Let's Make Homemade Hand Pie - Dining and Cooking (2024)

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I’m Crystal and my boyfriend, Dan, and I have been online entertainers for years. Welcome to our community, the RFS fam! On this channel, we have a variety of shows: baking shows, interactive trivia, Hot Wheels racing, Pictionary, Mario Kart game night, and more! The best part is that our shows are all LIVE! You get to be a part of the interactive fun! So if you like a good time with an amazing community that lifts each other up, then you have found the right place. Thanks for watching!

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#livebaking #MiniEggSwirledChocolateBark

e well bam there’s no there we are there’s no intro music today because I don’t know the computer didn’t work so I’ll see you in it’s getting baked with Crystal you’re on welcome to get Baker Crystal we’re I’ll be kicking Dan out of the kitchen five times tonight at minimum hello to everybody who’d rather be watching hockey I got it on the big screen over here but I don’t know what’s going on and why wow look at his burgundy velvet sport coat that is snazzy you need to get down Dan tried to be romantic is that what you call arm pit farts romance cuz he’s been doing it for years how’s everybody doing out there hopefully better than me whose uh air conditioner broke at work today that’s fun and nobody believed me but I assured them it’s hot air coming out as soon as they can come and fix it is Monday morning so hopefully it’ll be their first damn thing cuz it’s going to be hot I think I got this I don’t know YouTube just didn’t want to have the live button up I was ready to go and it took at least a minute and a half before YouTube to produce a live button so we’re live but the music just didn’t want to play through the thing so going be quacktastic today hi everybody yahoo what are we doing tonight Crystal tonight we are making hand pies because I’m not turning the oven on it’s 94 degrees outside there’s no way that oven’s going on Dan you didn’t do the things you do to make me look so red also it’s hot and I look so red yeah like I don’t know what to do to you we can broadcast from the Sun next time and then I’ll look less Red by comparison yeah it’s warm and I just woke up it’s hot maybe wait let me do the trick where I open this window and then the air conditioner the air that’s funny the swamp cooler will suck the air out this way yeah you need some air coming your way I got you it’s a little warm uh Wilton talking about her maybe a possum a possum no I think you don’t pronounce the O I’m so confused about that we don’t have those out here wait we do my mom had one at her house one time one time that’s the only posum I’ve ever heard of uh in in their house that’s terrifying is it are they good are they bad I they they look scary I mean they don’t like do menacing things they sit there and they wait for you to like take them outside cuz they’re playing freeze tag it’s just one big game freeze tag that’s that’s that’s what it is uh Chris says 94 degrees sounds chilly 117 Fahrenheit here today I do not EnV you I will never be in a contest with you on Who’s hotter except that my air conditioner broke today well not mine but like the place where I go8 hours a day that Promises to Keep Me temperature controlled at a nice cool 70° failed me today they eat ticks and look like giant rats yes they do they also eat mice yeah no e we don’t have ticks either so maybe that’s why we don’t have possums here your cat is stuck and twisting around cuz she can’t get her clawed she’s she’s doing one of these trying to leave but she can’t uh possums and O possums are similar but different animals do you do you pronounce the O is it opposum is it aasum I don’t know I never had one oh liquidum shipped a surprise should be there around Monday or Tuesday awesome I will have Dan wait is it heavy because the last time Dan went to the post office there were two heavy boxes he should not have been lifting that’s two cats that I’ve s saved from stuck nails today well good thing you’re home have you noticed that one of her whiskers on this side is just like like like she has a curly C mustache what are you doing much had a tube before the show cuz he was demanding food and I think he dripped a piece there because now he’s licking the cabinet Oh Shannon I do not envy you there’s no way I could work in food service and be over a grill much like I refuse to turn on my oven before midnight it’s not happen in here at all so we are making hand pies in the air fryer but I’m hungry and I need dinner and Dan said can we make something Savory so we are going to do pizza I have cheese and the boys have some meat they’re going to put inside of it uh I say the boys Blake is banished to his room and he’s only allowed to come out here with a mask on cuz he went on a cruise and came back infected um I told him he’s not allowed out here and if he comes out he has to have a mask cuz I refuse to get sick he’s been sick in there all week we’re all sick anyway if so but he’s doing he was doing better yeah but he’s he’s vanished to his room says I sweat every day at work this two showers a day weather I have been there like up until this job I worked in places that did not have functioning air conditioning and I would come home I would take a shower in the morning I’d go to work I’d come home at lunch when I work at the print shop and I’d take a shower again like just cold water don’t even turn that hot water on just take a cold shower go back to work for a few more hours come home and take another shower Shannon got donuts and McDonald’s for dinner I’ll take donuts for dinner a thousand e Drew is working over a hot pot of liquid metal this week with no AC he was miserable I bet yeah that doesn’t sound like any fun dude Wilton says I guess they make good pets get along with cats and can be litter trained but it’s illegal in Michigan to keep wild animals as pets if it was not would you add an aosom to your clouder I don’t think they do much so apparently they eat ticks and mice like is that their preferred diet if you kept one as as a pet would you have to feed it mice like it’s a snake would you have to go out and collect ticks on your socks to give it something to eat or would it have a sandwich oh Jess says it’s legal with the right permits how big is your clouder Welton is there room for more uh hello to Missouri Michelle hello from California they look like ferrets well I hope they don’t smell like ferrets because if you’ve ever been in a house that has ferrets does not matter how much you clean them they stink roxxy’s up there see yeah she is I don’t know how she makes that jump with like six in the clearance but she does they’re omnivorous oh great another thing that will eat anything I’ve got plenty of cats that do that I’m good who was here two weeks ago I’ll start the show when I feel like it don’t you worry Dan I know you’re always concerned um who was here two weeks ago when we made root beer floats and mooch lick the ice cream scoop anybody I was here for that you were here for that you were actually holding the mooch when I took a picture of him and later that night I turned that picture into a looped video cuz I always have live on on my camera and then I posted it to the gram that video I posted two weeks ago today is now at hold on let me refresh 914 th000 views it was at 500,000 yesterday morning so remind me to check it before the end of the show and we’ll see if we hit a million that is my literally most viewed anything ever on anything I don’t think we’ve ever that’s for me too that’s more than anything uh did it help you gain some followers no wait hold on let me let me view my insights cuz it is set up as a a business account so I can see that uh one one you know how it goes I got one follower you know how it goes Jess one but hey almost a million people have watched my cat like an ice cream scoop then they scroll on that is why I hate Instagram then they scroll on and forgot all about it it’s fine it’s fine I’m not here to like profit off my Instagram it’s mostly just so people could see my cats hey look I have cats you want to see them here they are it has gotten 7,3 44 likes which is more than anything I’ve ever posted something else try to lay on the off button too absolutely he will not [ __ ] mooch is the staple now yes almost mean kitty level of views I don’t know what mean kitty is like one of my cats that’s mean is my cat mean hi don’t be Nails no a bigle your nails cut they all do yes they all do not mooch he tried to climb the screen door today and could not um Kiko tried to rip down the drapes with her nails today yeah she definitely needs to be trimmed Jess says regardless it’s pretty freaking epic for sure it is fun I’ve been texting damn from work like I’ll check in the morning and be like hey I’m at like 6:15 and then like what did we gain today 1,05 minutes it was kind of crazy isn’t this cute made its way into some algorithm you shut your mouth I have been posting pictures on that account for literally years Jess do you remember how many years ago was it that we were at the Airbnb for VidCon and and I was like effan I’m going to make an account right now and I made the account I was like my only rule is just to post something every day and I’ve almost done it every single day there’s been a couple of times when I’ve been like sick or something oh it was more than three years ago because I’ve been doing it through through pandemic how many how many posts do I have 1534 posts that’s how many days it’s been let’s do some math divided by 365 uh 4.20 years ago seems fitting for getting baked with Crystal so yeah over 4 years I’ve been doing it almost every single day yep we had the conversation and I freaking did it I think you’ve done it every day how many days you think you missed under five I would say right around five I’ve missed and usually if I miss a day I’ll get up in the morning be like oh man I forgot to post and then I’ll post something in the morning and then also post something at night so you always post when you lay in bed at night that’s like your routine I do cuz I forget all day long hey D you have any you have any cat got to cat pictures show me your kitties hi Britney thank you for the Super Chat it’s going well it’s it’s oh wait it cooled down one degree we’re down to 93 yeah I got some air coming this way thank you I do appreciate that uh Libby’s C is here hello friend I Haven not seen you in a while I hope you are well um so yeah that’s all just remind me to check before the end of the show and see if we’ve hit a million because it has gone up what was it at this morning when I texted you are you still talking about that video I am I’m impressed you shut your mouth at 8:47 this morning it was 692 th000 and now it is 900 14,000 it is that’s a big jump 30,000 3 300,000 that’s a lot of numbers I’m got good job thanks Dan thanks for holding the cat atie and says yep I check first thing in my morning 4 a.m. Colorado time oh that is too early Dan’s just envious he doesn’t have a video that performed that well Jess he posted something today and was like I’m putting this up to try to compete with yours where did you where’ you fizzle out at I’m oh with my CVS receipt video that you thought was going to compete with my cute cat it was jamming for a minute today I made a CBS for a minute mine’s been jamming for two weeks Dad it’s got a where you at it’s got 2,900 views oh that’s cute I miss is Big Time good job all right all right shall we make some hand pies we shall Crystal I don’t want to make mine in a round circle I want mine to be on a fun pattern or something well and you better get some darn cookie cutters out where where’s n where’s the ones down here those aren’t the ones for that you need the box that’s up there you’re probably going to need to get a chair because you can’t stretch Brittney says I check for new post of midnight yeah you can tell what time I go to bed by what time I post the picture yeah it’s usually like right around midnight yes absolutely wton said I just looked at it again should be 1 million soon thank you if you haven’t seen it please head over to RFS cats on Instagram go give that thing a view help me out BB says make it in the shape of a hand you can make whatever shapee you want Dan dude my hand sucks all cheese is going to leak out the back over here uh foxy qual is out of work due to an injury at work was it a slip and fall or did something bite you I need more information hello gaming gaming Midnight Sun even though you’ll always be a ham to me I hope you’re doing well friend I hope you’re hanging in there dang what are you doing are you taking everything down little bit are you not we get the whole box out that has the the other ones too those might be too small cuz we have to do two layers and pinch them together or you can fold them in half but those are awfully small and I don’t know that that will work for this I think you’re right I think I am right thank you Sarah appreciate you thank you Michelle thanks guys sorry it’s hot and I just woke up and I’m I’m as cloudy headed as I was on Saturday all right so I just have uh the pie crust if you missed it Dan bought me pie crust when I didn’t need this kind of pie crust I need a gram cracker pie crust so we are attempting to use these up before they go bad oh foxy quala you got bit was it something where like do you have to have shots in your butt so you don’t get infected with anything what what bit you can I have more information how come the shots got to be in the butt cuz I think you have to get rabies shots in your butt or maybe your stomach I like to think they’re in your butt watch Cujo do we have like the soccer or the dude that’s like jump kicking and stuff in here the ninjab bread men yeah can I make it in this you can if you want there’s not much room though that’s the thing you’re not going to have much no I mean it’ll grow in the oven it will but you’re not going to have much room for your filling inside is what I’m saying you squishing the box and I can’t get anything out of it think the ninja bread men are red I don’t know if they’re going to have much room for filling item but you can make it in the shape of anything you want not you does this have your circles somewhere I think it shows me all my shapes yes it does blue blue has circles here’s blue thanks my hero it say disappears ah Nicholas is here hello my friend with a super super super chat thank you so much appreciate you uh he just stopped by to say hello hello hello I hope you are doing well I hope it’s not uh too cold uh too cold too hot on the other side of the country and thank you again for the support I’m going to try to Nick I’m going to try to make a I don’t know I’m going to try to eat me I guess that’s what I thought it was but I I would need a bigger I can make little small ones though I can make little small DS you can we’re only going to fill the pizza ones with cheese and meat for you guys oh okay this is the and then you’ll you’ll dip it in it is you’ll dip it in a pizza sauce uh gaming midnight s says not good today but checked my analytics and to my surprise I’ve had a video go go viral isn’t it amazing yay congratulations good job good job I just want to get a towel these have been in here forever and I can see dust like floating around so everyone that we use should be dusted off off what do I keep it to a camera that doesn’t and Nick thank you so much Britney too thank you so much for the support thank you thank you Sam does not want me to make the lighthouse uh Jim says boob is the best piece of shape it’s scientifically proven do we have it’s raining in the 60s at Wilton’s house I’m so envious remember rain I do remember remember when we used to have rain I thought I opened up my thing the other day it said rain Friday and Saturday and when I looked back it was like no you idiots wind yeah it’s like it’s hot and windy enjoy your hot wind tunnel this one looks like I could put some guts in it but it’s just going to turn into a blob probably I have two of these so I don’t know what you want to do I’m going to cut as many circles as I can and then I’m going to roll up the rest but I I can pull out the other one 94 New York today o yeah but then you guys it’s like muggy there it ain’t dry like here yeah that’s fine gross this one’s not going to look right this what do you what do you think we should do for a shape maybe you guys can help me find the right shape you want as much open space as possible fill it right so I can put all the mozzarella right there oh and a flood watch are you going to use Liners in the air fryer thank you for reminding me yes that is my plan just in case it uh leaks out hopefully that’ll help with that you’re off you’re off sides I poorly planned that off sides what happened um I can’t oh oh can I squeeze one yeah you can squeeze one in nope I was bit by an African wild dog ouch that’s brutal I hope you’re okay no Lighthouse I guess I have to like roll this out yeah is that do I roll it or do I just like lay it next to itself and P it uh you know what let me ask my girlfriend she’s a baker she’ll she she’ll she’ll have the answer it’s not cookie dough see if I can do this Jim says it’s been hot here all week my car felt like a sauna oh that’s the worst part I have a sun shade thing and it does help for sure but I work 7 minutes from home so I get in the car I roll down the back windows like halfway I crack the front windows but then it takes like 3 minutes before the air conditioner is actually conditioning the air yeah I’m like halfway home so it’s not too bad on the way there in the morning but lunchtime is bad and after work is bad lunchtime is the worst uh and then you know about halfway home I’ll roll up those back windows that air will start being a little bit cool it’s brutal it’s all right I hurried open the door for you and let you in so you don’t have to stay out there a do you think the cat’s too small just think about how much filling you’re going to get and the the ends the legs aren’t going to get any filling so then that’s just going to be pie crust [ __ ] quala that sucks but like you know like that’s what like like maybe that’s a rad scar like Jim does not have car AC boo I don’t miss those days okay so so far I’ve gotten six out of this that’s three three pies Dan which one of these is going to look most like a person when I put it in the oven and it fluffs up I don’t know cuz I don’t know how much the pie Crest is going I like I’ve only you ever use pie crust on the bottom of a pie right so I know how much it’s going to rise up Dan do you have a car shape that might work uh I don’t know no look at the side careful cuz it’s open here yeah there’s like a train and a car let’s see that’s in the purple ones is that purple or blue uh same thing okay unless you’re trying to find it hello Anna thank you for joining us we’re making hi Anna hand pies right now mostly Dan’s just making a mess I am these never go in there right either especially not when Dan does it no I guess sabot it’s a I guess sabotage all right all right I’m just going to squish this up and try to how many R rights in a row all right all right all right all right minimum three right ew Sarah’s blower slfan quit working in her car yesterday so it was not fun driving boo Steve is here hi Steve hi Steve miss you friend I have a train I can run a train on it no there’s a train no I think Sarah said she was going to make some chocolate chip cookies tomorrow yum I I read it in my head but I didn’t that happens to me all the time I’ll read like five things all at once and then I’ll be laying there at night you were lay there at night and you were like did I get back to that comment cuz sometimes that happens to me oh do I and then I feel bad I get I’m like did I get I get distracted afel you’re cute thinking I have a pasta machine the car is small I would love to make pasta but who’s got time for that U my 70-some year old retired Aunt Terry that’s who has time to make pasta not this guy the end of that pie crust was kind of crusty yeah the car is kind of the car’s small that is small just you’re just cheating yourself the smaller it is the less filling you have I’m going to make a bun I’m going to make like more I’m not only eating that Crystal this don’t go back in you’re right wow it like really doesn’t go back in and there’s like you’ve got to let me Tetris it that’s why I just did that all right so we we can’t use this one I know I could get a pasta attachment mix for my mixer I would never use it you know how easy and cheap it is to make box pasta got no time for that no look I don’t even have time for the nap I want to take this makes me want to make sugar cookies does it yeah it’s been a while since we’ve done that I know I want to use the shapes Sam suggesting the flower husk M brono says I made pasta for Mother’s Day I put photo on page oh and making homemade chicken tender and hash brown casserole tonight yum I can do the flower but I wanted to do the I wanted to do the people the flower was cute yeah I didn’t realize the people weren’t going to have much filling space it’s up to you if you want to knock one out in that shape you can maybe I’ll do one of those in a flower the bar is all right so what did I get get out of this three six I got nine good deal so if I can get roughly nine out of this watch fingers Wilton it’s a it’s a lighthouse uh s with a member Super Chat all caps no Lighthouse Dan you’re making me use my member of Super Chat to yell at you oh you were going to use it for that anyway and you know it I know right we all know it I’m making Lighthouse Okay so we should do that first before I start cutting circles cuz I’m going to do some pizza and then we’re going to do all uh so you have a choice I can cut up some apples and fry some apples like I do for pancakes and we can make apple hand pies okay or I saw somebody do s’mores ones okay and I think we have marshmallows I know we have chocolate thank you Linda and gram cracker crumbs and you put that all in there and you make a s’mores hand pie so I shouldn’t screw around with too much of them because you want to make some delicious ones I do okay how many so as of right now we have four and a half how many can I do then two if I cut out nine here then I would be able to make nine pies total so we could have like two pizza and an apple pie each so I should be able to do so I could do one shape then what which one shape should I do this would be most similar to this problem is you’re going to have to pinch it together at the ends so like is this all a bad idea it is only because you’re going to lose filling space but for two days I was like wanted to cut out the thing I know you did but it’s not going to Jim says Nutella peanut butter and mini marshmallows don’t have Nutella and I don’t like peanut butter and dessert all right all right all right but I bet that would be good for people who like peanut butter and have Nutella I’m hungry so make him whatever [ __ ] I’m sorry did I crush your dreams it’s not just you it was you and logistics for once it wasn’t just me chisan it was you and Logistics I just want to make sure guys have enough food cuz I’m still not sure this is going to be enough food cuz I’ve seen how you guys house pizza I’ve been feeding like all day yeah luckily we do have more pizza Frozen in there so if this is not enough we can throw some pizza in the oven after the show that’s good that he’s eating though that means he’s on The menend Dan you can do this another time right we’re going to make some sugar cookie soon um we do also have one more pie crust in there but I did not thaw it out yeah um we’ll make like the appropriate cookie soon and then I’ll be able to like do all my cutouts but it’s probably just going to leak out all the sides and stuff it is hey toppo what’s up buddy how you doing toppo oh I math a little better on this one only a little though he buddy I think he’s mad because he came in right as mooch was finishing his Tube before the show what do you smell mooch I like the lighthouse too lady j13 just said we went out to dinner tonight it was nice not to cook I don’t ever know it in the whole time I’ve known you uh that all of you guys all went out to dinner at the same time at once like you and the game night crew I had Texas brisket sandwich and it was epic nice epic it look good I saw you know thanks to you playing Warcraft epic always makes me think things were purple that’s yeah she had purple brisket mhm she’s got purple brisket definitely purple brisket I can’t remember the last time we went out all together yeah I don’t think so I don’t think I’ve that’s why when you said that I was like oh Dane really well that’s awesome I had chicken line o nice we had pork steaks flavored rice and broccoli is better than unflavored rice wilon what’s flavored rice rice that has flavor can’t your that butt down you know like one time I made cilantro lime rice remember when we did uh we did it on the show actually when we made copycat Chipotle but usually I just make you guys White rice you do have a rolling pin but it’s buried yeah I was going to ask you if you wanted that before I moved everything nope I’ll just smash it by hand I don’t think there’s a socket to CH an epic brisket no not unless you go to the jeweler is that a Warcraft reference probably Diablo I don’t think I could I don’t think I had any gems in Warcraft I just had glyphs you have what glyphs if you want to be nerdy about it flavored reron I you have flavored rice sometimes you get the pouches that are like you have the mushroom rice that you guys were you you bought it and you guys left it in there for like a year and then you finally ate it and nobody was impressed I just don’t call it flavored rice like Wilton does it’s rice with flavor that reron in the little box it was beef flavored beef made it 21 long minute semi trck video to a 55c la YouTube short it’s so fast it might make people dizzy yes yes shoving all that information in short such a short period of time but that’s fun though I like action-packed fun stuff that’s fast my husband used to do gems in Warcraft lady j13 says tomorrow is supposed to be 100 I’ll be eating cereal for dinner that is one of my favorite things to have for dinner so easy it I had enchantments my weapons were Enchanted I just don’t remember having sockets lady3 what kind of cereal cuz you know I like cereal a lot you do I do you do I don’t want to make this too thick but I also don’t want to waste the dough and I’m not going to have enough to make two so we’re wasting dough here yay way to stretch it out oh weather finally broke we have 3 days of miserable heat for Mid June um Jess is up until like today uh all week long justess has been hotter than we were here yes today was hot though what are you doing I’m making dinner here you’ve been eating the heck out of those how close to empty is that bag more than full more empty than full uh extra pido sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and bake like a cookie you are brilliant lady JD says Honey Nut Cheerios well if you’re going to have Cheerios at least they’re Honey Nut Crystal thinks Cheerios smells like pea um not the flavored ones just regular Cheerios they smell like pea to me I don’t know what you were doing in school maybe it’s cuz toddlers always eat them and then toddlers kind of smell like pee I don’t know it’s gross it’s just gross Dan all right where did my cheese go oh I might have moved your cheese sorry you know better than remve my cheese the refrigerator is a thing it’s out of control right now maybe later we’ll show them your cleaned out baking cover oh don’t make me cry I made Crystal clean out her baking cover the other day she’ll tell you the story you find one box of expired cake mix Dan makes you throw everything away you find one box of expired cake mixes from two Olympics ago it wasn’t that old literally Michael Phelps was on the front of it shut up the person whose birthday it was for is dead Okay so the plan is a dessert one for each of us so that’ll be this I’m going to put this in the fridge so it doesn’t get all hard and gross okay [Music] everybody’s hot in the chat everybody’s hot yeah it’s freaking miserable um hi everybody if you’re just joining us for getting B Crystal we’re going to make some P pies you’re going to have various fillings in there and I’m hungry now you’re all caught up again there you go there you go all right you need to warm up some of this so you guys can have meat in yours yeah I’ll get right on that yeah I was I’m like making them now oh yeah you want the air fryer on probably I think 350 will do it mooch it’s not for you smell warming up the sauce first and stuff so it’s like already kind of hot um yes because the sauce we’re just going to dip is this my bowl is now yes I don’t know if you’ll need all that meat cuz oh I’m eating it I’m hungry to open it I Don’t Need No Man fair enough let me get my air fryer liners out thanks Britney so as I don’t forget think I could probably cook three at a time uh maybe hey uh-uh uh-uh nope you might have to go into the room yeah he might have to I’m going to get some Italian sorry I think you’ve been voted off the island oh wilon I’m can I come over mooch who just celebrated his uh 17th birthday with almost a million views yeah happy birthday mooch you’re in the bedroom now oh he’s crying you can come out after we’re done making food okay so mine’s just going to have cheese as much cheese as I can possibly shove in here he’s he’s like saying words wow she’s trying to say words roxxy’s uh she’s trying to figure out like what’s going on up there you she’s like what’s going on okay I think I might have to Fork this maybe maybe a little bit of water around the edge no we’re going to dip it in the sauce cuz I don’t want to put sauce in it and have it goo out everywhere and also they’re not not very big yeah it doesn’t work out that way the best um because this wasn’t like something I planned as a meal it was just like uh we got to use up some pie crusts uh so I didn’t like go buy a bunch of pie crust to be able to do this um I’m just trying to use up what we have whoa that was a little scary I was hoping to catch it on camera but that was kind of fast it was really fast um do you want to did you eat your meat yeah you always put this pot in the wrong spot um maybe I can have you warm up some of this the pizza sauce yes okay yeah yeah I opened it for you the whole jar um maybe like half the jar it’s already cracking open Dam dang it how are you mad at the sauce I’m not mad at the sauce I’m mad at the thing that’s popping open already should use that to the bottom so what you’re telling me is my my guys wouldn’t have worked your what my little guys probably wouldn’t have worked probably not all right I got some sauce sauce in on the sauce okay um you did you put the lid on it cuz the sauce is going to get hot and it’s going to pop out everywhere oh yeah no I didn’t yeah you should put the lid on it and you should probably have it like kind of low like medium low your pies actually look pretty good to the thumbnail Crystal because if you look at the thumbnail I had the AI make it I said make hand pies in the background and it made those hand pies in the background and it kind of looks like the hand pies that you were making uh down here well that’s good okay what was I supposed to do we’re doing more instructions um medium low don’t put it too high I did it it’s a hand tiie it is there there we go good job 102 watching and only 41 thumbs up am I not entertaining you hold on hold on hold on I am in the no thumb forums and I did post up we going live so there’s a lot of people that are here that could be watching with no thumbs so that could be why it’s like they’re not able to give thumbs up skew mhm okay so I’m just going to do a little spoonful of meat you guys are definitely going to need more food these are tiny it’s okay this is fun in my mind like we’re making dinner yeah I need like smaller broken up pieces oh wait are you I want to make my pie that’s Blake’s okay I’ll make them I want to make my pie good luck with that Dan what are you getting like some onions or something to put in my pie okay pie ingredients maybe I’ll put a piece of mozzarella squeaky cheese in there but there’s already cheese in here and it’s already mozzarella it’s already too much cheddar it’s already too much cheese it is I don’t know how well this one’s going to close make it fit you can make crusta bbls but I know you don’t like peanut butter I do like peanut butter I just don’t like peanut butter and desserts I ate a bunch of Uncrustables during the pandemic time uh we had a box of them and those were fun they tasted fake as heck but they were fun apparently you can make them if you just squish some white bread Johnson said they’re meal if you eat six they’re what uh they’re a meal if you eat six you need an egg wash to help sell them I was wondering if we should do an egg wash let’s try to do an egg wash can we do an egg wash in the air fryer yeah cuz you just put it over the top before you throw it in there okay get me an egg please of course I got eggs today good thing I used the last of the eggs yesterday and I was like oh no no you were like calling me at 10:00 at work to tell me we were out of eggs I’m not sure what he wanted me to do about that I was letting you know that you weren’t going to come home and whip up some sort of bakeable because we’re out an egg whoa please don’t do that it makes me very uncomfortable make your thing what did you put this to 350 350 okay but it’s on air fry not baked so I don’t know what that means I will find out I need a fork sure hey keep your hand pie off my hand pie keep keep your discount crustable away from me it was the one that was coming over here okay I’m going to add a little water this cuz just couldn’t th this recipe couldn’t be like the most couldn’t be any more like unproductive right I mean what makes you say it’s unproductive cuz I about to eat one of these in two bites that’s very true it’s definitely more effort the payoff is going to I should have turned on the oven and cooked that half a pizza like they do on Julia Child’s I to put where she had a whole second meal ready to go forgot all about it oh yeah look at it all Splash it up yep who egg wash around both circumferences then press and seal then press and seal like before no I did water to press and seal it I’m going to do an egg wash on top top so it gets all like shiny and crusty is my top yes and then you have to make another one how come mine’s all dirty and yours isn’t well cuz you’re Dan and I’m not no I just hear sad mooch sad mooching he is howling UF am I going to Mark mine um this one has a piece of meat showing through and Dan’s Dan I think we’re marked mine’s the one that’s not marked how’s that mine’s rad mine looks like a freaking UFO to infinity and beyond you you should use the fork like I did for what to pinch the ends that’s Dum is it no I did it too high yeah the further in you go yeah no see see how far in I did no just the tip Dan just the tip oh why didn’t she say so egg wash is better glue than water well it’s too late now do it all way I can do egg wash on the next one I should probably do that before I put anything on it Dan is the one that fell on the floor probably it’s beautiful wait till you see this job well know which one’s dance it looks great as long as you’re happy with it that’s what matters okay you can probably shut the stove off I’m sure that’s cooked enough yeah it’s lava now see how much you squished it down yeah let’s show the audience look at that it freaking looks like The Lion King tell me that’s not a visual Lion King representation kind of flat I don’t think you put enough in it but you do you boo oh it is compared to yours uh-huh a you should have let me make yours here I thought I was overstuffing it hi Dan hi Kim we’re making hand pies and I understuffed mine story of my life all right this one is Blakes crystal that’s okay just do a dish liquid wash on Dan’s I like the way you think I’m just blow big bubbles my bubble pizza I don’t know how do they need air holes uh probably stab the top of it I don’t want mine to have an air hole I want to see if mine blows up like a balloon Dan is flat compared to Crystal are we talking about the dress again maybe that was hot in that dress those are my good days all right I think it said like five or six minutes maybe okay our air fryer has a timer so I don’t have to set off everybody’s Alexa oh it already has Italian seasoning inside it and I put some on top you can have that thanks do you want to make your second one as well or do you want me to make it uh I’ll make it okay that was fun I like that I’m losing weight oh good hoay not me cuz I make things like air fryer Pizza Jim yes it is it’s Friday night go get it what I will never know I’m down to 21 3 6 that is a locker combination but good I don’t know if that’s stones or whatever pounds or what does Canada does Canada does still do pounds I’m not Canadian whatever their kilometer weights are how many kilometers do you weigh color kilograms hi Steve I’m trying to lose weight too it’s so hard it really is cuz you know kilog food doesn’t taste good that’s right it’s kilograms Canada speak kilograms oh I miss you Steve well I mean I see every day in the group chat but I don’t we just send each other memes that’s kind of usess too I mean look that’s how I keep in touch with my closest friends so that’s how you know you’re in my Inner Circle D actually it’s sad Saturday here oh my bad by the time it’s Saturday for me I get to watch more F1 racing which is so mad right now which is so mad in there he’s not stoked at all oh oops I can this it’s okay nobody’s here to see what I’m doing I guess I could bu some his howls are getting louder and longer he’s so mad he’s so mad H Hannah says not me finding out where I stand yeah it’s in the middle of podon Kansas it was my Kansas joke for the episode I I have sent you memes mostly I send you like cool things like look at this crocheting thing M me I’m a hermit poor mooch needs a treat after lock up he mo had a treat right before lock up he get a he had a whole tube all to himself oh you’re looks so good and toppo showed up right at the end I offered to make yours and you were like I don’t want your crap sounds like me it does your food’s not even good I’m having to do it for my hernia oh just do a br britty thought I got mine removed so you’ll be lighter when they get it removed my boss had to lose weight to have his hernia fixed and he lost a bunch of weight real quick I was very impressed yeah when you’re like told you have to it’s different right I wish someone would tell me I have to gaming ham say G oh sorry the gaming mid night son says is it me or am I hallucinating that Dan is helping Crystal to cook this is more like craft projects than cooking so that’s the that’s the loophole look he’s making his own food that’s why he’s allowed to do it I don’t really let Dan when was the last time you remember making me food I offer a lot when you’re sick like can have make your girl cheese or something you do and so like um you definitely offer but when was the last time you actually made me food do you even remember might have technically In Our Lifetime done it but I don’t think you want me to you’ve like started toast for me before but then I have to come finish it cuz you don’t butter it right yeah I kind of just like to make my own food all right you can go ahead with yours I’m like give me that what’s what are you reaching for I keep you what’s that that’s just extra dough oh my yes that is mine what are you doing whatever I want to like not like haa but like like literally like whatever I want to so I’m going to try to like just stuff it with something I don’t know okay you make a mini pie yeah I’m just going to mess with it cute I like it oh mooch liked it too so Dan is Charlie Brown he can’t butter toast I mean technically if the only requirement is to put butter on toast he can put butter on toast like that doesn’t take rocket science I can do stuff just crystal is very particular he doesn’t put it to the end and like it’s not evenly spread and yeah I’m very particular about my food you should see me when I order out you guys have seen when I go to we’ve done two uh Habit Burger live streams and I’m like look so I would like this thing off your menu but I don’t like the way you make it so I’m going to need you to change it in all of these ways we might be doing another Hab Burger live stream soon the one up the street just opened it did it’s like a mile away up at that where that Walmart is that might be too big Dan and do you have cheese in there or you ditching cheese on this one what’s that do you have cheese in there or you ditching cheese on this one uh did I put cheese in the other one inside I had put cheese down on the bottom and then so Blake’s I did cheese meat cheese mine I did just cheese I don’t I I don’t think you put any more cheese if you’re going to butter toast then do it completely right it needs to go all the way down the edges and if it’s not melted see we have a toaster oven not a toaster so if it’s not melted all the way you need to stick it back in there and melt that butter you can make your own toast gy are you going to try it okay okay we’ve done six minutes but I don’t know bottom isn’t very H okay hold on I think I’m going to take it off of the sheet cuz the bottom is not very crispy at all ouch ouch it’s very hot case you were wondering is the sheet not making it crisp up um maybe cuz see how it’s like absorbing stuff that put that was BL I think this was so we’re going to go a couple more minutes without the sheet they’re not really leaking out at all so I think we’re good in that respect what’s going the chat uh I don’t know I was painting this is fun wow Dan what’s that it’s beautiful I’ve never had a make like egg wash stuff before this is my first washing of eggs thanks for clarifying all don’t forget to egg wash those too I’ll egg wash those all right we’re going to make a little person here Who’s down for this it still feels doughy it tastes like pie does it yeah so it’s been in there almost 8 minutes already and it still seems a little doughy yeah I’d imagine it needs to be in there for like 14 15 you think yeah the french fries are like [Music] 101 oh afriel at least like once a day Dan’s lucky he’s cute you right there yeah that’s hot oh Jim’s booing you for not making a mini pie for mooch I don’t think he needs all that bread I was thinking about it for that a little piece and the meat is seasoned with tomato and basil and who knows what else so yeah I don’t know if he should have that Hannah I highly recommend a massage gun um they used one on me last time I went to the chiropractor which I don’t think I’m ever going to do again because I’ve been reading lots of horror stories about chiropractors you’re so messy I’m messy um don’t get any on mine over there uh but yeah they they use the massage gun on me Game Changer like I went home and bought one and it’s the best thing I like the massage guns oh man he has a thousand it’s his birthday who cares well me cuz I don’t want to pay for a vet bill if there’s like garlic or onion or something toxic in there all right he gets all he gets a hold of all kinds of my stuff he absolutely does oh I’m so envious Christopher friend it’s 66 here right now we’re down to 91 we’ve gone down two more degrees let’s uh let’s check much’s re real quick shall we I don’t know if it’s still if it’s still going let’s see 922 yay we’ve gotten uh 8,000 more views in the time we’ve been hanging out here are we making Sweeney Todd pies uh Sarah says she’s worked at the chiropractic office office for over 14 years look I keep reading these stories about how they like break people’s necks and it kind of terrifies me Penelope loves the massage gun yeah it’s the best thing whoa should have got that on camera and I’m I’m um I’m Artisan oh we’re leaking it’s mine mine is leaking out okay that’s Dan’s you coming back down again and the Leaky one is mine are you ready to go in the oven yet I am okay so I have to put them in the same order so I can remember who is who oh mine’s got a picture of me on it this one’s mine I made a face to mine this one’s Blakes dude you guys are all beat up in the chat I guess I am too after my minor major surgery did you just like roll that egg what that uh no it’s got cheese in it oh so that’s going into uh-huh that was fun wait and then the rest of them are going to be snacks yes okay just says game seven here we come I know I’m so excited cuz it’ll be on Sunday where I don’t have to like live stream okay let me put the cheese away cuz done cheese get aali season out good moves hi everybody my hot wheel levels are low so I have to have Jess Hot Wheel shot for me cuz she gets all the good Hot Wheels okay make a little plate for Blake this quarantine room these are definitely going to have to cool down okay cuz there going to be how do how do they look I I’ll bring it over I’m excited for the Dan one that looks like Dan I think that’s going to be pretty cool okay here’s your first one Adrian says I’m not realizing I don’t need AC in my car I just need to get a motorcycle ultimate AC it could defrost out your face after you get out of that freezer and somebody who lives where it’s hot and windy you don’t want wind when it’s hot oh mine’s so tiny and sad yeah you didn’t feel it very much what happened to Blake he’s sick in the bedroom well I think he’s played it I think he’s playing Elden ring but he don’t feel good so he he went on a cruise and came back and yeah he went on a he went on a cruise to Alaska well the sun Canada he put on Canadian soil without a passport I know huh you probably got that dirty out of my way does it just taste like you’re eating a pie a little bit it’s hot I told you it’s going to be Lava why are your Hot Wheels level low are you eating them or something no cuz he hasn’t added any more to the ridiculous collection yet in like a month I have less Hot Wheel wait that’s not completely true cuz some have come in the mail you’ve been online shopping that’s only cuz I had minor major surgery shut and I couldn’t she loves I see that Steve says that sounds illegal oh they didn’t keep him there or charge him $500 I have less Hot Wheels than you do garbage bill kids mine take up way less space uh I do not know what cruise line he went on he went with his mom’s family for his grandparents something anniversary you got to like ride go-karts and stuff on the cruise watch people gamble did Dar get his tube sniff oh like a decade go Adrian I had it’s been around 95 all week the win when you’re going 70 is a lot cooler than standing still it just feels like a hair dryer Adrian I had to have hernia surgery who whoa okay Blake and his Soda Stream are getting out of control on this refrigerator I think I think you’re the one that’s out of control is that what you think I think do you want to fight I think the outter control is coming from inside the house I will fight you I’m going on a cruise take me with you I want to go on a cruise I wanted to go I was like just trade me spots Blake I’ll go on a crew with uh your mom and dad and with with his mom and stepdad and grandparents I’m sure your ex would have loved to have been on a cruise with you Dan and her husband I was telling Crystal the other day cuz I was looking at pictures of the cruise like I don’t even look at Stacy as my ex it’s just like Blake’s Mom it’s been you know so many years uh it’s just Blake’s Mom hi Greg Becky says hi Dan and Crystal only one of us pick it’s going to be me in August with my family oh good hopefully it’s not hot these are fun I don’t love it um I don’t have much substance cuz the cheese just like melted down to nothing like when you cook a cheese stick too long it’s like the most disappointing food truck what would our food truck day be Shad P um this is fine but pie crust is not made for pizza this will be better with a pre-made pizza crust don’t make this don’t make this Dan’s disappointing bites I know I’m curious okay look here’s a good news I’m incubating a little mini Dan so I’m hoping that it comes out good you’re making such a mess it’s all right I SLE earlier I mean it’s a flaky pie crust it’s a flaky pie crust it’s overwhelming yeah how did you get out I let him out I felt bad hi Mr Danny Dell is Kathy around happy birthday Kathy I forgot to text her happy birthday I didn’t no well I’m an a-hole I’m not RFS D yeah is the pie crust sweet no it’s boring it tastes like when you buy the pies it tastes like when you buy those pies in the packaging and you break off the first little crumble where the it’s all pied together and there’s nothing in it and you eat it and then you eat the pie it tastes like a bunch of that it’s not bad it’s Bor it’s boring Crystal I have good news you’ll be able to recover in just a little bit when we put other stuff in there hot got my mil and hot I can’t tell if your face is getting redder from the Heat or not yeah frozen puff pastry dough would definitely work better this was just a matter of I need to use up pie crust I suggested I wanted to make fun pies I looked up pie recipes there wasn’t really any pies I wanted besides apple pie we did apple pie last time just two weeks ago so I was just trying to figure out like what else can I make with pie I’m like oh hand pies will be fun yeah this is fun we’re going to Mi some with some like like yummy inside of them yes I’m going to chop up some apples and I’m going to show you guys the recipe that I use when I make apples on top of Pancakes it’s very doughy like the aftertaste is like I just ate the raw dough um yeah that’s just kind of boring but we’re going to recover we’re going to recover when we uh oh is that BL just sitting over there yeah I was letting it cool down and I was going to give him a second one it’s almost done okay perfect and then I’ll that way while he eats the one the other one can cool down but we’ll recover when we put a bunch of other stuff inside the other pies we’re not done yet yes we’re definitely not done yet this is only phase this was only yeah we’re going to make some some apple pies um most of the pies that I enjoy have a graham cracker crust um I did think about a lemon mering but it’s really hot and I didn’t want to put the oven on so I was trying to find something I can do in the air fryer are we in for another hour of Crystal’s OCD very worried about your OCD Apple feeling you should try my apple pie though and how even all the apples are sliced it really good I will probably do one maybe two apples and I have to chop them into little bits on this one lady J 13 thank you so much uh she sent us a Super Chat Dan and said Emergency Pizza fund oh thank you we we’ll we’ll recover with some hand pies yeah the Apple ones will be better but yeah maybe that that wasn’t the business hopefully the Dan Pai hey now we know hopefully Dan Pai comes out good hopefully so and lady didy thank you so much for the support my cheese has left the building it’s got to come out don’t let mooch eat that mooch don’t eat that I like it pops up on the screen emergency pizza fun okay you can take these to Blake and then uh just let him know that he should eat the one with less uh seasoning on top first cuz it’s been cooling down no no no that’s yours yeah I got to show everybody that here’s a little cheese ball I don’t know if a little cheese ball oh thank you Apel just like them all to be even you should have Min some ve veggies and meat and made them Savory hand pies um I didn’t really want to do meat in mine like not even fake meat the boys did some uh tomato basil meat in theirs I had leftover meat too from spaghetti night look I made a d pie you did Jimmy you want to eat my Dan pie it looks just like me right all right I’m going to take this to the quarantine Zone all right you can take it to this quarantine Zone I like my me isn’t it are I guess I don’t have my hair up so I guess it doesn’t I ow April I already almost dropped it right now RFS hand pie yeah I got to take a picture of me and my pie looks just like me looks good Dan it does huh everyone’s so creative shut the [ __ ] up said you get your cheeseball off my plate you cheeseball that’s not what you I just washed that stop putting dirty things on it now you going to eat your own face he’s kind of cute I I don’t know if I can bring myself to eat my own face or not if it didn’t have meat in it I eat your own face it’s just too flaky there’s much’s cheese ball how did you manage to drop it is it going in the group on Facebook what are we talking about my picture it’s going to go on my in it’ll go on my Instagram hot that’s right I’ll never forget that Steve Debbie said made it to the live listen while I go for a walk oh nice way to be healthy well you don’t know I’m proud of you you’re right is just I’m just filling up on that’s okay I’m just proud of my art project I’m just proud of my art project hey hey hey that’s mine it’s not in the shape of the cat that doesn’t care anymore all right I’ll here your bones you didn’t finish this [ __ ] is that I don’t want to eat it I’m afraid to eat it I don’t I don’t want to eat me I I don’t I don’t want to too hot for a walk even in the dark we were walking on the treadmill last night I ordered a longer cable for the treadmill cuz I kind of need it for this light too it’s not long enough though I should have gotten the next size up but I did last night I was walking forever and I looked down it was a half a mile I’m like oh my gosh I’m still in the driveway no wonder it took him 3 hours to get the motor April you were right you did call it yeah I’m not a fan of this and I don’t want to make this again I don’t even really want to eat this I’ll eat it cuz I like I don’t know I kind of want to mod podge me why don’t you just make some Savory somethings no sweet walking on treadmills just suck we can do it do you want to come walk in this neighborhood cuz that’s the other choice oh yeah I’m might walk in this neighborhood it’s stabby the time passes too slow not enough distra I was watching TV and that was okay um yeah if you just set it up aiming at your TV it’s not that big of a deal I don’t remember what we were watching last oh we were watching scrubs I fun okay let me food out of the way here watch out which is unattended why don’t you go back and lay in your bed whoa bro whoa bro whoa you bag of bones why don’t you lay down right there buddy I wouldn’t live in that neighborhood mhm I was all right I just stared at the TV I think I talked to Crystal a bunch and then oh my God these are the tiniest app I played with the buttons I made it faster and then slower and then I looked at my phone for a minute and then I was done I was like oh I’m done cuz I got all I keep walking so my side doesn’t could you get your lighthouse out of here when it cools down like 10 more degrees we’re putting pizza in the oven I like walking outside and seeing things and hearing things and suddenly like five miles is gone you ain’t walking five miles it is nice to to go for walks at your place but oh no I ain’t walking out here forget that what are you doing moo where you going are you looking on my pie over there do you like my handiwork it looks just like me he’s proud of you this is a bad idea they suck they really do suck I want to go ask BL things I warned them that they sucked Jim I’m going to chop it extra slow just for you all these have the tiniest apples lately which sucks cuz then it’s more chopping I have to do yeah it just depends on the season whether the bags are big or not unlike asparagus the asparagus has been like this big round per per asparagi what kind of guy I’m sorry I fell asleep J on bug said what sucks everything sucks the the hand pies that we made hi Marco can I come swim in your pool can you invite me over so I can come swim in your pool can you invite me over I think you just invited yourself no I invited him to invite me over oh got you my mistake my mistake that’s different yes this apple cutter is the best if you guys have an apple cutter you’ve had for a bunch of years replace it first of all because you don’t realize how dull it’s gotten and how Rusty it is this thing that pushes the pieces through that does help that’s a game changer double the slices but we said that yes come on down yeah we can play pool games what games do you play in your pool we could play Marco I’ve beat anything else that I was going to say [Laughter] after uh what did you put in that mine were just cheese an Italian seasoning with an egg wash and then uh Dan and Blake had some we had some leftover meat from when we had spaghetti that was tomato basil uh ground pork and I made me and Dan made Dan try to eat my eyeball get back there uh Zulu crafter I had never seen one either and I went to my brother’s house and he had one and I chopped an apple and it was a freaking Game Changer and I came home and ordered one I highly recommend it all right all right let’s get to chopping so when I do this I chop it into tiny little squares and like I said this is what I do I got this recipe from a a recipe for a coffee cake an apple coffee cake that really wasn’t that good but the apple filling in it was good because they cooked it with some butter and some I think it’s brown sugar and cinnamon and so anytime I make an apple apple coffee cake if it tells you just to throw the apples in I do not I cook the apples according to this recipe Dan you’re going to have to manage the chat cuz I’m trying to not Chop off my fingers where do we stop at uh my grandmother used to make apricot turn turnovers where do you think you’re going wherever he wants did I bring blade milk oh oh no he decided he didn’t want milk that were the bomb but I love the hand pies M apricot turnovers sound good apricot I have a jar of apricot to turn into apricot sorbet in the Ninja creamy and I finally finished off one of my sorbet so I can make it now oh yes I used it ininja creamy the other day on some chocolate ice cream it was good yeah we just dumped the uh the fair life chocolate milk in there and whipped it up and it was good it was good Jim said Dan likes to play about the submarine pool in the pool LOL Baby Ruth I did I went to Silk City once I went to Silk City once and that’s like the knsb farm like water park and there was a baby ruth in there and we all had to evacuate and it was floating on by it was The Lazy River cuz that’s all I love to do I just don’t swim in public I just love the Lazy River oh yeah they’re just dumping like milk cartons and stuff in there and then like after everybody was grossed out and we all dispersed like a half an hour later it was not even like 5 minutes later it was back open so gross mhm would you go swimming in the toilet cuz that’s pretty much what you’re doing I’m allergic to Raw carrots and raw apples really that’s interesting I’ve never heard those two things before that’s crazy wait are you sure you’re just not allergic to anything that’s healthy maybe that’s what it is maybe you’re like me where I have a MC I have a MC craving oh yes since I’m allergic to pollen oh cuz pollen’s in the things I guess okay huh no need no inv needed come through the side gate and enjoy it we don’t need to be here for you to use I think that’s an Insurance liability your homeowner’s insurance would like to have a word with you I think one apple will be enough where are you going to be at don’t you only go to the Jiu-Jitsu to the dry cleaners and home the dry cleaners oh yeah who’s going to who’s going to clean his Jitsu like when he takes off his Jitsu what it’s called the je the Jew no n I’m the insurance policy and then he like breaks a pencil like a number two pencil but not like this over his knee right right it was a long number two pencil one of those like comically long big ones mhm nice how fun is not very Farm these days did you ever hold on Jim did you ever get stuck with one of those like that weren’t thin and long that were just the big huge one with a little pencil I mean like this big around yeah and the pencil sharpener hanging off the the end of it I was always EnV because it was like one of those graduation tassels I’m like even the freaking pencil graduated oh we’re at 926 uh Jim says nice how fun is Osberry Farm these days I’m jonesing to ride a coaster um actually by family members all have like season passes and they’re there like all the time because they take their cuz they live right up the street and they take their kids there um it looks pretty okay I’ll have to think is there any like is there any brightens around COA can you tell us how good it is but there there like twice a month at least David claims that Apple coffee cake is blasphemy I beg to differ there’s no coffee in it no coffee no coffee it’s just cake with apples okay so I chopped up one apple cuz I think that’s enough for the the three hand pies they don’t hold that much filling I think I’ll put some cinnamon and sugar on top yeah pretty okay is a a good Mark marker it’s more than 50% pretty okay is like 75% I don’t know which of these is clean anymore so you got to move so I can grab a fresh one heard that nuts Fried Chicken is really good I don’t know I got to get down there I’ve been for the last couple years I’ve been trying to tell my family like oh man I need to find a day where I just come down cuz you guys are just they just kick it there since they have their season passes but so I’m I’m going have to go down there and record maybe we’ll have to live stream and go down there and just walk around KNX veryy Farm or something I’m debating on sleeping or ordering food if you go to sleep then you don’t have to eat isn’t everyone allergic to pollen it’s bad out here cuz it’s really dry out here so the pollen’s just like sometimes you’ll go out and you’ll look at the woodshield in your car and you can just see like the yellow like pollen Keef just like on your car you can scrape it off and it’s just big yellow line so here it’s like really bad in the air Blake really liked it on his trip uh when he was up in Alaska cuz he said he had no allergies at all he said it was the air was just perfect in his lungs if you have any caramel sauce you could use it for dipping oh we could I think we do also it’s caramel dad all right so it’s butter sugar and cinnamon that’s it um the recipe is for two apples with a tablespoon of butter two tablespoons of sugar and a half a teaspoon of cinnamon I only did one apple and it was a pretty small apple oh so you’re going to go over there and cook it I am I’ll bring it right back it doesn’t take that long we’re done to 89 we’re out of the ’90s yeah all right so we’ll do like a tablespoon of sugar some I haven’t been to Six Flags in a long time I need them to add a I need them to do like like put a I need them to earn my trust at Magic Mountain by putting a new paint job on anything yeah because it is so faded I mean growing up as a kid it was bright red and now it’s that like orange color it’s faded and you can see it from ever crystal is it cinnamon or cinnamon sugar it’s it’s cinnamon and it’s sugar cinnamon sugar and butter so it becomes cinnamon sugar and then I’ll sprinkle some cinnamon sugar on top as well since they’re closing in a few years I doubt they’ll put any paint on it you’re not wrong Scott um it’s I’m surprised they’re even still open to be honest I haven’t been doing mement park or theme park in so long at some point we’ll have to make it over to Cedar Point it’s it’s got to happen Disney is closing no no no Magic Mountain yeah uh Trace uh we have like we’ve like cuz when Blake went through an allergy spell we were trying to do things like purchase like local honey and stuff to have the local pollins and stuff like that um and uh I think that’s interesting like that’s an interesting theory of whoever came up with and I kind of like that I’ve heard it’s a myth yeah some people are really like sold on it and say it works but I’ve heard that it’s a myth I have no scientific fact about it but I like it just putting it out there I like it it makes it seem right you know it’s all from the little area that you’re at but at this point it’s like you’re shoving it when are we going to Cedar Point we were talking about trying to do it this year but I don’t think after my surgery like my minor major surgery that that it’s going to happen this year so maybe next next year but Crystal like is missing out on roller coasters I think I’m almost getting too old oh yeah have you are you coastering out attack I don’t know I did better on the one roller coaster at Universal Studios what are you doing oh the the roller coaster was much better for me Universal than those virtual coaster things those virtual coaster things don’t count that’s just like that’s the young kids game that’s not for us that like made me literally sick yeah those didn’t make me feel good either those aren’t designed for that those are designed to get away with rides for no money that’s not even a right that’s for them not us that’s for them not us Hollow weekend month for sure no actually Disney is expanding considerably yeah I see uh their big old lot in the back that they’re going to add two more Lambs too I can’t do any more walking this says I haven’t been on a coaster since junior year of high school I have not been on a coaster aside from the one little weak one at Universal for as long as we’ve been together Trey says never to Old for roller coasters I still have some on my bucket list to hit and I turn 61 this year fair enough fair enough is dantic on for tomorrow yes we got to go to Cedar Point this fall otherwise it’s too humid I saw did you see the other day when the mayflies were out and everybody was trying to ride their rides and they’re loading up and at Cedar Point and all the mayflies there’s like a billion mayflies out there it’s crazy that happened to me once driving back from Vegas but I think it was like grasshoppers or something and they were like everywhere and we stopped at state line and went on a coaster and it was a bad idea so I I don’t advise that if you see those don’t hennah says I have a severe fear of amusem*nt park rides Final Destination 3 pretty much sealed that one for me that’s a fake movie that’s a fake movie I get it cuz Final Destination traumatizes all cuz Who the hell’s driving behind a truck with logs on it but yeah that didn’t scare me off coasters oh were fun when those movies came out that was that was good stuff oh speaking of scary movies Dan Uncle Yukon said the same thing yeah I don’t know that anybody here really cares cuz nobody here really likes scary movies but you guys HBO Max in October is coming out with a new show called Fred and it’s Freddy Krueger and I don’t know anything more about that other than djws from the new guy is going to be playing Freddy Krueger which I find hilarious that’ll be interesting as long as Lily zombie isn’t in it we’re good I’m so in I’m so excited for that all right excuse me oh you found a lightning bug in your bathroom you have to send next time you do you have to send me a picture another Freddy series they’ve only they rebooted it once I think I don’t think they’ve done a TV show or maybe they’ve done it twice they rebooted it but what’s wrong with Blake uh he had a cold he’s okay Mom he’s like in his bedroom now but he had a cold from his trip I think he came back with all right I’m going to let this cool down for just a little bit Beetle Juice is about as scary as I get really Jim you don’t watch any of those other movies wilon like scary movies all right then then you need to check it out in October get one month of Max and binge watch all the things including that Rob Zombie though I’m a little leery of because I watched House of a Thousand Corpses in the theater and it was Gore for the sake of Gore and I was a fan of that much he’s very much Gore for the yeah I don’t I don’t like Gore for the sake of Gore Tony Hawk’s around 60 he still shreds on a skateboard I don’t know dude he broke his was femur de other day right didn’t he like wasn’t he doubt it out but yes I know what you mean David you’re right Robert England only for Freddy yeah but he’s past his prime anymore I was hoping it was going to be him but yeah you’re right not super in Freddy but DJ qus is good good like like home like home like him oh yeah I like him too he’s fun Grandpa Tony Hawk I know right you wish he was your grandpa all right let me Fork this again excuse me I’m going to get out another Fork lady JD 13 which did you did did I send you her Facebook or Instagram I do follow her okay she loves nature oh I don’t like scary movies but I will make an exception to see the quiet place prequel later this month did you watch the other ones we saw the first one in the theater with that debox stuff that like moves the seat quite and it on that movie in particular I don’t know that I want to see it for like an action movie but that movie in particular it rocked really slowly like at the creepy parts so it just made you feel like a little uncomfortable but you couldn’t really tell why cuz it wasn’t rocking a whole bunch that was pretty amazing we never got around to watching the second one we didn’t huh it was like I get it shut up yeah stop shut up and unless Pam’s making a cameo I don’t care um uh that’s not true the first one was pretty good be like that I did the debox no wait that was a dag ah never mind I did the debox uh for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and it was okay the space scenes and stuff was kind of jarring and stuff like that at the end there was this big fireworks display and you’re all rumbling in the seat so I don’t know it was kind of it was kind of fun it was kind of fun Shannon says that LE and his friends made her watch House of a Thousand Corpses and she hates horror movies yeah that’s a horrible thing did they see it first and know what it was cuz I like scary movies I was not a fan and I’ve never watched another Rob Zombie movie since I just I don’t want Gore I like creepy more than gory all right yes Hannah I love that too did anybody ever tell you you look like Tony Hawk oh this is what this looks like after you cook it up and and butter and sugar and cinnamon how was it okay just okay it was much flavor no it’s mostly just like plain pie crust flavor huh yeah we’re doing uh Apple ones now if you’re in the mood for that sort of thing yes hopefully that’ll taste better since it’s a pie filling with a pie crust are these different yes but only they’re like brushed a brushed finish but I don’t know that it’s a deal breaker is that Blake yes it is and he’s out of his room without a mask breaking his quarantine think he’s on the up now how’s it that’s not what I heard when you called me this morning to tell me he was dying I was dying this morning I was so much oh you look so bad your cheeks were so red this morning I couldn’t breathe I woke up at 400 in the morning till I couldn’t bre I was did you do a breathing treatment last you look like the Santa Claus during the Montage what I just puffy and red and what’s what’s going on oh this they rented it on DVD I was so pissed it ruined my buzz with that nasty crap yeah it was awful shiny I uh never took another movie recommendation from the friend who recommended that movie to me and and we went to the theater and see it and literally like it was back in Myspace days and my MySpace page said that I would watch anything unless Brad recommended it cuz that was a terrible movie hi these ones are probably to hey Dan did you ever get into the packing peanuts uh I need more information than that did you lock him up or is he just yelling he’s just down there yelling so what’s this one full of uh just the cooked app oh the apples okay I guess I could move our cameras you can see I’m just squishing them together now sorry it locked it locked up cuz it got stuck over here turn it sir can you silence your phone we’re doing a live stream yeah hold on I’m doing technical technical difficulties it’ll cut back off while I’m doing this you guys want to hear some good news uh I’m going to that No Effects concert in October for their final shows ever and the final lineup came out and Les and Jake is going to be there and then 10 days later Les than Jake’s playing in ventur and I got tickets to that too I get to see Les Than Jake twice in one month D well that’s going to be good and they came out with a new song Yesterday oh yeah huh and and Roger sings it which makes it even better come on back hello nope let’s just focus tonight yeah he wants some of this oh I get it did you ever get the packing penis back was on the box um yes I did I did end up getting into it but not for like another hour I just left dude you’re so weird you won’t move the cats for things I’m like it’s my house there has to be a line somewhere get out of the way cuz I need the thing yeah cat rule is one thing but if I’m trying to get something done you got to move although when we’re in bed you have no problem just like yeting them off the bed that’s not true it’s not true at all oh my gosh you should see me have to like snake in and out of the bed to go to the bathroom mama cat while you’re singing her lullab is to fall asleep s what’s wrong with M nothing I’m wondering what’s wrong with you excuse me the No Effects farewell concert is going to be insane are you going Marco D it’s 3 days it’s 3 days long and Crystal’s got six days of tickets that’s how I have five five that’s how happy she is I I did have somebody reach out and ask if I still had the tickets cuz I posted them on the the No Effects Facebook group and somebody asked if I still had them so are you thinking about taking August off cuzz it’s too hot again um we have not had that discussion yet I don’t know and last time we did that then I got sick for all of September so no we’re not taking any time off because I just took like a month off to have surgery yeah and we’ve got concerts in September and October so we’ll be taking time off for those no we should be good we should uh we should be around David says I get you less than Jacob session do you do you they’re the best you haven’t listened you should check them out I know they don’t have any like Rush cover songs maybe they do do they U Marco says he can’t boo does mooch sleep on y’all’s head no mooch sleeps right here up against me um and and puts his head like here or on my shoulder or like somewhere here and under the covers that’s where he sleeps every night although lately he’s been climbing back up onto my chest and he wants to sleep on my chest uh Kumo sometimes like when I come out of the bathroom in the middle of the night I’ll turn on to light for just a second to get a flash of the bedroom and sometimes she’s just like up on your head Kiko likes to sleep on your throat yeah she’s a big fan of that all right so I’m just sprinkling cinnamon and sugar on top to add to the Sweetin Morgan says just get no bake baked that’s what we’ve done uh in the past we did a bunch of air fryer we did like air fryer poptarts and things so yeah I may have to search out some air fryer recipes cuz it’s it’s a little warm we’re already already up to like this is our week of hundreds like coming up for the next like 10 days and this says try the air fryer cookbook for August oh that’s we could do that hey Morgan how is how is uh notot veryy Farm these days is it trashy or is it pretty nice right now you could do ice cream sandwiches pre-bake the cookies when it’s cool um the problem is then like there’s nothing much to that like there’s a lot of recipes that work really well for no baking but there’s not much to it like if I pre-bake the cookies then I’m not baking cookies I’m just telling you about the cookies and then if I did ice cream sandwiches I would just put ice cream in it and then put them back in the fridge and now that’s it the show’s over so it’s it’s a fine line between like finding something that I want to eat first of all and and something that will take up a 2hour show all right I’m hoping these are better since it’s a pie filling hello Ursula thank you for joining us we uh made some pizza hand pies out of pie crust and they were not good I do not advise that you do that are you done you’re not eating your uh Dan pie yeah but you know I was let a major minute I I’m happy with my little art project okay with this egg yeah I think I I will stick to pie for my pie crust have you guys ever made baklava yes ma’am we did we did make Baklava on the show it was much easier than I thought but very tedious and it was amazingly delicious if you search on this channel for bakala you can watch us make it but not now we’re doing stuff now FM is here hello spaghettio jell mold with mini hot dogs ew e no no that sounds disgusting what’s our next batch like what’s coming out the thing no what are we making next is the s’mores ones I don’t have oh that’s it we’re out of pip CR wait you already did the apples yeah you didn’t do the s’mores and stuff that we talk about it forgot all about it Dan sorry homemade churros um I don’t know if we have the fryer thing to do I don’t like churros and I don’t like frying you don’t like churos I don’t I guess you don’t it seems like I should but I do not it it seems like it’s flavors that I would like it’s I think it’s the texture more than the flavor griel says yes I am a child in the 70s My Sweet Southern family made that for G togethers I believe it there’s no way there’s people on Facebook that are like going through the recipes and there’s one girl I can’t remember her name she has the same name as Anthony’s ex-girlfriend she posts in one of the groups that I’m in I think it’s Jennifer Klein is her name and she gets all dressed up in like the 50s and 60s outfits and she like looks appropriate and she has her little plate with her Jell-O mold with all kind of like carrots and SpaghettiOs and I don’t know what in it gross I had a churro Kit Kat earlier today so yummy what is churro made from um so it’s like a dough like do you have Play-Doh in the UK is Play-Doh thing um where there’s the Play-Doh Factory where You’ like squish the thing out through the thing um so the dough comes out like in a star shape kind of and it’s a tube so it’s just like like pastry dough type stuff I guess and then they fry and then I’ve never made it I’m assuming this is how it’s made uh fried and then coated in cinnamon and sugar but like something about the dough and the chewi of it I don’t know I just don’t like churros uh F Vance says your cookie cutter looks phallic and what’s to if you got a conditioned in no it doesn’t it’s a clearly a lighthouse clearly uh no I don’t know where we got that from I don’t remember I believe Terry got it I thought Terry did too yes something happen I can’t get my camera to come back doesn’t want to come paint the Dan pie and put a urethane coating on it we already do I have a cookie that’s a decade old now yes was that from nanda’s kid no we went and saw Dan and Kathy and uh that’s right I brought back that cookie that we made so apparently when I make what about funnel cakes we’ve also done that apparently when I make stuff that’s me I don’t want to like eat it so I try to yeah funnel cakes are also fried I did do that we did make funnel cakes I like funnel cakes again I don’t like frying things though so we did do it on the show though and that’s the thing we’re on year four of this four four and a half we’ve we’ve used up lots of ideas of no not four and a half cuz we started this in October this is the fourth oh like at the end it’ll be four October it’ll be four 2020 to 21 22 23 in October will be four years okay so okay so we’re like three gotcha gotcha gotcha okay I did it I made it I fixed it are you guys doing VidCon this year no no uh no it’s not the same as what it was and it’s not really for us anymore it’s it’s for the Tik Tok crowd no I’d rather go to Cedar Point I’d rather go somewhere and meet up with my friends no we did that for a bunch of years just and I were just talking today cuz it must be this weekend and I think it was eight years since the first time we hunt out at VidCon which means it’s about to be 10 years that we uh Kathy says we we hang our D ornament every year yay Trac says egg fu young I do like egg fu young I have not had it in forever like probably 20 years um I would try no more than that like 25 my high school boyfriend when his family would get Chinese food his mom would always get egg fu young and it was so good um we so we tried we did Dan what do we call it Dan cooks or something I had a mini micro cooking show on Wednesdays and I had the GoPro the GoPro was strapped to me and big cable came around like I it was like in unit one and oh yes that lasted for a hot minute before I realize that didn’t work out the problem is we’re hungry um we can’t be hungry and entertaining at the same time like we have to eat food first and then who wants to make dinner after you eat food dude I suck so bad at cooking that I had to concentrate on chopping RW that I couldn’t like be Dan it sucked it it it didn’t work it didn’t work I would try egg f y I don’t know what it is but I would try you know now that I’m thinking about it I think one time we got Chinese food from somewhere and got it you get it in it comes in like the styrofoam container and it’s like it fills the whole thing and it’s some sort of egg in like a brown like it’s it’s like if you scrambled eggs in a pan right so it’s like square and thick and then it’s got I don’t know if soy sauce I don’t know I don’t know what it is but it’s so good I don’t think I liked it last time we had it though it wasn’t from the same Chinese not from the same ah yes I remember Dan’s cooking show where Crystal did all the work yeah and it was one of those things like if anybody here ever went to raave parties you might have done the same thing where you’re like this is great this is great this is great and we did it for weeks and weeks and then one day we just like both looked at each other like I don’t really want to do the cooking show anymore I don’t really want to do the cooking show anymore and then we didn’t do the cooking show anymore we were done Morgan say there’s a YouTuber I like that I like going but I but I like but I’m not about to for out 120 bucks for a tickets is that how much it is for regular tickets also I think all the meet and greet bracelets are gone we would get like the fancy bougie tickets so we got to go upstairs a little bit and you look down look like Beetle Mania downstairs with all the chaos and stuff I just it’s just a young kids game now and I’m just not it’s it’s just not for me Jim says it’s technically an omelette deep fried either way a soy sauce based gravy yeah Trey says I’m still looking for a good Chinese restaurant in the Northwestern part of Montana I used to have a favorite Chinese food restaurant out here and they made the best egg rolls that I’ve never had anything that tastes like it anywhere else in my entire freaking life they were so good that when Terry moved moved to where did she move where do people go skiing and there’s snow caspen no in California like Tahoe no in California like Mammoth Terry moved to Mammoth and then she was done and she was going to move back and so me and my high school boyfriend we drove up there to pick her up and she said can you bring me egg rolls from K and 20th Avenue K and 20th David have you been out here long enough that like 15 years ago you ever had egg rolls from the km 20th uh Albertson’s and there was this little Italian this little Chinese grandma and she would see me coming and say how many how many egg roll cuz I would just go get egg rolls and I would get like 20 of them because they were like this big around and they were so crunchy on the outside and the flavor was so different than any other egg roll I’ve ever had and then one day I went to get them and they were just closed without a word and I got these like all through high school and college I took Blake there like I went for well over a decade and they’re just gone and nothing is ever the same nothing will ever compete with those do you think she ever thinks about you no she’s probably dead she was like 80 when I was in high school it was a young 8 she didn’t she wasn’t even into her Yoda phase yet I don’t know she had to have made him by hand cuz I’ve never had an egg roll that tasted like that I don’t know what her ancient Chinese secret was but oh my God so good the best oh I’m sad for those again yeah they were practically egg roll burritos like two of them was a meal and I would eat like eight of them like that’s it I don’t need your your Chow your low man your I I don’t need anything else just give me egg rolls cuz they’re that damn good and they would always make them fresh for me because I would order so many of them I don’t want the ones that are sitting there give me a dozen fresh egg rolls and they’ go drop me fresh egg rolls oh it’s the best so good oh I miss those Terry was here she’d tell you too hi Alec we’re good we’re good he’s sleepy so he’s is just going to listen that’s cool we we made some disappointing Pizza hand pies and now we’re making what is hopefully not going to be disappointing apple hand pies let me help you Alec studly man walks into frame that’s not what’s happening at all I assure you have y’all ever done egg fried rice um not from scratch and not on a show um we can do it we can cook on the baking show we have to do something to fill some of these meat more hungry that’s the problem I don’t like to cook dinner on the baking show because it’s hard for me to make food and be entertaining when I’m hungry you come home and you don’t you come home and you go straight to the baking show and then you eat after sometimes no I usually will eat lunch on baking days yes that’s right and usually on non- baking days I just kind of snack that’s right oh that coach is so mad about the offside call that was correct I don’t know why he’s mad okay are you going to use your s plate Blake’s fine he’s just got a he just got like had a cold or like he got a cold from his vacation you made Alec laugh so hard snots running out of his nose cuz he knew your claims were false oh sorry I hope you don’t have to like fumble around to fix that ah you’ve been pushing stuff in the fridge uh I actually afraid to risk wasting 20 bucks to try the Michigan local Chinese restaurant um I haven’t eaten any Asian food in Michigan although I’ve seen pictures of the Asian place that used to be in Alpena I don’t know if it’s there anymore and stuff um you should probably just just go get some Little Caesar I wonder if that two pizza dough would work for this what’s to pizza dough it’s it’s like the pie crust but it’s pizza dough um oh okay I don’t know how it would work for this but it would definitely be a better choice for the pizza hand pies for sure and like when I was looking up Savory hand pies everything said to get the pizza dough but the point was we had to use up pie crust so we tried it so you don’t have to we only did pizza pies cuz I asked for Crystal was just going to make these things well look at you go here I guess I could take Dan’s out of the way to get at the Blake yeah I just like my me I don’t know if Crystal has Crystal do you have to take pictures of these for tomorrow no this isn’t a baking recipe uh there must be some real Chinese people in Detroit I mean there has to you know there has to be I know Hannah it’s aore I’m in love with my little Dam guy wait no no get it off of there wait he’s hanging out he wants to hang out no taint eat it no you can’t see I love Michigan Chinese food but I’ve never had it anywhere else so I have no basis for comparison I think you know during my Chinese food Adventures it’s either just Chinese food or oh that was bad today it because it’s like buffet style you never know what you’re going to get and sometimes it’s been sitting there since morning yeah and sometimes you get that perfect batch and it’s so good but very rarely like one in 20 I’m a noodle guy no rice but all noodles I could just eat that noodles forever Alex says he doesn’t fumble he’s a pro at blind life how do you know uh F anth also says that I’m lying your totes a stud totes totes with a z I know it makes a decent I think that’s supposed to be F FIA is that how it’s pronounced where they put like flowers of herbs and stuff I wanted to make sure everybody could see on the camera Jess Jess did you see my my me you want me to save it I can save it for you for Vegas gross just says Alena only has bad Chinese none is worth anything we had way better in Arizona David says he’s only lived in the AV about two years over 55 years of his life mainly Northwest San Fernando Valley lots of travels all around California the AV is a different animal for sure compared to the San Fernando Valley of today I’m not too familiar with like what the San Fernando Valley is like but uh the anal Valley’s got a Hell in a hand basket L like wicked as heck too dude yesterday the day before yesterday I was sitting on Valley Central Way just like in between the I was dropping stuff off at Staples uh for the returns that dude come walking across the street with his Hatchet and he’s just whipping his Hatchet around and literally don’t walk down the street cuz you might just get stabbed for no reason it happens all the time out here that that hatchet was go the sun wasn’t going down that night without that hatchet iner and something yeah I don’t know what it was but yeah don’t go outside out here uh Maran it was caramel uh cuz it’s it’s an apple filling with cinnamon and sugar so it it got some caramel sprinkled on top yeah it’s going to game seven on Sunday Crystal I’ll get to like watch like Focus hockey where I can just like stare at the screen the whole time and watch hockey okay that was Mo mostly Crush but this is already better than the pizza one I’m scared it’s going to be lava inside it visually looks good Crystal it does yeah I didn’t post a recipe for this I’m not taking pictures this is you had to be here I’m not bragging about this this is like poor people food and when you get down to like oh man I don’t get paid for a week what’s in the fridge I got an apple and a leftover pie crust let’s put them together it’s not that good I should have just made an apple pie again yeah it was a we have to do something recipe absolutely this is definitely better though sorry I was watching hockey for for a second the crust is overwhelming like with both of them that’s all I could taste this is better cuz it’s sweet so it goes with the crust flavor better but it’s like 60% crust Advance as Alec who the softest was Kira Elanor Memphis well first of all it’s Dan also Alec could but only if he’s freshly showered Alec grabbed the dogs like ears and could tell the dogs apart from the ears um so I thought that was kind of cool too oh I Dr little caramel on my bouncy Soul shirt Morgan says I have some rotten bananas and have been craving banana bread but like I want someone else to make it haha and then she villain laughs haha big mama whale big mama whale is tired a a that’s what you get for making babies but I feel you the banana one’s the worst too cuz like there’s a sweet spot like okay I can make them they’re they’re brownish I got another day or two to make them and then up throw them away their soup it’s banana soup afel says hey Crystal would you say this one is probably dorm food you know I say yeah because like you could almost make this in the Easy Bake Oven yeah yeah you could probably have well it’s probably not like legal for dorm rules but you could probably sneak a air fryer in your dorm you could make this in a dorm and you’d be really happy like after out drinking or whatever or they like super hot panelope says they got banana bread at stores yeah there you go Morgan just go to the store yeah don’t you have a pink dot or something there they delivery I buy banana nut kick at Safeway oh my gosh I miss Safeways I haven’t had a Safeway since I moved out of like Garden Grove are you going to eat it yes sounds like it’s hot it’s hot yeah I’m going to go ahead and wait I’m hungry that’s fair where do you think you’re going anywhere there’s food oh Hannah got free ice cream yesterday from Kroger I saw that that was going on I think Kroger’s is it food for less or vins out here I don’t know either way it’s on the other side of town and I wasn’t going Alex said I could tell immediately who was hugging me that it was Dano yes it was me Dana Bear Hugger not that type of bear F something was happening where they were just given out a free gallon of ice cream I think it was a gallon Morgan says I legit only instacart my groceries my crotch goblins are too annoying at the store that’s fair yeah uh and people like me thank you for recognizing that your kids are too annoying to take into public Alberton and Safeway are the same owner okay yes yeah and we had the Adrian Supply Safeway and krer and Sprouts uh just a pint for the first day of summer okay still I’m not turning down a free pint of ice cream Dan starfish hugs well nearly whoa what do you mean by star like Patrick I’m a starfish oh yeah I’m a I’m pretty much a gomper you know at the end of the intro of The Flintstones when they throw that big old piece of rib on the top of the car and then it falls over I’m like that with hugs uhhuh that a timely reference right yay fantastic there’s going to be more hockey one last hockey game to decide them all this weekend that’ll be that would be great how come nobody told me that my glasses were like up here on the side of my head there’s nobody really pays attention nobody pays attention big 3-day sprint car race near Mount Vernon and I’m sitting here on YouTube got it on the streaming video though not sure what to do tomorrow night though I can binge watch the race Sunday I guess screw NASCAR I would be watching F1 tomorrow early morning then um indie car is in indie car is in montere at the Laguna sea so those are more important you can watch dantics on a replay later cuz it’s probably easier to watch dantics on a replay than it is to watch Nascar on a replay although lately I’ve just been watching after NASCAR ends if you go to YouTube uh I just remembered how horribly boring this is uh I like three people care it shows you like the race in 30 minutes or extended highlights and I just watched that uh Alex says you practically climbed on him when you met where’s your mask well yeah what you think better than the pizza that’s because I wanted to ride back to the booth better than the pizza breathing again no who who’s in the Stanley Cup it’s the Edmonton Oil app and the Florida Panthers the the pie Crush flavor was overwhelming huh yeah yeah overall because I felt like there was no pie crust flavor in the other one really iiz I tasted like you guys had the meat so maybe the meat was a little more flavorful I had it with just cheese and it was just crust uh did you ever have a gemco in the AV I think were kids yes everybody knows you belong to gemco Dan’s older than I am so he remembers it don’t matter I was like five or four when I’m hearing those things when television raised me well see I was a child and I didn’t even live here when you were we that and we had a zodis we had a zodis too just says if the Oilers win it’ll be the second time in history a team was down three Z and comes back to win they’ve come back huge huge I thought it was going to be crazy uh sweet that’s good for me that’s going to be entertaining on Sunday now I’m like really excited to watch some hockey Sarah says she told drew that it was free RPG day tomorrow yeah me too I was excited like really like what does that mean he was excited and wanted to know where he get his free rocket propelled grenade Oh I thought it was like some free role playing games tomorrow I think that’s probably what it is wait like in your house is that what you guys are up stop it stop it yeah Florida blew it big time so this is good oh gotot sumerville with the Empire jingle can you sing it oh yes Empire Today 588 2300 we have all and then when I go to Michigan Jess and Greg and all them have all the jingles of all the other stuff that was there right their local stuff I don’t think they had like the Jacobi ad Myers or the like who is the who is the lawyer guy that’s always on the screen Larry H Parker I don’t think they have other people they’re always talking about says no ear worms never heard of Menard’s commercial we only I only heard of Menards because I watched NASCAR back in the day so I knew what a Menards was cuz they had the Manards 500 um but when I’m out in Michigan the Manards commercials are all the time we drove by one I was within like 300 yard of a Menards uh Amanda wants to know if Blake liked the candy yes he was very excited that he had two bags of Skittles all to himself however he came back six so he did try them and was happy but he’s not really munching much candy this week he’s not but he said yes yeah he was very excited I told him those two bags are only for you she said they were for you that that’s all you the freecreditreport.com commercials oh my gosh those one on almost longer than flow from from Progressive what about that are your mattresses free remember my mom would always sing them oh my God I hate that one but he got shut down though yeah yeah he can’t say he can’t say that no more the guy would be like will be any advertised price are your mattresses free no no no are your mattresses free free but like his mattresses were never the same skew numbers anybody else’s mattresses yes how about ghost cow go see cow go see cow go see cow even though it sounded like [ __ ] cow yep y we have those I have a structured settlement and I need cash now that was part of a story line on curvier enthusiasm and got stuck in our heads for that reason I forgot about that commercials on Portland Wrestling yeah you don’t think about that like growing up where you like that’s just what you hear all the time and you don’t realize like oh everybody has their own local ones you don’t realize they’re different yeah we had crazy Gideon and crazy Gideon so crazy and then he’d smash the big screen TV I am nuts and then he’d like smash the stereo on the ground yeah crazy Gideon was always like who would do this and he would just like burn his Warehouse down in the commercials so so for this weekend yes there’ll be some dantics tomorrow yes tomorrow at 400 p.m. Pacific we are live with all new categories of dantic we’ll be doing dantics it’s going to be fun uh what else we doing this weekend I’m going to be watching some hockey I remember that oh that oh man what do you think of the Apple Pi one Jack stanovic Stefan Jack Stefan oh we can go through these yes I’m done cuz they’re all going to be in my head this is where all my high school education went it was filled up on my hard drive by commercials awesome uhhuh anybody like outside of the California area like anything you’re saying I don’t I don’t know much of them Super Car Guys don’t know what that is do you guys have the venga boy old mom I don’t know what that means oh I read it before you deleted it ha oh Old man like from from uh Six Flag that’ll be in your head forever when I were you around when I worked at the gas station and we got the novelty lighters my boss like got a tray of novelty lighters from some dude walking around selling them and you opened one of them and it played that song were you around for that that before your time I think we bought that one absolutely oh my God you got to look up one 12212 Loop one two just that Google search screen right there tells me that like no no no no Living Spaces I the adest one around here Dan I need your review on the apple pie the apple hand pie it honestly like my Real review I it was all right yeah I’d rather have apple pie don’t make any of this unless you’re like drunk and scouching and even then just what I did last time I was drunk and scgi you take the you take the microwavable pouch of um macaroni and cheese craft mac and cheese had the microwave one where you just added water and then I put it in the microwave with the water and I didn’t hit start and then I got out and I’m leaning over the sink and I’m so drunk and I’m just eating the mac and cheese and I’m crunching on it like cereal and just pink powder all over orange powder all over my face so gross and I’m just eating it this was before my time cuz I would not have allowed this I would have made you a sandwich I’m like 22 I’m like new to like new to drinking I didn’t really drink before I was 21 but yeah the craft like ones that go in the microwave and the little cups yeah I just did a hit start and just I just crunching on it I didn’t care delicious drunken scrounging hey I didn’t give you permission to use my nickname Sugarloaf and big mouth you just did it to yourself drunk and scaming screw the Four Loco you’re drunken scrunching now yeah um I wouldn’t I wouldn’t recommend these any of this use your pie crust and just make a damn pie yeah I mean the happiest thing about all this is my little like pizza meat look I’m I’m blaming you for this whole thing cuz if you just would have gotten me a graham cracker Crest we wouldn’t be in the situation yeah but I was excited and I wanted to do this I didn’t realize it wasn’t going to like taste the best I mean it’s not like the worst but I I didn’t I thought it was going to be better but this is what I wanted to do like I wanted to make something and I still we did the thing and now you know never to do this again I still as soon as we can we want to make dough and put the stamps in there and color the I want to color the food color the food yeah like where we stamp the sugar cookies yeah we make the sugar cookies Goa uh shanon calling you a lightweight new to drinking at 22 wow yes it is all Dan’s fault amand wants to know how many cars that she sent did you take D think oh I took that I took that Lamborghini what about the little Honda the little red Honda it’s over here in my area but it might get filed back in but I took that that Lambo love those little Hondas I took that Lambo Alex says now I’m hungry WTF duh you know if you come here even if you can’t see me cooking and you can only hear me cooking baking making you’re going to want some food bring your snacks when you come to getting rip baked for Crystal cuz you’re going to want them we’re going to talk about all the food have your machine bring you food John says I usually just cheat and get Uber Eats to deliver black forest cake from a cake shop or Pon pie from the Adelaide Central Markets I don’t Uber Eats I just make the snacks oh um before we go do you want to do you want to see my sad baking cupboard that Dan made me throw away like almost everything I do we might have to make a black forest cake soon cuz Blake came home talking about how he like black forest came yeah it’s almost your birthday I don’t have snacks in my house you should move don’t like don’t fix up by getting snacks in your house just Mo move to a different house that has snacks in it that comes with snacks already yeah absolutely oh thank you Sarah I will check in just a minute but first I can only get to like I can only reach to like here I don’t know if you can see but like what you see is what you get there’s nothing like in the back and to be fair look a bunch of it was probably it needed to go 50% of it left there was expired stuff I opened up it was so heavy it was multiple trips to the trash I opened up a jar of sprinkles and I smelled it and it smelled like the plastic container it was in because like the stuff just gets shoved to the back and then I forget about it that’s the thing one time we made a what time like a bunch of years ago we made a brownie they’re saying they don’t see that camera Dan what’s happening oh oops it might not I’m okay hold on I’m sorry I’m sorry what are you doing do you even know how to live stream now can you see it how about now but she still has poptart reserves right Jim okay first of all this shelf is all the basics like basic ingredients flour powdered sugar brown sugar baking cups baking soda baking powder cocoa powder all the basic and then this is the stuff I use like somewhat often but like there’s nothing behind it anymore at all and there’s nothing behind that stuff anymore either but Dan said I can buy more snacks so well now that you have room now that the now that the pie for George Washington’s gone oh oh what’s going on in here this is this is my cookie stash if you guys have not been here in a bit go to ALDI and find the key lime noros cuz they’re delicious uh Jim I got to finish these apple fritter ones too I bet these are expired D don’t you worry Jim those those have to probably go those are 20 23 these are not expired though these are both 25 uh two two 12 pack P of Pop-Tarts just in case wait was that key lime Oreos no they’re noros they’re offbrand they’re at Aldi you should get them if you have Aldi near you I don’t know Jess do you like key lime or do you or do you not like key lime it’s banana she doesn’t like banana yeah but I don’t know if her and I like have in-depth late night keyline discussions um but they are at the they were not in the regular section the regular section I think they have lemon and maybe regular Oreos this is like uh there’s the the aisle of Shame with all the stuff that changes never heard of noros it’s not Oreos they’re noros it’s it’s it’s a made up word by us it’s Benton’s brand um so there’s the aisle that like changes out every week and then the aisle next to it at Aldi has mostly like the food stuff that’s seasonal and the poptarts can go two months after the expiration date what about if they expired in May of 23 AEL don’t encourage her what about a year and one month afriel what are your thoughts on that they haven’t made Apple FR poptarts in oh it’s the summer Al defines yeah these are really good I bought uh three packages and one one and a half are already gone those were definitely really really good they also uh we haven’t gotten into this one this is the holiday one the caramel apple we haven’t opened this at all yet then I just have regular Golden Oreos that’s all stop looking at my torso of cereal and judging me every else says compost yeah they just like they got shoved in there and I didn’t really like them they were apple fritter and I thought they were going to be really good well there’s only one left anyway I’m not too sad about losing that I’ll be fine that’s not really a well stock baking cabinet I’m actually disappointed are you feeling well Crystal I mean she’s got enough stuff to make anything we want to absolutely um it was very well stocked until Dan made me throw away all the expired stuff which was like it was a lot of sprinkles it was three cake mixes what else did we throw away corn syrup I don’t remember expired sprinkles yeah lots of sprinkles most of my sprinkles expired like um expired like one off of like crumb mix and like crummy things and like and like spicy bits lots of things that we got for a recipe and used a little bit of and then never made it again free dried corn kernels for the yeah bleach flour The Milk Bar Cake hus bro says I couldn’t find the key lime ones I need to go to another Aldi and find them so I went one time and couldn’t find them when I first heard about them the next time I went they had them and I bought one package cuz I didn’t want to get too many in case they weren’t good the next time I went they had them again and I bought two packages cuz you know Aldi you may never see it again haven’t seen them since and that was weeks ago so yeah they went quick but keep looking I do have a question so this is off topic uh Shannon yes the banana bread poptarts were really good though that box isn’t in there getting stale no what’s that no it’s not what’s your question F Vance been watching to much South Park um so um uh pad geek sent us all those jams and stuff like that um that’s the one that just sent us in yeah we haven’t tried any of those yet right no they’re in the fridge they’re in my pile of J okay so at some point we need to try and report back cuz I was asked today if I tried them gotcha soon uh Jess says she did get the ripper float popsical things from Ali and those were good my mom loves root beer anything so I showed her those I don’t know if she got them I didn’t there’s no room in my freezer for anything Scott says how long after the expiration date would you toss something um asking for a friend depends on what it is if it’s been a year you should probably throw it away because here was Dan’s logic like when I bought these I did not buy these in May of 23 look hold on so this box of Pop-Tarts is is fairly recently purchased there’s only like one or two out of it and it doesn’t expire until January of next year so this is good for like a year that means I probably bought those in 22 which means they’ve been sitting in here for 2 years and yeah they’re sealed but it starts to get gross I still have a lot of like childhood food insecurity so I have a hard time throwing away food but um if look the keyme noros are on Amazon good to know but how much are they going for are they resellers selling them for a bunch cuz I think they were like two or three bucks I’ll hope you Crystal Scott look if it’s been like if there’s been an Olympic since then it’s got to go it’s got to there hasn’t been an Olympics since I bought these that means I have like one more week to eat in if it’s within the month of the expiration date Crystal and I can then have like some sort of like back and forth about it okay the our our decision making was kind of like am I going to use this within the next month or so like if it’s recently expired am I going to use it in the next month if not it’s just got to go if it’s been in there for 2 years and I’ve not eaten them chances are I’m not going to wake up tomorrow morning and go I need a frosted apple fritter Pop-Tart that wasn’t really that good to begin with the one box of cake mix was in preschool it was 2018 and the problem is it was on the top shelf and I’m short so I didn’t even know it was there cuz I could they were like they were they were laying on their side and it’s like a thin box of cake mix and there was four of them stacked up I didn’t even know that one was there cuz it was pushed back I couldn’t even see it didn’t even know it was there your father’s child you had prepandemic food I did like I did I just I lose track and then I I’m always like oh a new recipe Dan go buy me the ingredients and I don’t like dig deep into the reserves very often anymore I used to but now I’m always trying to like stay hip for the kids and make the new fun thing no it’s because you have like that too half the freaking you guys remember the one time I had to clean out the candy and I filled up the whole trash can with expired candy it was it was like 15 lbs of candy it was a lot since then we’ve done better but there’s a lot over there the ones I saw were around $10 for two that’s not too bad I wouldn’t do it Scott I think your Freddy is a toss those biscuit things just go get another box of $3 biscuit stuff because it’s going to taste like the wood and side the problem is they start to taste like Dusty if that makes sense our brownies tasted like dust that one time it was bad yeah don’t do it just look it’s not that expensive you can go buy a new one for a buck or two really like you can do it uh oh I was reading something oh Jim says I’d eat two-year-old Pop-Tarts if they had a good seal still right but what if they weren’t that good in the beginning and that’s the reason they’re still sitting there cuz like they weren’t really that good it’s not like you flip the poptart upside down and it’s got like a big oil spot on it and stuff happens a lot too yeah and you don’t see that with the foil packaging but like okay look I’m going to throw them away so let’s let’s let’s see what they look like inside yeah they’re like sunken in yeah those things oh they feel stale dude those things are oh that that like Snapped off that’s that’s so so stale nobody wants this it’s snapping like a a Ginger Snap wait how do you know what dust tastes like oh my last girlfriend was 60 these these things are that’s like the way that we can describe it like just dust I don’t know these are tired Walmart offers Benton cookies but only if ordered online but no key lime sandwich cookies sigh Christine says my mom kept everything well past expiration date I think my parents were immune to the oldness um when my dad passed away and we had to clean out his refrigerator I want to say it was nine packages of cream cheese each with a different expiration date year because he liked to make he liked the idea of making cheesecake for New Year’s so he’d buy the cream cheese to make the cheesecake but then he’d never make the cheesecake and then he’d never throw away the cream cheese so there was nine different year expiration dates in the bottom door of his fridge boxes of cream cheese so it’s definitely like generational trauma and food insecurity that makes me not want to throw away you should have kept it and you should have made an expired cake you could could be the new hundred year the Thousand Year gross the Thousand Year egg Alex says I miss is eating Pop-Tarts and Oreos I have a gluten allergy so can’t eat them Alec they have gluten-free Oreos I don’t know about Pop-Tarts but I know they have gluten-free Oreos I can eat stuff that would kill a normal person I have the nickname garbage gut for a reason my in-laws fight about expiration dates twice a year seriously it’s ridiculous the funny thing is I go to my mom’s house and yell at her for having expired stuff all the time like why do you have this in here like remember not too long ago we went over there and I made her go through every single cupboard and throw away everything that was past its expiration date but I just don’t get into like the top of that cupboard very often and like go through the I’m always baking I’m not looking at all we were trying to do was make breakfast like I was just trying to get like some pancakes or something and then you went in there no I was trying to make cornbread for the that’s what it was it was like corn for the chili then 2 hours later I had two hours later we’re cleaning up once I started I couldn’t stop so I had to go through the whole thing and then I had to take everything out and clean the shelves and it was you know my ADD tunnel I went down for a while I know you’re going to say yuck but I just ordered 120 Tootsie Roll pops in nine different flavors here here’s where you went wrong you can’t get through all those before they start sticking to the rapper yeah it gets sticky what are you going to do good luck what are you going to do when you find the rapper with the stars on it damn it Alec gluten-free Oreos are made with corn which is another one of his allergies well [ __ ] what do you eat I I have nothing I’m sorry it’s just a little Dusty it’s still good it’s still good I’m with you Hannah I’ve had enough poisoning that I do not mess with expiration dates here’s the thing I live with two boys who eat anything so I’m like I’ll make it and they’ll eat it who cares Christine says my fridge is filled with expired food I don’t eat it I’m just too lazy to clean out the fridge that’s my parents problem both of them welcome to my childhood that’s not a bad thing cleaning out the cupboards are good absolutely and I try to do it I definitely clean out the fridge regularly we could buy more stuff now when you go to the stores and you’re like I can’t buy no more skone mix or I can’t buy any more sprinkle Toppers or I now you buy sprinkles again flavor AIDS C and never use them yeah but see but at least now you can buy again yes yes absolutely beer book says one time my Aunt Mary sent me home with a cake mix and icing she bought for me to make when I visited and when I did make it it turned out the icing was ranted and ruined the whole thing dang the 5sec rule or the five month rule oh no it’s got to go the pop charts are going good good I’m proud of you be proud of me Dan I’m very proud of you I’m proud of you that those that you threw all the stuff out break down the Box don’t I hate throwing away food too cuz it’s so wasteful they’re starving children in the world sprinkles go bad yeah they turn into like little greasy balls of like they like start de like they stunk like I don’t know if it was from the plastic they were in or if it was the sprinkles themselves but when I opened it up it smelled old and plasticky I don’t I don’t know how to describe it but yeah absolutely yes an the I don’t remember what the commercial was for but yes we have ants expired expired yes turn off all right yeah clean out your cupboards smell your food if it’s more than like a month past the expiration date and you’re not going to eat it this week throw it away You’re if you’ve had it long enough that it passed the expiration date and you haven’t eaten it you’re never going to eat it just admit it here com just complaining about him making you clean out your Bing cover I know and this is the moral stories to clean out your cover most food kept in plastic will go bad yeah absolutely yeah it just look I have a lot of sprinkles and they just got shoved to the back and then Terry got me really cool sprinkles so then I only used those sprinkles and I didn’t dig to the back for the sprinkles and I really honestly don’t use sprinkles that often I don’t know why I had so many sprinkles to begin with but here we are this has made me feel a little sick to the stomach clean out your food clean out your food and cuz you guys are all old now and you be surprised how like like we just bought that kick mix like the other day and it’s already like expired I remember buying like remember we pulled out those sprinkles and I was like oh I bought these at Albertson’s when I was couponing and they had tubs of sprinkles for 2 cents remember when I bought those like the other day right no that was when we worked at Cub Smith yeah that was and we worked at cubesmith for 10 years so it was somewhere towards the end of that that was two lifetimes and then it was a year plus four years it was at least nine years ago I bought those sprinkles probably closer to a decade but they got shoved in the back on the top like why did they even go back in there when we we got a new kitchen four years ago why did they even go back in the cupboard it just does food insecurity I I hate to throw things away like it’s a problem spreadsheet for sprinkles Marie likes to call them display only items yeah look at how many sprinkles I have take your pick but only from the front cuz those are the new ones no I don’t think these get compost or garbage disposal they go back to the circle of life this is all confectionary sugary awful it’s all we do have different bins for our different stuff though our our trash can split I like our trash can David I much better the refrigerator gets cleaned out minimum once a month the longest I’ve ever gone was like the last month and a half or so cuz I didn’t do it you were gone for a long time so like there wasn’t a lot of Dan food that got shoved to the back and then you were recovering and I was taking care of you so I didn’t clean it out it was probably a month and a half in between cleaning but other than that at least one once a month I go through the fridge and clean it yeah total time blindness it was last week a decade ago but yeah CLE clean out got all your y yep all right shall we we shall tomorrow we are live at 4 p.m. Pacific for an all new episode of dantics It’s been a long time make sure you guys show up yeah for an all new I’m excited to do that again yeah most of the stuff even our recycled stuff just goes to the landfill out here yeah good intentions I guess or like whatever makes us feel better but I still separate it I don’t care it makes me feel better they can do what they want with it and then it’s not my fault I recycled it but I’m excited I don’t know uh me and if me and uh Pizza Dan will be there I don’t want any more pie crust like that’s all I can taste in my mouth I know you’re going to have to I didn’t even finish that thing no that was not a bad idea oh thank you Sarah you’re the best I appreciate you I do have a question why you’re doing whatever is you’re doing there why is it that it there was no difference than this than when you made a pot pie or no no when you made an apple pie like what because it’s only on the bottom and then and that’s why I don’t do a top pie crust I do the the uh crumb on top so it’s only on the bottom when I do a pie this is like all that your tongue is touching as pie crust all right I think we were at like 9:26 last time right look uh 9:42 ooh nice 942 th000 people maybe have watched mooch lick and ice cream scoop again if you have not seen it please go to Instagram and watch it to get me one step closer to a million on my best performing post ever Alex says I’ll try to be to be here tomorrow I like the game show yeah come back me too cuz I don’t have to be on camera just just park the brakes and don’t go nowhere all right make something fruity and fresh for July please I I haven’t even thought IEM I would like some lemon bars we could do we’re we’re at the point now I was thinking about it where like we did the apple pie again I did a slightly different one before but like we’re four years in a lot of you have been here the entire time since that first Halloween weekend when we made a Dan our audence is more than doubled so yes there’s a lot of people never saw us make my lemon bars so right we’ll have to uh I would and I would like some lemon bars so it’s SC you guys I’m my lemon bars see then it has to go in the oven none of us care about repeats I know and nobody really bakes along anymore so we’re just all kind of hanging out oh yeah and I’m baking something like we could just stand here and not bake something and it really wouldn’t make a difference we need an excuse to bake but it’s hot now and so reboots are a thing that’s what we look the apple pie I made before I tried a slightly different recipe and I didn’t really like it so I rebooted it back to my old recipe that was the best John was John Jim was gone uh the middle of two plus years absolutely so yeah that makes me feel a little bit better I have been thinking about uh revisiting reboots everything that’s true everything’s a REO everything all right I got to I got to hit the little streamers room okay yeah yeah thanks for hanging out everybody there’s no outro music I don’t know what happened it plays and it plays and it just wasn’t showing up so see you next time thank you so much for the super chats the chat chats and for being an awesome audience yeah thanks for hanging out with us not even audience I don’t like that word just for hanging out with us family they’re family D oh well all right Olive Garden when you’re here just throw that around like it’s nothing so all right everybody have a good night and we’ll see you tomorrow for dantics oh yes trivia that’s right can I four all new categories 40 all new questions question number one hey you better start practicing that oh my gosh rfsd doesn’t really roll off the tongue does it no no it does not so all right everybody have a good night and stare at the AI background this is not the podence you’re on the wrong Channel this is the RFS F although like every single person there’s not one person here that doesn’t watch J stuff fair enough I was I was able to take the cheesecloth and ring out her audience into the most concentrated form of the podence so uh who said that who said that fance isn’t wrong so hey hey hey hey hey make sure you watch that Dane video tomorrow I’m gone to the Snow Dogs yeah keep us going keep us going four more years go four more years yes watch the video it comes out it comes out by the time I wake up in the morning all right have a good night everybody bye bye guys thanks for hanging out we’ll see you tomorrow all right you’re going to go run you’re dismissed Crystal thanks

Let's Make Homemade Hand Pie - Dining and Cooking (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.