entitled, "What is Manchester College?" This could be another copy of MC2011/10.

Alumni: Paul Boase CollectionMC2004/395Materials from this collection include programs for "The Devil Passes," a play presented by the Senior Class of 1938, Program for the State Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest, dated 12 February 1937, Class Day 1937 program, Manchester College Bulletin from December 1935, Alumni Days, 1987 and1992, Commencement program for 1937 and other materials and photographs.
Anniversay TapeMC2011/1390th Anniversary Tape of Manchester College with interviews of professors and individuals with long-time association with the school in which the present is placed against the history of the past.
Armstrong, Mary: MU2012/69Mary Armstrong is an alumna of Manchester College, graduating with the Class of 1952. The collection contains copies of stories and articlesMary wrotefor the education of Kindergarten and Elementary aged children.
Barts, WayneMU2019/37

The Wayne Barts Manchester College Collection.

Basketball, Men's: Photographs, 1920-1999MU2014/53

Men's basketball photographs from circa 1920 through 1999.

Basketball: Photographs, Oak Leaves and AuroraMU2012/48

Oak Leaves or Aurora pictures.

NCAA Championship images. Steve Alford. Other miscellaneous basketball pictures from a variety of years.

Biology Class, Early Classroom Scene: PhotographMC2010/162One photograph, probably taken between 1900 and 1920, ofmale studentssitting around tables with books, looking through microscopes.
Brethren Colleges Abroad: Deeter CollectionMU2018/55 Box 4: Slides and NegativesAllen Deeter's collection of slides and negatives from his years serving with Brethren Colleges Abroad (BCA)at Manchester College.
Chapel: Program of Songs, 1944MC2008/114

This memo book Compliments of Angelyn Coleman, '44-45 contains handwritten lyrics to songs. There is also a handwritten title, "Chapel Program Nov 44."

Coe, Mary: CollectionMC2004/386

The Mary Coe Collection:

  • Correspondence between A. W. Cordier and R. H. Miller.
  • Correspondence regarding Abraham Mizrahi and Mrs. Isaac Oppenheim.
  • R.H. Miller's eulogy of Mrs. Isaac Oppenheim.
  • Photograph of Manchester College's football team, circa 1946 or 1947.
College Woman's ClubLarge Box 32Memorabilia, minutes,and records of Manchester's College Woman's Club.
College Woman's Club: PlattersMU2015/48a,bWrought "Farberware"serving platters from the Manchester College Woman's Club.
College Women's ClubLarge Box 31Records of Manchester's College Women's Club.
Community Involvement: Newspaper ClippingsMU2017/67

1992 -MC women's basketball team forms adopt-a-grandparent program with retirement community.

Charles Boebel writes play about Thomas Marshall. Lilly has offers grant to move and restoreMarshall's birthplace.

1986 - Prof. Charles Boeble, writes play, "Memory Speaks" highlighting N. Manchester's 150 yearold history:

1985 - Shepherd's Center created for older adults.

2003 - Haunted Forest scares up fun.

Convocation #039: Novak, MichaelConvocation Tape #39: Novak, Jon Livingston Mock Memorial LectureThe Jon Livingston Mock Memorial Lecture by Dr. Michael Novak, 28 March 1977.
Convocation #057: Chenault, Myron, "Close Encounters of the Educational Kind," 1979Convocation #57, Chenault, Myron, 1979Myron Chenault gives the presentation, "Close Encounters of the Educational Kind," on 12 February 1979.
Convocation 2007: Triptych MU2014/142 DVD and MP4 video"Triptych." DVD of 19 February 2007 Convocation. Professor James. R. C. Adams explains symbols used in paintings created for display in the Science Center lobby.
Cordier, AndrewMC2002/154dAndrew Cordier materials.
Cross Country: VideoMU2019/99Fifteen short videos showingtraining and antics of what is probably the2005 female Cross Country team. However, DVD is titled, "Women, Ran for Cash."
Crouch, Eugene M.MC2002/104g

Material related to Eugene M. Crouch who served Manchester College as Professor of Mathematics, Latin, English, Greek, New Testament Greek and also as President (1901 -1910).Eugene Crouch began teaching at Manchester College in 1895, his career at the institutionstretching from 1895-1910. He died on March 18, 1941.

See Also: President Young's wife wrote a history of the Young Brothers' purchase of Manchester College. There are imperfections in spelling, but it appears as if Professor Crouch is mentioned in this history and it would be worth a researcher's read. The history is located in the Young files in the MC General Filing Cabinet under Faculty/Staff: Young.

Deavel, Gary: Manchester VariationsMC2005/6Spiral bound copy of score, "Manchester Variations," by Dr. Gary Deavel.
Deavel: Manchester VariationsMC2011/139Musical score composed by Dr. Gary Deavel for Robert Jones and the Manchester Symphony Orchestra.
Deeter, Al: Personal CollectionMU2018/55 Box 1Personal correspondence, ministerial and CPSdocuments,papers written while a student at Bethany Biblical Seminary and atPrinceton, studies in Anabaptist Theology, Princeton dissertation correspondence,early Environmental Studies grant materials, Christian College Day presentations,negatives, slides, photographs, and Bridgewater College's diploma granting Allen Deeter the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters Honoris Causa.
Diversity: Multicultural Affairs CollectionMU2013/77

Materials reflecting the past of the Office of Multicultural Affairs and the intercultural Center. They show the circ*mstances in which the AAFRO House was created andits evolutioninto the intercultural Center and developing Office of Multicultural Affairs.

Dress CodeMC2009/60

Dress Code.

Also see Women's Residence Organization (WRO).

Eberly, William: Office FilesMU2014/107

Materialsfrom Bill Eberly's filesthat describehis educational history, the development ofManchester's Environmental Science and public school educational programs,the history ofKoinonia, syllabi, studentnotes (confidential), research data on Indiana and other lakes, Cordier biographical material, Indiana history, and Manchester College quips.

Ebey, Alice King DiariesMC2006/36Diaries relating stories of Alice's life and missionary work in India.
Etched Glass Panes: Student NamesMC2011/127These appear to be small hand-etched panes of glass. It seems as if each participant wrote his/her name individually, perhaps as part of a College function, reunion, or Church of the Brethren event?
Funderburg, AlvinMC2008/109Manchester College graduate and author of the Funderburg family history.
Garver Hall: Newsletter, 1970MU2014/112"The Dorm Reporter," 20 April 1970 - newsletter and historical document of the Officer's Organizational Meeting of Northeast Hall (now Garver Hall).
Graduation 1923: ProgramMU2013/75Commencement week program booklet, 1923.
Grandstaff, Paul and MaryMC2006/21Two Grandstaff photo albums.
Gump: Family BibleMC2006/20Thought to be a rare edition, this bible is described as being brought to America by Johann Georg Gumpp on September 18, 1732.
Helman, A. Blair: Letters of Nomination for the University of Kansas Distinguished Service Citation, 1997MC2011/170

Letter nominating A. Blair Helman for the Univeresity of Kansas Distinguished Service Citation written by Jo Young Switzer, 1996.

Completed Nominating Form and Biographical Outline.

Supporting Letters for Nomination.

Helman: Presidental Correspondence, Administrative Finance, Dean's CorrespondenceMU2020/6Helman correspondence, CONFIDENTIAL Student Affairs materials (1964-1976), newsletters and programs related to the Manchester Ambassadors, a group whose focus is estate planning (1966-1975), CONFIDENTIAL files from the Director of Deferred Giving and Special Gifts (1969-1977), files of the Public Relations, Deferred-Giving Committee.
Administrative finance

concerns campaign preparedness studies, pay raises, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, the Equitable Life Assurance Society, and comprehensive business insurance [For a more detailed list, click on accession number, middle column, to link to the finding aid].

Files from the Dean

- span thevery end of Schwalm’s career as president (Spring 1956), forward.

Hymn to ManchesterMU2013/30

Hymn to Manchester and the Class of 1950, with words and music by Wilson B. Lutz. Hymn to Manchester, with words by Charles Klinger and music by Wilson B. Lutz, 2013.Related correspondence.

Ikenberry Hall PhotographsPhoto Box 106, Buildings, Ikenberry Hall

An assortment ofphotographs of Ikenberry Hall and the gentlemen who resided there.

Kintner, Edward: Faculty/Staff CollectionMC2002/104L

Kintner Collection, including: “Introduction to Cytology,”Kintner's1932 calendar,Class Record Books, newspaper clippings (retirement, honors, scholarship, wedding anniversary), 1946 receipt for license to preach, Kinter's admittance to Manchester (March 1900).

Kirk, Dr. JohnAlumni Box 187Dr. John Kirk's obituary. A 1941 Manchester College graduate,Dr. Kirkopened his obstetrics practice in Eugene in 1948.
Klingler, Charles: CollectionMC2011/234: Boxes 1 and 2

Professor Charles Klingler taught English at Manchester College for 35 years [1959 - 1994].1961). This is a historical description of his work including but not limited to; "Writing Across the Curriculum," "Writing to Learn," and syllabi for the Humanities Core.

Lear, Mattie: Mt. Morris Faculty and COB MinisterMC2009/98

Portrait of Mattie Nicholas Lear (Mrs. John Lear), Church of the Brethren female minister, and instructor atMount Morris College from 1879 - 1881. A typewritten history is included.

Manchester College Campus and Town of North Manchester: Postcards, circa 1910MC2009/135a,b,c,d

Two postcards, circa 1910, are of the College. They are the same card showing a drawing of the four primarybuildings with two horse drawn carts on College Avenue.

  • MC2009/135a is addressed to Miss Lillian Haines, Warsaw, Indiana. It has a 14 May 1910 postmark from North Manchester and also has a 1 cent stamp.
  • MC2009/135b is addressed to Miss Anna Beagle, Warsaw, Indiana with a postmark of March 1910 from North Manchester, along with a 1cent stamp.

MC2009/135c - Vandalia Park, North Manchester, Indiana.
MC2009/135d -four college age girls around a desk.

Miller, Amos: PhotographMC2004/635-34Photograph from objects belonging to the Ida Miller, Otho Winger, Edith Miller and Bertha Miller Neher Stine families.Amos B. Miller is written on the back of the picture.
Miller, Edith Alice CollectionMC2008/208

Much more material than can be described. Please go into theaccession pageto read Scope and Contents. The collection includes the following but is vastly larger:

Obituaries, information on the Shull children,photograph of son of Moy Gwong, "Memory Speaks, North Manchester Celebrates Its First 150 Years," program for play written by Dr. Charles Boebel, article from "The Noble County American," Albion, Indiana, Thursday, June 24, 1982, pg. 7 regarding the Potawatomi Chief Simon Pokagon, Last Chief of the Potawatomies, personal information about Edith Alice Miller, letter by Otho about his wife's, Ida's death, and Class of 1926 Information, as saved by Edith Miller.

For more information on Edith Alice Miller see West Manchester Church of the Brethren.

Miller, Robert Henry: Minister, Church of the BrethrenMC2009/87

Elder Robert Henry Miller, minister in theChurch of the Brethrenhad a son, Manchester College Professor Robert Henry Miller, a minister as well. The accession page givesinformation about both father and son. MC2009/87 is the manuscript ofan unpublished book by Professor R. H. Miller, "Comments on the Gospel of John."

Miller, Robert Henry (1825-1892) obituary in the Gospel Messenger.

Mount Morris College: Frantz, David, PostcardMC2008/66

Postcard of David Frantz and two others in their room at Mt. Morris College, Illinois, circa 1912.

Mount Morris College: Postcard Collection MC2003/76

Photographsof Mount Morris College circa 1912. Some were used as postcards and have messages written on the verso. Images of Old Sandstone's exterior and interiorafter being damaged by fire. Pictures of Old Sandstone being rebuilt and after the building program.

Muir, Gladdys: CorrespondenceMU2014/61Gladdy's Muir's 1937 letter to her father, Freeman Muir.
Muir, Gladdys: The Ken Brown CollectionMU2013/122Professor Ken Brown's collection of Gladdys Muir related materials.
Native AmericansMC2007/67"The American Indian," May, 1928, Vol. 2, No. 8.
Oppenheim, Etta H.Photo Box 186, MC2004/386 Tribute to Etta H. Oppenheim by Professor R. H. Miller.
Peace Studies: Deeter, AllenMC2009/185

Peace Studies Materials Including Helman and Deeter Articles.

  • President A. Blair Helman's, "The Peace Studies Program: Retrospect and Prospect."

  • Professor Allen C. Deeter's, "Pioneering in Peace Education in the Church Colleges."

  • Allen Deeter's, "Educational and Career Inventory of Peace Studies Students, Manchester College, 1948-1970."

  • Fellowship of Reconcilliation events (folder #7).
  • "America's Post-War Foreign Policy."
  • "Towards a World Organism, Specific Proposals for - an integrated, functional approach to world organization - and for creative technics of building world unity and understanding. This much we could achieve by 1960," by Kenneth Ives.
  • "From UMT To Peace," by E. Paul Weaver, Chairman Commission on National Legislation, Indiana Council of Churches, Mexico, Indiana.
  • Bookmark, "Please Remember, Bombs Are Made To Kill People."

  • Clipping, "Sobbing, Fainting Mark Realistic War Rehearsal..."

Petersime, Ray: Poland and Post WWII ReliefMU2021/9Documents related to Ray Petersime's May 1946 trip to Poland where he delivered hatching eggs to a war torn population, and Petersime's subsequent European relief activities (February 1946 to May 1948).
PhotographsMU2013/157Aconglomeration of decade spanning imagesreflecting student life and faculty/staff experience at Manchester College.
Pottenger, James LeeMC2009/37

Pottenger, James Lee, Class of 1939.

Letters, information about the debating team, photo, interesting items, see: Betty (Pottenger) Refior (Class of 1943) Collection MC2009/37.

See Also: Betty Pottenger Phelps Refior typedcopies of her brother's lettersthat recorded hismissionary experience. Included in the collection are photographs, drawings, architectural plans and other memorabilia. This collection is now at the DePauw University Archives, 11 E. Lrabee St., Greencastle, Indiana 46135

See also: Manchester College Bulletin August 1950 p.3
Pranks: Helman, A. Blair PapersMC2004/307Pranks pulled by students during President Helman's time as President.
President Helman: History of Manchester CollegeMC2011/27

Helman opening Spring Term of the academic year. The box is dated 1/29/1978.This could be wrong. The actualdate could be 1/29/1979.Helman states thattheCollege isopening an anniversary year and thatDuring the 1979 calendar year, MC will be observing its 90th anniversary. 1979 is an anniversary year.

President's Box: #2MU2016/20b

Major Report for "Focus on the 70's" Campaign. Materials related to the Church of the Brethren Education Query 1987-1989withthe intent of strengthening the relationship between church and education.Brethren Colleges Abroad Materials 1988 -1992. Church of the Brethren Committee on Higher Educationmaterials for the years 1985 -1992.

Public Relations: CollectionMU2014/143 MP4 videos and DVDsInformational files, news clippings, publications, CDs, DVDsand VHS tapesfrom the Public Relations Office, various years from 2001 - 2013. Topics include but are not limited to: Jim Adams, teaching awards, dedication College of Pharmacy, Switzer to retire and receives leadership honor, Jennifer Shepherd, Andrea Murray, Eel River watershed, Blair and Pat Helman memorial info, Yom HaShoah, Stacey Morgan, Rainn MacPhail, Beth Sweitzer Riley, Jerry Sweeten, LaFountain Mural, A Cappella tour, Science Center dedication, Switzer inauguration, fire, CASE Professor of the Year,
Public Relations: Photographs, Negatives and Visual Media, MU2012/123Visual media from Public Relations that came from the Administration Building during the office moves of 2012. Pictures include Philanthropy Convocations and awards, graduationphotos from different years, Homecoming images, faculty and student pictures,PERC and athletics photographs, music images, and campus scenes.
Quips, Jokes and NotesMC2010/148

Quips andnotes of indeterminate authorship found scrawled on the back of old student cards. Circa 1938.

Radio: WBKE Scrapbook MC2010/68a,b

WBKE scrapbooks.

Recital, Eicher, David, and White, William: Centennial Organ Recital, 1990 and Alumni Recital, 1992MC2010/49a,b

David Eicher, Organ Recital, A Centennial Public Program, 1990.

Alumni Recital, May 1992:

  • William White, tenor.
  • David Eicher, piano.
Roosevelt, Eleanor: Visit to Manchester College, The Story Roosevelt, Eleanor: Story and Information

Patricia Kennedy Helman's story about Eleanor Roosevelt’s visit to the President’s home. This was prior to the construction of Tall Oaks, and perhaps added to the urgency ofconstructing a presidential residence.

Rummel, MerleMU2018/94Manchester graduate (1956), Merle Rummel, is an educator, Church of the Brethren minister, and historian.
Sanger, LolaFaculty/Staff Boxes 46-48: Sanger, Lola

Letter of rejectionto Lola Sanger for graduate study at an institution because Lola was a woman and the graduate school wrote: "in past experience where we found only one or two women uncomfortable in a class dominated by women admitted."

Schutz, J. RaymondMC2011/227, Folders 17 - 22

A large collection designated as MC2011/227 and divided into 5 folder groupings; [1-16], [17-22], [23-44], [45-83]. Schutz was a professor at Manchester College, as well as a farmer, public speaker, pastor, candidate for Congress (Indiana,1932) and a contendor in the 1936 Governor's race.He was a Kiwanis Club official and Chairman of the Standard Life Insurance Company of Indiana.The collection describesIndiana before and during WWII. Schutz corresponds with soldiers and provides names ofNorth Manchester men killed in combat. Topics of import include; prohibition, economic recovery from the Great Depression, andHitler's impacton Europe. Schutz was a contemporary of Andrew Cordier who participated in some of Schutz's political involvements.

Schwalm, Vernon: Corresondence Folders 54 - 61 MC2006/13: Schwalm's Confidential Files - Folders 54 - 61Correspondence between Otho Winger and Vernon Schwalm. Included in this assortment is the controversy over the fate of Mount Morris College, a discussion started years prior to its merger with Manchester College. Unpublished letters describing Schwalm's reaction to the conditions surrounding the mergerof thesetwo institutions. Winger's final years as president and his trials and tribulations. Personal reflections upon colleagues andinstitutional politicsas he leaves theschool in the hands of his former student, Schwalm.
Schwalm, Vernon: Correspondence Folders 147 - 160 MC2006/13: Schwalm's Confidential Files – Folders 147 - 160

Vernon Schwalm's family and personally related materials,including family genealogy, family history, biographical sketch, resume, staement written for honorary degree, "Oak Leaves" article recalling the campus during WWII, letters of appreciation. Family letters and letters from those who are "like family." Early photograph of Vernon and Florence Studebaker Schwalm and intimate letters between husband and wife. Personal correspondence regarding hospitalization, insurance and financial matters.Some materials ar confidential and are marked accordingly. Folder 148 - card from Schwalm's mother requesting that he does not move to "the wild west"(probably Kansas).

Schwalm, Vernon: Correspondence Folders 21-44MC2006/13: Schwalm's Confidential Files - Folders 21- 44The materials in these folders were identified, probably by Schwalm, as "confidential files." They contain personal, College, and Church of the Brethren related correspondence.
Schwalm, Vernon: Correspondence Folders 45-53 MC2006/13: Schwalm's Confidential Files - Folders 45-53

Schwalm's materials surrounding President Otho Winger and family, including Otho's funeral service and tribute to Oscar Winger.Letters regarding Schwalm's book on Otho Winger. Assorted correspondence with Dan West, Gladdys Muir and others.

Senger, Nettie: Buddhist Bible Vol. 4MC2011/93Nettie M. Senger, Manchester College Class of 1915 and Church of the Brethren missionary to China, presented "Buddhist Bible, Vol. 4" to theManchester College Museum.
Social Science Core I and II, History and Political ScienceMU2013/153, Folders 1 - 56 with Special Problems and Independent Study Papers A - YSocial Science Core I and II materials (circa1969-1976),History and Political Science, and Special Problems (1961-1983).
Student Affairs: RecordsMC2006/13 Student Affairs

Student Affairs: AAFRO Club and House 1970-71 through 1972-73 (including student lists, 1969 Experience in Soul, incidents of October 1969, lunch-counter sit-ins), Crisis Center, Dancing, String Festival, WBKE Radio Station (formerly WMIB), Association of Women Students (AWS).

Student Petition to Board of Trustees, 1900MC2007/79

1. One file containing an original letter from Manchester College students to the Board of Trustees, April 5, 1900.

The student petition to the Board of Trustees was from an early era in Manchester College history when both the academic and administrative credibility were in question. This file contains an original letter from Manchester College students to the Board of Trustees,dated April 5, 1900.

Student Photographs: Linnie Snider, in "Weaver's Class 1896." MC2009/161

One captionedphotograph of a group of young people.

A bearded man in the photo holds a sign:



of ____(18) 96.

Students: Correspondence, 1919 MC2008/95

1919 letter from Manchester College alumnus, William Eley, that was written to his parents. The enclosed letter confirms what students have known for a long time -- that some tests are worse than others....the donor.

Switzer, Jo Young: Inauguration MaterialsMC2007/136-1, 136-2, 136-3Materials in preparation for and pertaining to the inauguration of Manchester College President, Jo Young Switzer.
Tagawa, Toyohiko: PhotographSmall Box 66: Kagawa Photograph

Kagawa: The photograph that appearson page 116of the book, "A Century of Faith, Learning and Service, Manchester College. " In 1936the College hosted a major conference called "An Institute on Christian World Order," featuring Japanese peace activist Toyohiko Kagawa.

A biographical sketch by James E.Kieferabout Toyohiko Kagawa can be found on the internet.

Thomas, Frances SmithAlumni Box 187: Thomas, Frances Smith

Frances Smith Thomas, Manchester College alumna, Class of 1939. Student of Cordier, friend of Coretta Scott King and Yolanda King, educator, scholar, activistand musician.

See also:

  • Frances wrote a song about Manchester College. It can be found in the Music Filing Cabinet (IIS).
  • transcript ofFrances Smith Thomas'memorial service, MC2007/134
Town of North Manchester: Smith, Frances and FamilyMC2008/07

Smith, Frances:

Frances Smith, Manchester College alumni, Class of 1923, and her historical North Manchester family.

Van Winkle, Alma Rupel: Handbook and Cards circa 1898MU2013/100

A Student's Hand-Book of North Manchester for The Year of 1898.

North Manchester College Prayer Meeting Topics - small pamphlet.

The College Sunday School, North Manchester, Indiana, December 1897 - attendance and grade card.

Vision StatementMC2008/18 Vision StatementDevelopment of the 2008 Vision Statement. Background material and drafts.
Wampler, SadieFaculty/Staff Boxes 46-48: Wampler, Sadie Stutsman

Biographical materialsand images ofSadie Stutsman Wampler.

West, Dan: Materials, Gift From Heifer Project InternationalMC2009/130 a,b,cDan West File with copies of writings, DVD with clips of radio broadcases, pictures and video. Photographs of Heifer Project in other countries. These materials were gifts to the Archives from Heifer Project International.
Winger and Miller: Letters From Foreign LandsMC2004/635-1Letters by Otho and Ida Winger to family members (Edith Miller, Amos Miller)while touring the world in 1927-1928. The last part of the collection are letters written by Bertha Miller Neher to Edith and Amos about her foreign travels.
Winger, Ida, Winger Otho: Letter from Egypt, 1928MC2004/635-14Ida Winger's letter to family from Port Said, Egypt, 1928.
Winger, Otho and Winger, Ida: Family Letter Before Tour, 1927MC2004/635-4Otho and Ida Winger's first letter to family aboard the American Merchant 15 minutes before departure, 1927.
Winger, Otho and Winger, Ida: Memorabilia from Foreign TripMC2004/635-22a,b

Letters and momentos from Otho and Ida's foreign excursion.

Women's Residence Organization / Association of Women Students (AWS)MC2002/285

Women's Residence Organization and Association of Women Students collection of materials.

See Also: Oak Leaves, 30 April 1964 p.2; 7 May 1964 p.1; 14 May 1964 p.1; 8 October 1964 p.1; 19 November 1964 p.3; 10 December 1964 p.1; 14 January 1965 p.4; 25 February 1965 p.2; 18 March 1965 p.3

Women's Residence Organization / Association of Women Students (AWS)MC General File: Dress Code Collection Women's Dress Code.
Yoder, Harold: HymnalB 783. C47b, 1886 c.2

Acopy of a letter written to Harold Yoder by J. Allen Willmert,College Librarian Emeritus, 9 April 1990 listing the books that Harold Yoder donated toFunderburg Library.

Harold Yoder wrote a special note to accompany his donation ofthe 1901 Hymnal. It stated that the1901 Hymnal was used at the Camp Creek Church of the Brethren wherehis wife, Ella Yoder (deceased) worshipped as a girl.

Young, John F.: Stories from the Class of 1942MU2015/25Correspondence belonging to John F. Young,along withpages of Manchester College memories submitted by the Class of 1942 in honor of their 50th class reunion.

These items in the Church of the Brethren collection may also be helpful:
Click on the record's record number to see the full record information.
TopicRecord #Description Summary
Bowman, Ray: Brethren PeopleBrethren People File: Bowman, RayOne of the trips made by, seagoing cowboy, Ray Bowman, was with Jacob C. Wine (see Jacob C. Wine, Jr., diary and photographs, BC2008/12). They traveled to Bremen, Germany in May of 1946. Ray wrote down his experiences to share at the Dan West/Heifer International exhibit dedication.
Bruderhoff: PublicationsBC2012/14

A collection of Bruderhof and Bruderhof related publications assembled by Professor David Eiler.

Church of the Brethren: Lent, Zeller, Harry Jr. 1944BC2010/10The file folder containing this message by Harry K. Zeller, Jr. has "Sugar Creek" written on the left hand corner. Perhaps Ferne Baldwin wrote this note to tell what congregation Harry Zeller was speaking to or was part of? The message is titled, "Brethren Declare Their Lenten Faith," and is dated 26 March 1944.
Eel River Church of the Brethren: Kosciusko and Wabash CountiesBC2016/11"Early Brethren Families in The Eel River Congregation in Kosciusko and Wabash Counties, Indiana," by Lester H. Binnie.
Four Mile Church of the BrethrenBC2002/10

The Virginia Colony or The Four Mile Church Part 1.

Some families that are mentioned: Miller, Kingery, Lybrook, Moss, Toney, Witter, Hart, Eikenberry, Brower, Landis, Ritter, Huston, Rinehart, Rife, Ridenour, Shideler, Fosher, and Fiant.

See Also: The Brethren Encyclopedia and, History of the Church of the Brethren in Indiana.

Ladoga Area Church of the Brethren: RecordsBC2015/1

Primary source material forLadoga area Brethren: Raccoon Creek, Cool Spring, Bethel, Mount Pleasant, Little Walnut, Bethany, Ladoga, including but not limited to: Congregational minutes, histories, sermon notes, financial records, and transfer of membership letters (19th and 20th century) including Brethren from Four Mile (Indian Creek).

Mack, AlexanderBC2001/6Alexander Mack, leader of the Schwarzenomer Neutavfer (sic) [Schwarzenauer Neutäufer, or forerunners of the Church of the Brethren and related groups], wrote a letter to the Count of Ysenburg-Büdingen Moravianborn on 5 September 1711. The original letter is kept in the Archives of the Castle. It has been translated into modern German by Gudrun Meyer and into English by Barbara Ollesch.
Mount Morris Church of the Brethren: Souvenir Booklet, 1867 - 1923BC2011/26

This Sourvenir Booklet contains adedicatory program, a commemorative and anniversary service of the Church of the Brethren in Mount Morris, Illinois,that tookplace on Sunday, 18 March 1923.It holds pictures of members, lists of elders, pastors, ministers, a membership directory as well ashistorical sketches.

Nettie Senger, Missionary, China: Church of the BrethrenBC2006/11Material regarding Nettie Senger, missionary to China.
Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.